Philistine Nation

Started by Pangurban, December 27, 2007, 07:01:16 PM

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I wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.


Good for you O Neill, reducing our need for grain imports and producing healthy wholesome food. But whats the point of feeding the Body, if you dont feed the Mind and the Soul. Like myself you are just casting Pearls before swine. Leave the Morons to their Caviar and let them choke on it.


We are selling our souls to Globalsiation I think. That's the way it seems to be going. All our principles are being lost. We have a lovely language but people don't use it. (Yes I am in that bracket as well incase you think I'm pontificating against others and being hypocritical), traditions are being lost and all this is in the name of 'progress'. Could we not progress with our traditions?
Inaugural Football Championship Prediction Winner.


i did not mention money . what i was concerned about was people time . the way our society has evolved it involves people making very long commute which stael family time of up to 3 hours a day from people . do you really mean to prolong this to stop some one building a road a mile and a half away from a historic site of dubious repute?
I wish i could turn back the clock for you to a time when everything was perfect and we could all walk to work but that going to take years .I have taken the 1st step and telecommute and the thought of driving into Dublin every day fills me with dread esp while some self satisfied 'Archaeologist' tree hugger pats himself on the back whlie licking his own balls in congratulations at halting the destuction of Ireland culture . which in there eyes stopped being created shortly after the ark.
If you make yourself understood, you're always speaking well. Moliere


Quote from Rosnarun.....i did not mention money . what i was concerned about was people time . the way our society has evolved it involves people making very long commute which stael family time of up to 3 hours a day from people
You make a very valid point Rosnarun, and have put your finger on one of the causes of our decay as a nation. The total lack of any planning by government,which allowed rapacious developers a free hand, and pushed the cost of housing beyond the reach of working people in our capital city, has led to the situation you accurately describe. As people are forced further from there place of work, they face longer commutes, family life suffers, and they have no time to develop communities or have any real involvement in the place where they actually live. But do you really believe  the answer lies in continuing with this madness. Should we destroy our past as well as our present. I am no Green, and have nothing against the building of roads but the roads we our building at the present are the road to ruin. I think its time to pause,think and plan a road to a better Ireland to bequeath too our children. An Ireland which respects its heritage and its people. We face serious problems, but it is not the solutions we are lacking, it is the will to find them


Quote from: Pangurban on December 28, 2007, 07:26:28 PM
Sadly Rosnarun,G.Nevin and zoyler exemplify my point, we have become so mercenary, moronic and witless, to the point that we are beyond redemption. Someone once said there is no slave worse,than the one who licks his chains. Your Granchildren will regret your ignorance
What point , your only point is moaning  and wasn't it was like this back in the rare auld times , well news flash it wasn't and i'd rather be in the here and now than the 80's
Anyway, long story short... is a phrase whose origins are complicated and rambling.


I never mentioned the rare old times, nor do i hold any brief for them, they experienced their own problems and tried to address them. I am talking about the country and society which you and i inhabit today. You may not agree with my views on it, but at least have the courtesy to disagree with what i say, not with what you imagine me to be saying.


Quote from: Pangurban on December 29, 2007, 12:48:59 AM
I am no Green, and have nothing against the building of roads

The Greens have nothing against the building of roads (or incinerators) either.


Quote from: Pangurban on December 29, 2007, 03:06:09 AM
I never mentioned the rare old times, nor do i hold any brief for them, they experienced their own problems and tried to address them. I am talking about the country and society which you and i inhabit today. You may not agree with my views on it, but at least have the courtesy to disagree with what i say, not with what you imagine me to be saying.
So when where you happy with the country and it's society?
Anyway, long story short... is a phrase whose origins are complicated and rambling.


Quote from: Take Your Points on December 29, 2007, 02:57:42 PM
I'm with Pangurban.  However, I think Gnevin is of a different generation and mindset. 
You mean the mindset of nothing is ever perfect and there will always be challenges to overcome but in general we as a nation have never had it so good and while there are issues both major and small to be faced focusing on the bad and saying we've all sold our soul and woe is  the culture and nation is not only incorrect it's annoying also.
Anyway, long story short... is a phrase whose origins are complicated and rambling.


QuoteYou mean the mindset of nothing is ever perfect and there will always be challenges to overcome but in general we as a nation have never had it so good and while there are issues both major and small to be faced focusing on the bad and saying we've all sold our soul and woe is  the culture and nation is not only incorrect it's annoying also.

How so?
Which one of you bitches wants to dance?

Turlough O Carolan

It's possible to have economic progress and indeed a good transport system without destroying archaeological treasures. Our heritage sites are the envy of the world and make us unique as a country. Destroy them and just keep building houses and roads teaming with cars and we might as well rename the place Toyko or Detroit. The transport system would be better solved by building a top class rail system. There's some developers, politicians and county councils who are intent on laying concrete everywhere. The amount of ugly shite that has been thrown up in the last ten years has been way overboard. Taisce has thankfully prevented them building in many places, only to receive a torrent of abuse from local politicans and local newspapers who see nothing wrong with destroying heritage sites by throwing American brand hotels next to them.  Unfortunately we've people in charge here whose vision does not extend beyond seeing a brown envelope waved in their face. We also seem intent on following the American model and knocking down historic GAA grounds in town centers and building "cookie cutter" grounds out in the middle of nowhere, while the old grounds will be turned into yet another ugly mass of concrete. We may be way better of finanically but culturally we're turning into a white trash nation.


Quote from: Turlough O Carolan on December 29, 2007, 04:18:51 PM
It's possible to have economic progress and indeed a good transport system without destroying archaeological treasures. Our heritage sites are the envy of the world and make us unique as a country. Destroy them and just keep building houses and roads teaming with cars and we might as well rename the place Toyko or Detroit. The transport system would be better solved by building a top class rail system. There's some developers, politicians and county councils who are intent on laying concrete everywhere. The amount of ugly shite that has been thrown up in the last ten years has been way overboard. Taisce has thankfully prevented them building in many places, only to receive a torrent of abuse from local politicans and local newspapers who see nothing wrong with destroying heritage sites by throwing American brand hotels next to them.  Unfortunately we've people in charge here whose vision does not extend beyond seeing a brown envelope waved in their face. We also seem intent on following the American model and knocking down historic GAA grounds in town centers and building "cookie cutter" grounds out in the middle of nowhere, while the old grounds will be turned into yet another ugly mass of concrete. We may be way better of finanically but culturally we're turning into a white trash nation.
This isn't about Tara per say but define archaeological treasures pile of rock no one knew or cared about ie Carrickmines Castle or  burial site of ancient and notable high king ?
Anyway, long story short... is a phrase whose origins are complicated and rambling.


You missed my question gnevin.
Which one of you bitches wants to dance?


Quote from: pintsofguinness on December 29, 2007, 04:05:21 PM
QuoteYou mean the mindset of nothing is ever perfect and there will always be challenges to overcome but in general we as a nation have never had it so good and while there are issues both major and small to be faced focusing on the bad and saying we've all sold our soul and woe is  the culture and nation is not only incorrect it's annoying also.

How so?
Low unemployment , low interest rates , low national debt , never before seen level of expenditure on public projects , in general happy,,8122-1088614,00.html

also in general quite wealthy , strong  tourism, strong culture

Tell me when we've had it better?
Anyway, long story short... is a phrase whose origins are complicated and rambling.