Fab 50 Movies - 2007

Started by AZOffaly, December 14, 2007, 09:39:30 AM

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Rufus T Firefly

1. North By North West
2. It's A Wonderful Life
3. Duck Soup
4. In The Heat Of The Night
5. The Taking Of Pelham 123

James Stewart

Isabelle Adjani 


Last Day today lads and ladies. Keep voting.


1. the godfather part 1
2. saving private ryan
3. braveheart
4. apocalypto
5. the departed

Actor - Al Pacino
actress - Keira Knightley
*** Gaaboard Fantasy Football Champion 09 ***


1. The Breakfast Club
2. An Affair to Remember
3. It's a Wonderful Life
4. Bicentennial Man
5. The Seventh Sign

Actor:     Robert DeNiro
Actress:  Merly Streep

King of Kilskerry

1. Saving Private Ryan
2. Apocalypto
3. Good Will Hunting
4. Dead Poet Society
5. The Quiet Man

Captain Scarlet

1. Mad max
2. Leon
3. Lord of the Rings
4. Apocalyse Now
5. Terminator 2

jesus way more but they would be my 5

Actor: christian bale
Actress: natalie portman (im slightly obsessed!)
them mysterons are always killing me but im grand after a few days.sickenin aul dose all the same.


1. In the name of the father

2. Blood Diamond

3. American Beauty

4. Gladiator

5. Usual Suspects

Special Mention to: Catch me if you can, the departed, braveheart, American Gangster, Lord of war


1. Life of Brian
2. Braveheart
3. Goodfellas
4. Blazing Saddles
5. Lord of the Rings  - if one film only allowed The two Towers.

Actor: De Niro
Actress: Jeanna Jameson  ;D  ;D

Tony Baloney

I'm struggling to narrow it down to 5 - go on give us 10!

In no particular order:

1. The Deerhunter
2. City of God
3. The Godfather Trilogy
4. All the President's Men / The Parallax View / Three Days of the Condor / French Connection (basically 1970s political intrigue flicks!)
5. Road Trip

Actor: De Niro
Actress: Cate Blanchett

Croí na hÉireann

1st.   The Big Lebowski
2nd.  The Matrix
3rd.   City Of God
4th.  Life of Brian
5th.  Blazing Saddles

Favourite Actor : Robert de Niro
Favourite Actress : Angelina Jolie
Westmeath - Home of the Christy Ring Cup...


1) Shawshank Redemption
2) Scar Face
3) The Departed
4)American Gangster
5) Forest Gump

Billys Boots

QuoteLast Day today lads and ladies. Keep voting.

God that finished quickly.  A clearly inferior product.  :P
My hands are stained with thistle milk ...


Christ! The number of people selecting De Niro (who hasn't made a film of any standard since 1980) is depressing. Pacino also!!

Where's the support for real actors like Kingsley, Day Lewis, Turturro, Buscemi?

(Rant over!)


QuoteChrist! The number of people selecting De Niro (who hasn't made a film of any standard since 1980) is depressing. Pacino also!!

Pacino and Deniro don't make films - they act in them.
And you think De Niro hasn't been in anything decent since 1980 - are you taking the piss?
Which one of you bitches wants to dance?


2.Groundhog day
3.Shawshank Redemption
4.It's a Wonderful life
5.Saving Private Ryan

Actor: Bill Murray
Actress: Kate Winslet