9 Convicted Australian Rapists Not Jailed

Started by gallsman, December 10, 2007, 04:11:15 PM

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I think women are more suspicious of other woman as they know just how devious they can be. 

Obviously this doesn't apply to a case where a 10 year old is involved - judge was clearly just a bitch.
Which one of you bitches wants to dance?


Is there no precedent or situation where the Prime Minister or someone in the government can step in and retry this, becuase it will make the Australian justice system a worldwide laughing stock.

Tyrones own

Had to have been bought off, could there be any other explanation ???
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
  - Walter Lippmann


Quote from: tram on December 12, 2007, 01:27:07 AM
Regardless of what case the prosecution brought to court, I'd say the judge would have a slightly different view if the victim had been a young girl in her extended family let alone her own daughter or grand-daughter.

Which is why she couldn't adjudicate in such a case! But even if she thought differently in this case, would she have the right to impose a more serious sentence than that sought by the state? Does the law in Australia distinguish between minors in their mid to late-teens and ten-year olds? There obviously can't be a mandatory served prison term for those guilty of sex with minors, or she never would have suspended the sentence of the ones who were over-age.


It's all very odd how they managed to come to this decision - I was listening to Oz ABC News radio in the car this morning on the way in. A 10 year old legally cannot consent to sex, but they didn't say at what age a person could. I'd imagine a mid-late (I'm talking 16-18) teenager could legally consent to group sex if he/she so chooses but how difficult is that to control and prove consent in these sort of remote communities where child abuse is so rampant the feckin army have had to be sent in.

The gist of what I could gather from one p***k in Queensland is that there may have been some sort of unoffical policy of appeasing what is thought to be indigenous affairs and that any custodial sentence might have created more trouble in the general Cape York area, dem whitefellas took our land and now they won't let us get on with our culture, type of thing and 10 days of rioting ensue. Not that the person on the radio was willing to back any of this up and while he shamefully wasn't asked I was wondering aloud if he felt that gang rape of minors was indeed a cultural aspect of aboriginal life for thousands of years. I think the answer to that is fairly obvious.

Anyway, fairly big shit storm over about the whole thing and rightly so, I suspect and hope the Judge and the prosecutor will be looking for alternative employment