Its Time to Say no to the GPA Deal

Started by Red Hand Luke, November 29, 2007, 06:25:36 PM

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Your right blast, im totally against these grants because they are pay for play. But it annoys me when people start quoting figures as facts when they have nothing to back them up. And the difference in grant is important esp given that the GPA deny that they are discriminating against some of their own members.

But I agree with your point. Even if everyone was getting the same I would still be against this shambles for a whole host of reasons.


Quote from: blast05 on December 04, 2007, 09:37:59 AM
Are we all going to sit back and watch.

Time for some old fashioned lynching I say, oh it's been a while.

Everyone round to their nearest Inter county players house with flame torches and pitch forks :P


Seriously though, Stephenite it should be everybody down to their club AGM to get the grassroots mandate to oppose this at the special congress.


Quote from: Hardy on December 04, 2007, 10:19:18 AM
Seriously though, Stephenite it should be everybody down to their club AGM to get the grassroots mandate to oppose this at the special congress.

Or they could start by getting their own house in order in respect of managers?
Don't Panic


Quote from: Hardy on December 04, 2007, 10:19:18 AM
Seriously though, Stephenite it should be everybody down to their club AGM to get the grassroots mandate to oppose this at the special congress.

Couldn't agree more Hardy - the line from Blast just somehow reminded me of the Simpsons when they all go round to shut down the Burlesque Club that Bart worked in part time.

It's up to everyone to lobby their club officials, and ensure that the the clubs County Board delegate goes to the Board meeting with instructions that the County Board are to vote against this at Special Congress.

What odds on some f**ker ruling whatever motion is tabled out of order? I've a suspicion that this deal has already been done.


Quote from: passedit on December 04, 2007, 10:23:23 AM
Quote from: Hardy on December 04, 2007, 10:19:18 AM
Seriously though, Stephenite it should be everybody down to their club AGM to get the grassroots mandate to oppose this at the special congress.

Or they could start by getting their own house in order in respect of managers?

I hear what you're sying Passedit - but find me some conclusive proof that a manager has been paid and I'll listen. Pissing against the wind otherwise I'm afraid.


Agreed Passedit - the whole manager payments issue is a cloud over the case against payments for players and weakens the moral argument of club members who might be turning a blind eye to one while opposing the other. (I think there's a case to be debated for paying managers, but that's beside the point - at present it's against the rules, as I understand them). I also see the merit in your suggestion that managers be subject to the same qualification rules as players.

However, the "suspicion" (it's not a fact until someone has proven it) that (some) managers are receiving unofficial payments in contravention of the existing rules is not an argument for changing the rules to pay players officially. It would be equivalent to arguing that the rules on donations to politicians should be changed to allow all TDs to receive personal contributions, just because Bertie got a dig out from his friends.


Quote from: stephenite on December 04, 2007, 10:27:15 AM
Quote from: passedit on December 04, 2007, 10:23:23 AM
Quote from: Hardy on December 04, 2007, 10:19:18 AM
Seriously though, Stephenite it should be everybody down to their club AGM to get the grassroots mandate to oppose this at the special congress.

Or they could start by getting their own house in order in respect of managers?

I hear what you're sying Passedit - but find me some conclusive proof that a manager has been paid and I'll listen. Pissing against the wind otherwise I'm afraid.

We all know it's happening Stephenite, just because we can't prove it is doesn't mean it can't be stopped. As everyone's heading to their club agms in high dudgeon, why not ask why your club (everyone not just Stephenite) isn't appointing senior team managers from within their own membership? What's happening now is an inevitable consequence of looking the other way with regard to paying managers.
Don't Panic


Quote from: passedit on December 04, 2007, 10:37:14 AM
We all know it's happening Stephenite, just because we can't prove it is doesn't mean it can't be stopped. As everyone's heading to their club agms in high dudgeon, why not ask why your club (everyone not just Stephenite) isn't appointing senior team managers from within their own membership? What's happening now is an inevitable consequence of looking the other way with regard to paying managers.

I just think we have to try and be realistic about what can be achieved in the face of last weeks announcement, you make some very good points and your arguments have merit, but I feel they are unworkable in regards to getting congress to agree to this.

If enough of a din is made by the members on this issue, than I think we could possibly swing a special congress (or I'm very naive) but I don't think members can take on the under the counter payments made to managers and demand change without some hard proof.


Quote from: believebelive on December 03, 2007, 07:20:56 PM
Quote from: DUBSFORSAM1 on December 03, 2007, 07:12:10 PM

Believebelieve - Did you read the original GAA/GPA proposal that was put forward for the grants first time round?????? That will give you a reasonably good idea as to what the payouts will be....

Yes I did - i know it inside out actually and it is wildly different to this present cobbled together effort - which is why I am asking again if the GPA know that there will only be 800 euro between the All ireland finalists and first round losers then why do they not just release the figures that say this? The answer is that these figures have not been worked out yet!!!!!
And to be pedantic if I were using the original proposal that the GAA/GPA agreed to the the difference between All Ireland finalist and first round loser is 1150 -  I repeat - there are not figures concerning this document officially released yet - so where do you get this 800 euro from  - and please don't sat Dessie told one of the papers and they printed it!!!!!

Believebelieve - If you have ever been involved with a project or discussions about something like this you should know that the first part is to get agreement on the principal that there will be funding, then what the funding is and THE FINAL STEP IS THE INDIVIDUAL BREAKDOWN OF THAT FUNDING!!!!! For example the company I work in are announcing a brand new bonus scheme for all sales staff in the UK tomorrow - Can we give individual figures yet - Not a f*cking chance......
The 1150 figure was based on a 5m pot -

As you say the individual figures haven't been released so why don't you get off your high horse and wait to see what is proposed


Jesus Dubs I'm getting a sore head  -  I said that i would wait until the figures are out to past final judgement on this. The whole premise of the GPA is that it recognises the Mayo hurler as much as the Kerry footballer. I am just saying that I am surprised they have agreed a document that sets up two distinct teirs and that as of yet does not have assurances (in written form) that weaker counties will not receive proportionately less money when compared to those in the upper tier.