I Phone

Started by SeanSouth, November 27, 2007, 01:59:54 PM

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Lads i think most people agree it is a bit pricey at the moment, £269 then your monthly fee. How long before it comes down in price and do you think its worth the outlay at the minute? The lack of 3G is seen as a bit of a drawback.


As with most apple products - I wouldnt go for the first model available. They will be working on improving it and releasing a new model soon. A few friends who have one have complained about the reception with the iphone - on the particular network over here. Now I know for sure, its not the network, as I am already on it and my wee piece of crap phone works everwhere theirs doesnt.


I've used one (10mins) in the states and wasn't overly impressed with it.  For a start its bloody massive and a poor camera.  The rotation feature is cool and is a nice one to show off to friends with.  The touch screen is going to take a while to get used to.  

I'd recommend the N95 8Gb instead.  It probably doesn't have the wow factor the iPhone has but it comes with far more features and a deadly camera.
Disclaimer: I am responsible for MY comments only.  I don't own this site.


I wasn't recomending buying the N95 without a contract.  It would be crazy money.

Some guy was caught with 45 iPhones at Dublin airport recently coming back from NY.  I think they must be going a good bit cheaper stateside.  Your man had to cough up €10k    :(
Disclaimer: I am responsible for MY comments only.  I don't own this site.


Surely there will be a consignment of I Phones hijacked coming up to Xmas for the lucrative "door to door" market........

David McKeown

Got the iPhone when it was released here and although not perfect i highly recommend it.  Had N95 before hand and found it complete shite and an N73 prior to that whoch was even worse.  As I say not perfect and does take a little getting used to.  Also I have posted on here using the iPhone whilst at a match so theres now no getting away from the board
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Got a great deal on the N95 8GB through a works benefit thing.

500 mins xnet anytime
unlimited texts
Phone for free

All for £23.86

Whopper deal.


I held an iPHONE in the U.S. a while back, and the one thing that put me off it was the size, thought it was a bit bulky.  No doubt Apple will refine it and make it smaller in the next couple of years, so I would prefer to wait for the second or thrid release before jumping in.


What is internet browsing like on it ?

David McKeown

Really depends on the signal you have thankfully theres EDGE coverage around the IPLS but its only GPRS at the courts and the difference is day and night.  On Edge or wi fi the browser is almost as good as a pc browser apart that it doesnt currently support flash.  That said i used it today to order my bruce springsteen tickets without a problem on an Edge connection
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The Police

Had a go on one today - thought it was mightily impressive indeed. Not the sort of thing you'd keep in your pocket but for what it does you wouldn't want it to be much smaller. Although the camera can be bettered in some ordinary phones, the little bits and pieces you can do with the pics makes up for it. I've only ever used a touchpad laptop at home so the touchpad thingy on the iphone was next to nothing in terms of difficulty. I'd expect those who are serial mouse clickers will find it a bit annoying at first.

I'm easily pleased though.


I agree with everything The Police says. The stretch photo option is remarkable. The price though is hard to accept when you know it will eventually come down.
I wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.


Why the iphone sucks and anyone beliving Apples marketing ripe is a moron (no offence meant)

Why spend a fortune on something from apple just because its .... from apple!



I think the wise thing is to wait a while (a) until the price comes down and (2) no doubt they are continuously improving it and in a year you will get a vastly improved model. On a related matter those wa*kers at the Carphone Warehouse have been reprimanded for telling lies about insurance for the IPhone, they were telling customers if they didnt take insurance for it and lost/damaged it a new handset would cost £640 and they would have to take out a new contract, in reality they would have to buy a new handset at £269 and their contract is unaffected. C*nts


Apple announce Cheaper 3G IPhone

Launching on the 11 July 2008

100 Quid a touch - nice wee reduction

You would be ripping if you had already got one.

Anyone interested ???
