Album of the Decade so far

Started by gallsman, November 23, 2007, 10:46:32 PM

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Quoteif they were that good they would be more popular surely.

Have you heard some of the stuff thats popular?

An Fhairche Abu

Quoteif they were that good they would be more popular surely.

Have to say I would seriously question that statement, sales (if buy the most popular you mean the most actual units shifted) do not reflect the true worth of a musician or band.
Most people do not have the patience to let a piece of music (much less a coherent album) unfold anymore, if after 30 seconds they don't like it, they hit skip and move onto the next track.
Unfortunately most people do not want to hear anything that's trying to be new, different or interesting, they want something that is already familiar to them, "safe" music. This leads to the generic, samey music that is clogging up the airwaves.

Call it music snobbery or whatever but most people honestly don't have a clue simply because that haven't listened to enough music, the best opinion is always an informed opinion.
The music selling the most in the charts is typically bland, reality TV show pap, Westlife etc. it's music for people who don't have very much actual interest in music. Witness the rush of record companies to sign soundalikes of any band that becomes successful or latch onto the latest fad for short term profit, the slew of rubbish Arctic Monkeys-lite bands that were signed in their wake, the Simon Cowell approach of signing TV stars and novelty acts to make a quick cash in; why people buy this crap is beyond me but they do.

Popularity of an artist rarely has much in common with the quality of that artist anymore IMO.


Great points fellas. The quality of an album can be found in your desire to listen to it straight through the very first time someone puts it into your hand. You buy it and stick it in the car. You drive 20 minutes home and sit outside the house listening to the next 40 minutes, because it has you by the gonads.
I was skeptical as f**k when the buddy gave me costello music by the fratellis' "Its from the itunes ad" says he. "f**k that"says I. Album blew my mind for a three piece band.