Connacht Club Championship

Started by stephenite, November 06, 2007, 01:00:54 AM

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Tatler Jack

QuoteThe bitterness from some of the Rossies is hilarious and certainly brightening up my Monday morning Rossfan and Rudi in particular - grumble grumble pitch , grumble grumble f**king Brady. Hardly a mention of how their great white hope Frankie shat himself when the chips were down once again

Hardly bitterness Stephenite – a few comments on the game that most agree with  - I take it you only listened to the game.  I would have thought a few years in Australia would have helped you mature – obviously not.

Watching the game I thought Brigids looked the better footballing team but Ballina knew how to win  and that's what counts. I hope they represent Connacht proudly but I think they would need to improve a lot on today's performance as they overly relied on a few players. By the way thought Devenny played very well when he came on.

As regards Frankie Dolan he had an off day with his free taking that can happen to any player. I am no fan of his but the comment "he shat himself" is off the mark. In fact today he played a few excellent balls in to the forwards that on another day would have led to goals.

Enjoy the victory for itself Stephenite without the need to reinforce it with childish bladder about "bitterness".


QuoteDavid Brady is doing some play acting. No need for it

Injury time in a Connacht final? Two points in it - course there's a need for it

Seanie, i can only presume your above comment is based on the fact that you did not see the incidents involving Brady in the last 10 minutes.
The radio obviously did not properly convey what he was up to. On about 3 seperate occassions he blatantly dived literally throwing himself up in the air after very minimal contact and then landed holding some part of his anatomy as if he needed to be strecthered off. One of these dives lead to a Bridgids lad being sent off - for what its worth, i don't think it should have even been a free in that instance as the shoulder contact came from the Bridgids lad (who was only half the size) just as Brady was playing a handpass.
Yes Brady had a good game in the footballing sense and i was happy to see Ballina win but if you and Ballina folk in general truely feel it is acceptable for your team to resort to this type of stuff in dieing minutes in order to secure victory then i certainly won't be wishing you well next February.
All in all I suppose at least we were spared the site of Brady being interviewed after the game for a change talking about all the abuse he took and how his body isn't able for it "but i'm going to push myself through the pain barrier," and "i definitely won't be back for Mayo next year unless i change my mind next week" etc. Instead we were treated to Ronan McGarritty being interviewed (the first time i have heard him being interviewed) and he came accross as a genuine decent guy - honest, humble and being genuine in takling about the result being a team effort.

Actually when i am ranting about Brady  .... a comment on his relationship with the media, particularly given his recent very central role in the book "House of Pain" - now while i love to see players engaging the media and giving informed comment and opinion, Bradys relationship, or rather the scale and tone/manner of it has been such over the last 5 or so years that he seems to have created a legacy for himself as a Mayo footballer which is vastly greater than what is actually justified. Am i the only one that thinks this ?


My comments were directed at one or two of the Rossies on here - one in particular who cannot log on without taking a swipe at something or other Mayo based, be it our bog pitch or some reference to a Mayo ref in a game totally unconnected to the one played. Just having a little swipe back ;)

From the radio commentary it would appear that Brigids played the better football and most comments appear fair enough about Ballina having the cuteness or experience to win as opposed to actually playing the better football.

Improvement will most definitely be necessary if they are to progress but this team has been doing just enough in every game and that tells me that they are just a very hard team to beat - into the All Ireland series and that may no longer be enough. Time will tell I suppose.


Quote from: blast05 on November 25, 2007, 11:07:42 PM
QuoteDavid Brady is doing some play acting. No need for it

Injury time in a Connacht final? Two points in it - course there's a need for it

Seanie, i can only presume your above comment is based on the fact that you did not see the incidents involving Brady in the last 10 minutes.
The radio obviously did not properly convey what he was up to. On about 3 seperate occassions he blatantly dived literally throwing himself up in the air after very minimal contact and then landed holding some part of his anatomy as if he needed to be strecthered off. One of these dives lead to a Bridgids lad being sent off - for what its worth, i don't think it should have even been a free in that instance as the shoulder contact came from the Bridgids lad (who was only half the size) just as Brady was playing a handpass.
Yes Brady had a good game in the footballing sense and i was happy to see Ballina win but if you and Ballina folk in general truely feel it is acceptable for your team to resort to this type of stuff in dieing minutes in order to secure victory then i certainly won't be wishing you well next February.
All in all I suppose at least we were spared the site of Brady being interviewed after the game for a change talking about all the abuse he took and how his body isn't able for it "but i'm going to push myself through the pain barrier," and "i definitely won't be back for Mayo next year unless i change my mind next week" etc. Instead we were treated to Ronan McGarritty being interviewed (the first time i have heard him being interviewed) and he came accross as a genuine decent guy - honest, humble and being genuine in takling about the result being a team effort.

Actually when i am ranting about Brady  .... a comment on his relationship with the media, particularly given his recent very central role in the book "House of Pain" - now while i love to see players engaging the media and giving informed comment and opinion, Bradys relationship, or rather the scale and tone/manner of it has been such over the last 5 or so years that he seems to have created a legacy for himself as a Mayo footballer which is vastly greater than what is actually justified. Am i the only one that thinks this ?

My name isn't Seanie but am guessing it was directed at me?

You're right, the radio gave no indication as to what was going on in those last few minutes, they mentioned him being injured but there was no suggestion that it 'play acting'

I don't think anyone would condone getting another player sent off - my impression (again from listening to MWR) was that David O'Mahony was maybe a tad unlucky to get the line and that perhaps the ref was looking to even things up, Eamonn Clarke seemed to think so. But as I didn't see it, I can't really comment.

DB will always be castigated for any public utterances, and I've no doubt you will get a lot of people agreeing with your sentiments. I won't be one of them, but you certainly won't be the only Ballina man with that particular point of view.

McGarrity certainly appears to carry himself impeccably on and off the field, and given what he came through earlier in the year I think we can all agree that it's fantastic to see this guy back to his best

EDIT :  Just to clarify my remarks above about there being a need for it, injury time in a Connacht final, your side just about holding on to a very slender lead - it would be very naive of anyone to suggest that most modern players wouldn't hit the deck in order to get a free, keep possesion and stop the opposing team from getting an equalising/levelling score.

Tatler Jack

The second yellow of O'Mahoney was way off camera and a long way from the play at the time so only people at the game would know what happened. Overall ref was poor but was not a factor in Brigids loss - though his failure to play advantage just before half time denied them a point.

As for Brady well if Ros have Frankie then Mayo have the bould Brady. Having siad that he had an excellent game and showed all his experience and cuteness.

I know nothing about the Ballina pitch and always hold the view that it is the same field for both teams. However you did get the impression that  a more open pitch with a firm sod would have suited Brigids better. That said they had enough chances to win regardless of the pitch.


Quote from: Tatler Jack on November 25, 2007, 11:41:27 PM

As for Brady well if Ros have Frankie then Mayo have the bould Brady. Having siad that he had an excellent game and showed all his experience and cuteness.

For all his faults, DB has stood up on some of the big days in Croker and proved himself when all around him were lost. If you're comparing controversial media darling than perhaps you've got a point


Stephenite it's fair enough doing a bit of time wasting - who wouldn't do it.

However rolling round holding your face when you were hit nowhere near it is disgusting behaviour. A man was sent off  for Brady's acting. He was an embarassment and I held no real opinion about the fella prior to this. His behaviour was really like Dida's of AC Milan. If you didn't see it trust me it was really bad.

Youse are a good team and don't need to resort to that kind of crap. That said he was the only boy at it.

The field had no bounce in it whatsoever but no-one can ever blame pitches - like Jack says same for both teams.


Quotebut you certainly won't be the only Ballina man with that particular point of view

OK, just cos i inadvertently called you (Magpie) Seanie doesn't mean you have to reply with a preposterous slander like that   :P


Quote from: blast05 on November 26, 2007, 12:13:58 AM
Quotebut you certainly won't be the only Ballina man with that particular point of view

OK, just cos i inadvertently called you (Magpie) Seanie doesn't mean you have to reply with a preposterous slander like that   :P

Hmmm, I'm not convinced, your writing style is very familiar


Well i can asure you, i ain't from Ballina and i can't fathom where that notion has come from


It should be a source of pride in the County Mayo that other counties attack David Brady as much as they do. Anyone from Galway or Roscommon that I know despise him at a very visceral level. This is good. If they're suffering, then Mayo must be prospering, and that can only be a good thing. Mayomen spend too much time tipping their caps and buying glass hammers. His refusal to do this is one of the things that makes David Brady great.

Why fellow Mayomen would attack him, however, is something of a mystery. And then I remember Brady's jaw being broken with a punch in a club game game seven or eight years ago, and then I begin to figure it out. Not much to be proud of there.

As regards the game, goalkeeping was the difference, of course. Brigid's keeper let in two goals, David Clarke saved three. If Shane Curran had played the result could have been very different. But he didn't, it isn't, and Ballina are Connacht Champions once again, making apologies to neither God, man nor the devil. More luck to them - please God they'll win it all.

An Gaeilgoir

Quote from: IolarCoisCuain on November 26, 2007, 10:14:06 AM
It should be a source of pride in the County Mayo that other counties attack David Brady as much as they do. Anyone from Galway or Roscommon that I know despise him at a very visceral level. This is good. If they're suffering, then Mayo must be prospering, and that can only be a good thing. Mayomen spend too much time tipping their caps and buying glass hammers. His refusal to do this is one of the things that makes David Brady great.

Why fellow Mayomen would attack him, however, is something of a mystery. And then I remember Brady's jaw being broken with a punch in a club game game seven or eight years ago, and then I begin to figure it out. Not much to be proud of there.

As regards the game, goalkeeping was the difference, of course. Brigid's keeper let in two goals, David Clarke saved three. If Shane Curran had played the result could have been very different. But he didn't, it isn't, and Ballina are Connacht Champions once again, making apologies to neither God, man nor the devil. More luck to them - please God they'll win it all.

Couldn't agree more..every Successful county has a couple of these type of players... well done Ballina and go on and win the bloody thing now. Best of luck!


Fair play IolarCoisCuain - the only reason DB is so despised by some is people see his presence in the media as something that's bad. It's never affected his game and I for one appreciate that his willingness to be open to journalists is something that had bought great publicity to our club and town.

I'm sure that other players were asked to contribute to Duggans book - Ciaran Mac & Jimmy Nallen don't do media and no shame in that either,  and he'd be the only one left who would've been involved in everything from '96 to the recent defeats.

Whatever the reasons he'll pay no heed to those who castigate him for it, neither should he


Lads you could drop the persecution complex. People are not commenting on Brady's media career or his personality - I'm sure he's a grand lad and kind to old ladies, etc.  They're commenting on his diving and playacting yesterday, which were as bad as I've ever seen outside of soccer. This type of shite is ruining the game and I make no apologies for pointing that out at every opportunity. Soccer is virtually unwatchable now, largely because of it and football will go the same way unless we campaign against it and point it out every time we see it, however worthy the culprit in other regards.


Quote from: Hardy on November 26, 2007, 10:50:24 AM
People are not commenting on Brady's media career or his personality

Quite a habit of not reading threads fully these days Hardy, Stews dismissal quandry was only last week and now this ;)

Blast made the following comment above

Quote from: blast05 on November 25, 2007, 11:07:42 PM
Actually when i am ranting about Brady  .... a comment on his relationship with the media, particularly given his recent very central role in the book "House of Pain" - now while i love to see players engaging the media and giving informed comment and opinion, Bradys relationship, or rather the scale and tone/manner of it has been such over the last 5 or so years that he seems to have created a legacy for himself as a Mayo footballer which is vastly greater than what is actually justified. Am i the only one that thinks this ?

I am simply responding to this