The end of christmas

Started by ludermor, November 01, 2007, 12:36:19 PM

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An Fear Rua

so what they are saying is that not only do the imigrants supposedly need to have their own festivals, they need to have a say on the existing festivals etc of the indeginous population. Here me thinking that if you went to another country to live, it was me that was expected to make the effort to learn and respect my host countries traditions.....
Its Grim up North


If they are going to make it equal i'd campaign to make Paddys day a fortnight long. ;)

Pc gone mad as usual. And i dont blame the immigrant population just the NIMBY liberal do good arses that supposedly represent the people.


I don't really get into the commerical end of Christmas too much. Just enough of what is expected of me.

To me, Christmas is all about family and being together. It's one of the rare times of the year when we are all under the one roof and the craic bes good. I really look forward to it.

Asa for the NIMBY liberal's, as you put it maddog, I totally agree.

I remember a report about this on the ITV News last Christmas. They were saying that Christmas should be toned down and not fussed over, to make the immigrants in the country feel more comfortable. They interviewed a Muslim as part of the report and he said that the liberal's are going over top. It's England, it's their religion and it's they're right to celebrate it whatever way they want to. He also said that even though he is a Muslim and it's not part of his religion, he enjoys Christmas. As he said, everyone's in a happier mood, people are more generous and it's just a happy time of the year.
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Snowed Under

Quote from: ziggysego on November 01, 2007, 01:16:49 PM
I don't really get into the commerical end of Christmas too much. Just enough of what is expected of me.

To me, Christmas is all about family and being together. It's one of the rare times of the year when we are all under the one roof and the craic bes good. I really look forward to it.

Asa for the NIMBY liberal's, as you put it maddog, I totally agree.

I remember a report about this on the ITV News last Christmas. They were saying that Christmas should be toned down and not fussed over, to make the immigrants in the country feel more comfortable. They interviewed a Muslim as part of the report and he said that the liberal's are going over top. It's England, it's their religion and it's they're right to celebrate it whatever way they want to. He also said that even though he is a Muslim and it's not part of his religion, he enjoys Christmas. As he said, everyone's in a happier mood, people are more generous and it's just a happy time of the year.

Just the way the marching season and the twelfth celebrations are toned down to make nationalists in the north feel welcomed; not to mention the imposed twelfth fortnight holidays many have to take. 


Quote from: Snowed Under on November 01, 2007, 01:20:38 PM
Quote from: ziggysego on November 01, 2007, 01:16:49 PM
I don't really get into the commerical end of Christmas too much. Just enough of what is expected of me.

To me, Christmas is all about family and being together. It's one of the rare times of the year when we are all under the one roof and the craic bes good. I really look forward to it.

Asa for the NIMBY liberal's, as you put it maddog, I totally agree.

I remember a report about this on the ITV News last Christmas. They were saying that Christmas should be toned down and not fussed over, to make the immigrants in the country feel more comfortable. They interviewed a Muslim as part of the report and he said that the liberal's are going over top. It's England, it's their religion and it's they're right to celebrate it whatever way they want to. He also said that even though he is a Muslim and it's not part of his religion, he enjoys Christmas. As he said, everyone's in a happier mood, people are more generous and it's just a happy time of the year.

Just the way the marching season and the twelfth celebrations are toned down to make nationalists in the north feel welcomed; not to mention the imposed twelfth fortnight holidays many have to take. 

For f**k sake Snowed Under, there's a difference between Christmas and the Marching Season!! >:(
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dont want to sound racist but f*ck the immigrants. if they dont like our christmas decorations then tough luck.


Quote from: clarshack on November 01, 2007, 01:22:49 PM
dont want to sound racist but f*ck the immigrants. if they dont like our christmas decorations then tough luck.

The point is, it's not the immigrants that are saying this all. It's the do-good liberals. If you ask the non-christian immigrants, very few would have a problem.
Testing Accessibility


Yeah I have to say despite retailers best attempts at distroying Christmas I really enjoy it.
Mostly just for the social side of things!! You tend to run into people whom you haven't spoke to in ages and most people seem to be in better humour at the festive time of year!!

Tell me does most towns open for Christmas nite? I know all the pubs around Omagh close. Ended up in Fermanagh last year!!

I'm just waiting on Pints to come on here and say Ba humbug!!   ;)


Quote from: supersarsfields on November 01, 2007, 01:25:26 PM
Yeah I have to say despite retailers best attempts at distroying Christmas I really enjoy it.
Mostly just for the social side of things!! You tend to run into people whom you haven't spoke to in ages and most people seem to be in better humour at the festive time of year!!

Tell me does most towns open for Christmas nite? I know all the pubs around Omagh close. Ended up in Fermanagh last year!!

I'm just waiting on Pints to come on here and say Ba humbug!!   ;)

Shops close early, pubs stay open late. Sssssh, don't tell the PSNI in Omagh ;)

Testing Accessibility


Do they but? As far as I know any pubs in the town were all closed early? 10pm from what I heard.

Now I couldn't comment on the back streets of Greencastle tho!!  ;)


Good points, but it can go too far the other way as well, as you'll see on Fox News starting the next few weeks when Bill O'Reilly starts his annual "War on Christmas" campaign. The American right wing will be out in force complaining that they're being persecuted because someone at Walmart says "happy holidays" instead of "merry christmas"! (I always thought "happy holidays" was a very thoughtful, respectful greeting in a country and in a season where other religions were also celebrating different things) Now, some of their complaints are understandable, such as when public schools (which have to be secular by law), stop children singing specifically religious Christmas carols in school plays or whatever, but they don't reach the level of persecution. You'd swear these people were being thrown to the lions the way they go on!


Quote from: J70 on November 01, 2007, 01:32:52 PM
Good points, but it can go too far the other way as well, as you'll see on Fox News starting the next few weeks when Bill O'Reilly starts his annual "War on Christmas" campaign. The American right wing will be out in force complaining that they're being persecuted because someone at Walmart says "happy holidays" instead of "merry christmas"! (I always thought "happy holidays" was a very thoughtful, respectful greeting in a country and in a season where other religions were also celebrating different things) Now, some of their complaints are understandable, such as when public schools (which have to be secular by law), stop children singing specifically religious Christmas carols in school plays or whatever, but they don't reach the level of persecution. You'd swear these people were being thrown to the lions the way they go on!

I think the term 'happy holidays' is a load of balls, a cop out and to maddogs point liberalism gone mad.

It is christmas not happy f**king holidays and all that lovey dovey respectful crap sickens me. call it what it is and dont sugar coat it.

Happly holidays. Please!
Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.


Quote from: stew on November 01, 2007, 01:41:16 PM
Quote from: J70 on November 01, 2007, 01:32:52 PM
Good points, but it can go too far the other way as well, as you'll see on Fox News starting the next few weeks when Bill O'Reilly starts his annual "War on Christmas" campaign. The American right wing will be out in force complaining that they're being persecuted because someone at Walmart says "happy holidays" instead of "merry christmas"! (I always thought "happy holidays" was a very thoughtful, respectful greeting in a country and in a season where other religions were also celebrating different things) Now, some of their complaints are understandable, such as when public schools (which have to be secular by law), stop children singing specifically religious Christmas carols in school plays or whatever, but they don't reach the level of persecution. You'd swear these people were being thrown to the lions the way they go on!

I think the term 'happy holidays' is a load of balls, a cop out and to maddogs point liberalism gone mad.

It is christmas not happy f**king holidays and all that lovey dovey respectful crap sickens me. call it what it is and dont sugar coat it.

Happly holidays. Please!


Or maybe that's just a New York thing.

Or does the christian holiday take precedence in the states in your view?


Yep and that's why Britain is growing and exporting suicide bombers, does 1500 of Christian heritage and tradition mean nothing to these people?


Quote from: J70 on November 01, 2007, 01:47:06 PM
Quote from: stew on November 01, 2007, 01:41:16 PM
Quote from: J70 on November 01, 2007, 01:32:52 PM
Good points, but it can go too far the other way as well, as you'll see on Fox News starting the next few weeks when Bill O'Reilly starts his annual "War on Christmas" campaign. The American right wing will be out in force complaining that they're being persecuted because someone at Walmart says "happy holidays" instead of "merry christmas"! (I always thought "happy holidays" was a very thoughtful, respectful greeting in a country and in a season where other religions were also celebrating different things) Now, some of their complaints are understandable, such as when public schools (which have to be secular by law), stop children singing specifically religious Christmas carols in school plays or whatever, but they don't reach the level of persecution. You'd swear these people were being thrown to the lions the way they go on!

I think the term 'happy holidays' is a load of balls, a cop out and to maddogs point liberalism gone mad.

It is christmas not happy f**king holidays and all that lovey dovey respectful crap sickens me. call it what it is and dont sugar coat it.

Happly holidays. Please!


Or maybe that's just a New York thing.

Or does the christian holiday take precedence in the states in your view?

America is a christian based Countryand people have been grreting each other for centuries with 'happy Christmas'. jewish people have hanukkah and they say happy hannukah and that is fine too. What annoys me is that corporate America dictates what people say, the crowd I work for want me to greet people with happy holidays and i refuse to do so and have done since I
started. I am embarassed for people who come out with that crap, it is christmas, get over it.
Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.