The IRA does everything...

Started by pintsofguinness, October 22, 2007, 01:36:28 PM

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his holiness nb

Quote from: Evil Genius on October 22, 2007, 06:57:12 PM
Of course, the second such Group which might be in a position to administer some form of sanction is the Provos. Hmmmm...  Does anyone else see some sort of connection, here? Or am I just some sort of naive, conspiracy theorist?

In any case, even if this were nothing to do with the Provos, it is incumbent upon their "good name" as protectors of the Community that anti-social criminals and Dissidents etc not be allowed to go around terrorising the community, even blaming it on them etc?

Re the 10-15 guys, my point still stands, there could well be bunches of ex provos working together in these gangs outside of the say so of the IRA. Remember many of these guys know and trust each other well from years of IRA activity, it wouldnt surprise me to hear them getting a few "old buddies" together to do this type of thing.
Still doesnt convince me it was an IRA sanctioned killing. (when I say doesnt convince me, I am not saying it wasnt).

Re the above, fair point but surely if they werent involved what sanctions would you suggest they dish out? I'm sure if they werent involved, the last thing they want to do is actually get themselves accused of criminal activity by "punishing" the guys involved.

Secondly, if some ex provos do know who did it but werent involved, it would be their duty as citizens to report this, whether they were ever in the IRA or not. But as per my earlier point, if a guy who used to be a provo knows who did it and says nothing does this make it an IRA cover up?
I emphasise my point here that if an ex IRA man who knows who did it says nothing, possibly for fear of encurring the wrath of some of his old colleagues, I wouldnt exactly class that as an IRA cover up.

We have to face the facts that many retired paramilitaries are not exactly all salt of the earth, law obiding citizens, and must accept that many will break the law for their own purposes.
But I dont think we should jump to blame the group they were once a part of every time something like this happens.

Nor, should I add, should we presume the group werent involved, lets just not jump to conclusions without the full facts.
Ask me holy bollix


Secondly, if some ex provos do know who did it but werent involved, it would be their duty as citizens to report this, whether they were ever in the IRA or not. But as per my earlier point, if a guy who used to be a provo knows who did it and says nothing does this make it an IRA cover up?
I emphasise my point here that if an ex IRA man who knows who did it says nothing, possibly for fear of encurring the wrath of some of his old colleagues, I wouldnt exactly class that as an IRA cover up.
Why should anyone speak to the police about it?
Go into Crossmaglen and any night and you'll see drunk young fellas speeding, doing hand brake turns, mounting footpaths and all that craic  50-100 yards from a police station! and nothing done!  A delivery lorry to a shop stole in broad day light last week, 100 yards from a police station. 
Houses broke into every week since the ceasefire and I don't recall one person, not one person, arrested or questioned for any of them!
Someone kills a thug and you tell me why anyone should speak to the police about it?
Which one of you bitches wants to dance?

his holiness nb

Quote from: pintsofguinness on October 22, 2007, 07:38:29 PM
Secondly, if some ex provos do know who did it but werent involved, it would be their duty as citizens to report this, whether they were ever in the IRA or not. But as per my earlier point, if a guy who used to be a provo knows who did it and says nothing does this make it an IRA cover up?
I emphasise my point here that if an ex IRA man who knows who did it says nothing, possibly for fear of encurring the wrath of some of his old colleagues, I wouldnt exactly class that as an IRA cover up.
Why should anyone speak to the police about it?
Go into Crossmaglen and any night and you'll see drunk young fellas speeding, doing hand brake turns, mounting footpaths and all that craic  50-100 yards from a police station! and nothing done!  A delivery lorry to a shop stole in broad day light last week, 100 yards from a police station. 
Houses broke into every week since the ceasefire and I don't recall one person, not one person, arrested or questioned for any of them!
Someone kills a thug and you tell me why anyone should speak to the police about it?

Pints, I was actually giving reasons for them not to talk to the police.
Just making the point that it might not be the big bad IRA cover up thats being suggested.
Re my "duty as a citizen" comments, I meant from a legal viewpoint.
Ask me holy bollix


Pints, I was actually giving reasons for them not to talk to the police.
i know, i was pointing out your reasons weren't the only ones.
Which one of you bitches wants to dance?

his holiness nb

Quote from: pintsofguinness on October 22, 2007, 08:09:37 PM
Pints, I was actually giving reasons for them not to talk to the police.
i know, i was pointing out your reasons weren't the only ones.

Ah, right ye be!
Ask me holy bollix


A few facts now...

SOme time ago, Newsline showed a bit of 'Police Camera Action' stuff in south Armagh.  A stolen car being pursued at top speed through Forkhill.  Our deceased friend behind the wheel.
Sister of the deceased stopped by Gards a few weeks ago and her mad drunk.  Decided to drive on, putting one of them on the bonnet.  She is up in court any day now.
A local man well respected, gave off to her the other night at a taxi rank in crossmaglen.  Deceased and a few friends busted door down, beat him up and thrashed the house.
Another local man equally respected living alone.  Deceased broke into his house and shit on his bed, but not before racking this house also.
A friend of deceased is found dead in a pool a few weeks ago.  On night of funeral, deceased and a few friends racked a house in Creggan and another in Cullyhanna.
Recently, he was apprehended for stoning cars.
His latest act was also on TV when he set alight a llorry containing laundered fuel when it got a puncture.  Not much of a friend of the environment, our deceased. The diesel spilt all over the road, puting lives of motorists in danger.
Local community were dreading Halloween because that's where deceased apparently comes into his own.

I could name many many groups, individuals etc who would have liked to have been at that shed on Sat.   As for Jim McAllister.  Probably the worst most throughother councillor ever to emerge from south Armagh.  His latest act was to back Davy Hyland who stood as an independent.  Him and the family who shot dead vol. kieth Duffy whose anniversary is this week.  McAllister is not a reliable source.  never was. 

We can all have our opinions.  I have named facts and only facts.


Great post (it's a pity they won't put that on newsline) until this point
QuoteHim and the family who shot dead vol. kieth Duffy whose anniversary is this week.
Why don't you tell us how Keith Duffy was shot? 
Which one of you bitches wants to dance?


Sorry Pints. I got carried away there.  His name was Keith Rogers and his birthday occurs around this time, according to the Examiner. 

Thanks for pointing that out.

PS - As a Bridge man, I'm sure you are pointing to more evidence of Cullynhanna thuggery as you witnessed last year...


I didn't pick up on the wrong name - knew who you were on about.

Same question applies - why don't you tell us how he was shot - McAllister was right to speak against him.

Which one of you bitches wants to dance?


Not being from the area it's hard for the rest of us to comment, but nothing can condone the actions of these people, irrespective of the conduct of the deceased. If the perpetrators are 'volunteers' is it not deeply disturbing that the republican movement has lost all control, and these men feel free to carry out such atrocious attacks?
Life is a ticket to the greatest show on earth


It's been a concern for a number of years that the republican movement have allowed all the scumbags of the area to get involved with them and to use the IRA's name for their criminal activities i.e. Keith Rogers.
Which one of you bitches wants to dance?


Does one in 20 people believe this nonsense that the IRA/ republicans  were not involved.  What other organisation could get 10/15 people togeather to carry out an action like this.  Of course I could be totally wrong - we all known that the IRA/Republicans don't do petrol smugling - diesel laundering - counterfeiting - illegal distilling - cattle rustling - protection rackets - drug smugling anymore if they ever did it before. Gerry Adams says it so it must be true - As all teenagers say - YE - Right


Quote from: zoyler on October 22, 2007, 09:26:07 PM
Does one in 20 people believe this nonsense that the IRA/ republicans  were not involved.  What other organisation could get 10/15 people togeather to carry out an action like this.  Of course I could be totally wrong - we all known that the IRA/Republicans don't do petrol smugling - diesel laundering - counterfeiting - illegal distilling - cattle rustling - protection rackets - drug smugling anymore if they ever did it before. Gerry Adams says it so it must be true - As all teenagers say - YE - Right

I agree zoyler, this could cause the downfall of Stormont yet again but can Gerry et. al convince Unionists that they are squeaky clean? A tough task. We're not idiots, Adams and McGuinness know who these fellas are and securing their conviction could be vital to ensuring political stability.
Life is a ticket to the greatest show on earth


Quote from: zoyler on October 22, 2007, 09:26:07 PM
Does one in 20 people believe this nonsense that the IRA/ republicans  were not involved.  What other organisation could get 10/15 people togeather to carry out an action like this.  Of course I could be totally wrong - we all known that the IRA/Republicans don't do petrol smugling - diesel laundering - counterfeiting - illegal distilling - cattle rustling - protection rackets - drug smugling anymore if they ever did it before. Gerry Adams says it so it must be true - As all teenagers say - YE - Right

it isn't that hard to round up 10-15 people on friday night in any of the pubs around south armagh, you only need to walk into a bar full of drunk wannabes and ask the question!!


Sad times for our whole community. Paul Quinn RIP. He was only a young lad and no young lad deserves a death like that. No animal should be killed like that.
The 10 or 15 bastards that beat a man to death should hang their heads in shame. They are a disgrace to the IRA (if they were involved?  :-*).
He was a bad egg but with time he would have settled down and behaved himself.
I feel for his family. I hope God gives them the strenght to deal with this heavy burden.
As to who was involved - who knows? One phone call and I knew.