drink driving on the islands

Started by ludermor, October 11, 2007, 03:50:16 PM

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Did anyone else hear of the case in the courts in donegal recently of the 2 lads caught drink driving on aranmore island in donegal. The judge was more or less told that there was no point charging them with drink driving as they had nowhere to hold them/test them and come on is an island after all. One of the defendant has no tax , insurance or licence and this is the norm.
Great craic on them islands!


I was out on Aranmore about 20 years ago and had a great weekend. At that time there was no guards on the island so the bars were open all night long. The islanders were always forewarned when the guards were on the way.


well in fairness there isn't a whole lot of damage they're going to do out there having a few pints.
You don't hear of any fatal accidents on the islands. Or anti-social behaviour (apart from tourists during summer). So I'd be inclined to leave them at it
"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."


you will be shot here for saying that.
Last summer was the first time they had permanent police on aranmore as far as i know.