The Role of Trade Unions in Modern Ireland.

Started by An Gaeilgoir, October 10, 2007, 07:44:12 PM

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An Gaeilgoir

I wonder what do people on here think of trade unions in modern day Ireland. They no doubt protect lower payed people in the workforce. But when it comes to well paid employees i.e Hospitial consultants, Aer Lingus Pilots and so on, all they want to do in my opionion is obstruct progression towards work targets and efficiency. Its no wonder that our compedetiveness is now in the spotlight, due to old and in-efficient work practicies that it seems trade unions are happy to maintain..I was at a lecture given by a S.I.P.T.U leader in U.C.D about the 2005 health and safety act a couple of weeks back, he mentioned the word compensation 46 times in a two hour lecture. It was a rant about the greedy employer and how the poor employee was down trodden and any opportunity to get money through compensation should be grasped. Lots of people walked out half way through. For me it sums up todays trade union activist,50 years behind the time.....For the record i am a member of trade union, as i have to be to get onto certain building sites in Dublin.