Liverpool Tickets

Started by Barney, October 04, 2007, 09:33:08 AM

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Are they easy to get.

A mate is heading there for a stag weekend and wants to arrange it around a match. Would be good to see if Anfield is all its cracked up to be.


Near impossible Barney.

Do they have fancards? If they do they have a 50/50 chance depending on the game. If they don't you may tell them to search out the touts.


If they just want to see a game , try Everton or Wigan, far more chance of getting a ticket as long as its not one of the big teams they are playing


Quote from: 5iveTimes on October 05, 2007, 11:11:09 AM
There are always a few tickets for sale around the ground on the day of a match. You will pay slighly over the odds for them, but not too much. Just depends on how many you are looking for really.
Anfield is definitely all its cracked up to be, definitely the best atmosphere I have witnessed in a Soccer stadium.

::) They have not been very strong offensively in the scoring zones lately 5iveTimes.


Since your mate is over there for reasons other than the sport (fnur fnur) and shouldn't be too put out if he doesn't get into the ground, he should (paradoxically) have no problem getting a ticket for face value. Simply wait until 15-20 minutes before kickoff then start canvassing the touts. They'll ask for double face value and you immediately walk away. They always get the message. NB this will not work at Man U or Everton.

Don't expect a great atmosphere. Anfield only puts on its party hat for European nights, and even then only occasionally. In truth, I've only been at one Great Anfield Night, which was the greatest night of my life on every level imaginable


Quote from: 5iveTimes on October 05, 2007, 11:23:24 AM
It is Soccer, I will be at a football game on Sunday, played in a fine stadium in Newry between two local teams. To most people on this site, Gaelic football will always be referred to as Football and soccer as soccer. Maybe you are more of a soccer fan.

Well i am more of a soccer fan than a gaelic football fan.


Quote from: 5iveTimes on October 05, 2007, 11:28:00 AM
And this is a GAA Board  ;)

Hurling man ! I will be in Casement on Sunday but will arrive after the Portglenone St Galls slaughtering to see the hurling.


Keep an eye out on the liverpool website reagrding ticket details and then try ringing all morning and most of the day only not to get through. You could get lucky. But as the tickets are only released this way about 4/5 weeks before the game, it may be too late for your booking of hotels and flights.

You may pick up a few over there. Try O'Reillys bar on Mount Pleasant, hear the Aldephi, if your there early on Friday, the guy that owns it normally has tickets passing through his hands and may be able to sort you out.

The touts may sort you out for a price and do get cheaper nearer kick off but if the ticket is green, check it as it is prob for the away end and they can be plenty of those floating about.


The touts are a good call as close to kick-off time as possible. Make sure you leave it as close as possible though as they will be mad to get shot of them. If you dont get them then head to the pub :)


Going to apply for a fan-card myself this week.  Anyone have one & can advise if they are any use?  I think i heard a rumour that they are good for getting mid-week european games??
Beer, now there's a temporary solution!!!


I have a fan card, havnt used it as yet though. I think it may help if you have one of them e-season tickets to the website. As far as i can see you can apply for a lottery for available tickets 1 day before you can if you have a fan card.

Tickets seem harder to come by the season for some reason, i think alot of tour companies are buying up alot of tickets and then selling them on as part of a package. I could imagine it staying like this to the new stadium is ready.

Theres talk of alot of forgeries being on sale outside the ground. You would need to watch and try and ensure your buying genuine tickets if your doing it this way.
GAABoard Fantasy Cheltenham Competition- Most winners 2009


Yeah, i went on a package deal from a tour operator based in Limerick i think..included coroporate hospitality in the reds bar, ticket for match and syaed in adelphi hotel...costs a bundle though, would like meself just a ticket for the match fly over & back on the same day.  Does easyjet raise their prices much on a Saturday does anyone know??Assuming they would.
Beer, now there's a temporary solution!!!


If you book early enough they are cheap, be careful though that the dates may change.

I know a lad who booked flights when the fixtures came out, flying out and back on the day off the game, for around 50quid.

However a few weeks later the date of the game was put back 24hrs because of European commitments, and he was left with return flights on a day without a game to go to  :-\
GAABoard Fantasy Cheltenham Competition- Most winners 2009


Fan cards are a necessary but not a sufficient condition for tickets these days. You can forget about getting a ticket if you don't have one, but they don't make it any more likely that you'll get one than the general sale in the days before fan cards.

When I moved to Liverpool, a friend of mine working for the club gave me the number to the International Ticket Line. Basically it was a discreet way of allowing staff to get their friends to jump the queue. Man, it was sweet. For a two minute phone call I'd have access to four tickets for every home game (bar the Blueshite and Man U). For one glorious year I was getting tickets for all and sundry, tapping the side of my nose in a conspiratorial fashion whenever grateful plebs asked me how I managed it. One friend of a friend even bestowed the title of Ticket Fairy on me - and he meant it as a compliment. I should add I never made a washer out of it, but the power trip more than compensated.

Then some FUCKWIT broadcast the line's existence all over the Internet and the club shut it down post haste to quell any (understandable) uproar in Liverpool :'(


Sweet i was reading your post i though we could have became very friendly all of a sudden  :D.  Too good to be true, always some loud mouth who ruins a good thing.  Are the tickets any easier to get for the mid-week European games?
Beer, now there's a temporary solution!!!