
Started by Puckoon, September 25, 2007, 04:53:30 PM

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Was watching a program last night on the travel channel - Bizzare foods with andrew zimmern. Anyways, he was in great britain as he called it, and travelled from scotland, threw swansea and down into london, taking in some of the more interesting things that are eaten there.
Now I feel like Im cultured enough, and plenty adventurous when it comes to food, but for some reason, my mind draws the line at haggis, and things with blood and offal in it, even though if it was put in front of me, Id probably want to eat it. Also I recognise I probably do eat it when Im eating a burger or a sausage.
Anyone able to give me first hand account of eating things like this so I can get over my mind and just do it? Or has anyone just eaten plenty of weird stuff?


An oul sausage and black and white pudding for breakfast and then the steak and kidney pie for lunch, its not offal at all!
If at first you don't succeed, then goto Plan B

Hurler on the Bitch

Sorry mate, aviod meat at all costs - have since 1995. The line "there ain't no wastage in the food industry" springs to mind. Or the guy in Wayne's World who made a mint selling burgers and his catchphrase in life was "Lips and Hooves" made me a fortune... Now my Da was from a different generation and wouldn't blink at Black Pudding, Tripe etc. Me Nah!!!!! The thing that stopped me eating meat was finding a "tuber" in a burger ... you know the things - blood vessel stuck in the middle of the stuff.. Suddenly realised that chips and beans, with cheese melted over the top was nicer than a corpse... Also.. BLUEBOTTLES! anything that these bastards would want to eat or lay eggs in just pisses me off. Also --- years ago - before Olive Oil hit Ireland, people fried everything in animal fat (lard), I came to the conclusion that this must be related to cancer down the line... 


Hurler - plenty of flies on veg too not to mention pesticides - unless you grow your own, you are running the same gauntlet as the rest of us.

or failing that, eat rice morning noon and night