Northern Ireland Boxers' Association

Started by Hurler on the Bitch, September 13, 2007, 02:01:12 PM

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Hurler on the Bitch

You couldn't make it up ... my money's on Gillespie - Heard there was a dig after the Latvia game also...


In the current age of Plane rage etc and in the anniversary week of 911.  I would fully expect the law to be brandished and these guys feel the full wrath.  What sort of example is this to be setting our kids.  This is a huge story.

Hurler on the Bitch

N Ireland players brawl on plane 

IFA chief executive Howard Wells is investigating the incident 
Two Northern Ireland players exchanged blows on an airplane before it flew the team from Iceland to London following Wednesday's Euro 2008 qualifier defeat.
Other players were forced to break up the brawl on an Icelandair flight to Heathrow on Thursday morning.

Cabin crew staff reported the incident to N Ireland manager Nigel Worthington before the flight took off.

The IFA has released a statement saying that it will investigate the matter and take appropiate action.

Northern Ireland's hopes of making the Euro 2008 finals are fading after Keith Gillespie's late own goal gave Iceland a 2-1 victory in Group F.


Thats hopw cleane the soccer is compared to gaa. in gaa its a regularthing  -AND ON THE PITCH.


I'll go back if Marsdens back

Hurler on the Bitch

This may be on the NI thread ... but it deserves a thread of its own...


Quote from: wesaysanchez on September 13, 2007, 02:08:20 PM

Thats hopw cleane the soccer is compared to gaa. in gaa its a regularthing  -AND ON THE PITCH.

Them clowns on the plane need at least a nine month ban!! sum people in them photos got 9 month bans 4 doin less!! but guess wat sorta punishment them chaps on the plane get... nothin!! r mayb a we fine dat wil hardly matter 2 them!!  Stewardtown ********


Fighting on an aeroplane? They should be charged in a criminal court.


Quote from: Spiritof98 on September 13, 2007, 02:09:05 PM
ILL go Gillespie and McCartney

According to the BBC i have her right, pity I cant predict the bloody football bet instead.

I'll go back if Marsdens back

Hurler on the Bitch

Not the first time - I recall 19.05.1979 - my first game at Windsor Park - NI v England Home International - big hype NI had not beaten England at home since 1927. Anyway, about 10 minutes in doesn't Terry Cochrane pass the ball to Peter Barnes - missing Armstrong - and aul Gerry boots Cochrane up the Nat King Cole in front of 40,000. Talk about a collective gasp in the crowd. Luckily Cochrane let it go.. or else his melt would have been knocked in.