Russian 'sex day' to boost births

Started by Square Ball, September 12, 2007, 10:31:18 PM

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Quote from: stephenite on September 13, 2007, 06:30:04 AM
Quote from: Pangurban on September 12, 2007, 10:43:57 PM
European Nations need to wake up and smell the Coffe, and take initatives to address the demographic time bomb which is the falling birth rates within Europe, partly masked by immigrants. this will be a more serious threat to our econonmies and way of life than the largely mythical global warming

Is it largely mythical though? I've tried to understand a lot of the arguments, and whilst a lot of it goes over my head I do wonder is it all part of the natural cycle of things ( I mean it's not like pollution caused the last Ice age, but than again I don't know for sure either )

We're certainly a filthy shower, humans that is. And we haven't exactly been kind to our natural environment over the years, so surely a backlash makes sense also.

Can't make my mind up on this thing, Pangurban lets hear your side of the story, you sound confident enough to know what you're talking about
hmmm dinosaurs and their huge methane output...interesting idea...


Quote from: illdecide on September 13, 2007, 01:19:37 PM
It's hard to come up with a better idea that shag day but maybe

Their women are gorgeous.  Far less hateful a solution is to impregnate them.

время для некоторой красной горячей девушки потехи

staunton может быть никудышно, но он дешев mayo выиграет sam в 08
In Roman mythology, Pietas was the goddess of duty to one's state, gods and family.


Fiodoir Ard Mhacha

Was listening to a programme about the sex lives of English people and one 57 year old married woman was talking about the, err, fun she has with her virbator. Should there not really be an upper age limit for this 'sort of thing'. It sounded a bit urgh to me.
"Something wrong with your eyes?....
Yes, they're sensitive to questions!"


6 months too late for me hardstation, but thanks for letting us know.