Started by Canalman, November 30, 2006, 09:22:43 PM

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Quote from: Bod Mor on December 01, 2006, 12:14:04 AM
A buc with a Liverpool avatar on a gaa message board!
Im just as much a lover of Gaa than anyone on this board but that doesn't mean i can't have other interests whats wrong with having a Liverpool avatar?Does it make me less Irish or something Bod Mor?


Doorbells that don't make a sound when pressed - does it work or not?
Films that don't show credits (or at least a cast list) at the end.
Continuity announcers who speak over closing credits or credits that are cut short at the end of a film or program.
Nissan Micras.
Opel Corsas.
Fiat puntos, pandas, sequentos etc.
Slow drivers
Slow drivers who drive near the middle of the road, usually with their rear fog lights on also.
Bad or slow service in restaurants or shops
Matt Cooper's voice - totally unsuited for radio
Most radio DJs
Most Galway Bay FM newscasters - must they sound like transition year students?
Sloppy or lazy journalism

There, that's better!


I endorse Johnneycool's choice. A roof-mounted bazooka is my fantasy in that case.

That and the bird who does the business news on RTE radio. There is no such accent as that and no other sound made by man, beast or machine has ever caused my toes to cramp ever before.

Croí na hÉireann

Amount of reality shows on de telly
Budweiser ad
People that have to be flashed in the fast lane to pull over and then pull right back out after you. IT'S A FUCKIN OVERTAKING LANE!!!
Work "mate" that says "ha, ha, ha" after every stupid comment just to get your attention, we call him Paddy Clarke, he hasn't twigged  ::) Give me David Brent any day
Visitors to neighbours parking across the fuckin driveway
Drivers, mainly taxis, nearly running u off de road
Gettin a puncture and havin to walk de bike home
Traffic out of Dublin
Wimin at matches with brollys
Wimin at matches that insist on standin up in front of u whenever there's something half exciting
Some shithead in the crowd that tries to wind u up de whole game or rubs your face in it after
Westmeath - Home of the Christy Ring Cup...


saddos that say 'we' when talking about assocation football teams in a foreign country and then claim to be as Patriotic as the next man.
If you make yourself understood, you're always speaking well. Moliere


whingers who do nothing about it eg.
introduction of euro and the rip off, which TD did you write to?

name dropping

"are you asleep?" what sort of question is that?

Drivers who complain about drivers whilst driving up their dumper

Toll booths in Ireland when the toll has already paid for the fecking road many times over.

Politicians (all)

Increases over inflation


When you talk about Northern politics and people reply with "its all in the past forget about it" its not.  Normally used by people who know they are beaten in a debate/argument.
People who say American Football is shite, no its not.  Learn the rules, watch a game, you might just enjoy it.
People who seem to think just because your from the south it means your opinions on the north dont count.  Many people say this especially if your opinions are republican minded.  Either debate my believes or f**k off and stop making up excuses.
Some GAA people who have no time for anyone whos not invlved in the GAA.  Lads sport is sport, it dosent make you any more Irish or more important if you play hurling/football over soccer or no sport at all..
People who tell me music by the likes of the Wolfe Tones, other similar bands is shite.  I dont know but I'd rather listen to that than listen to Britney spears singing about sex or some other band sing about drugs or how rich and great they are.
Broadband coverage.  Its 2006, and I cant get broadband in my village.
Some soccer fans who  view GAA as sports followed by savages etc.
Newspapers in this country.  Not one of them worth reading.
People who think everyone who does up their car or listens to dance music is either a boyracer/chav.  Well lads, you couldnt be more wrong.
Most new films that are made.  Normally include a stupid storyline or poor logic.  Is it too much to ask for a few new films that might actually have to make me stop and think for a second other than 90% of films nowdays which are just braincandy films.
And finally my mate (whos laptop I'm currently using) who changed on the theme on the laptop which means I now have to highlight what I type to actually see what I'm writing.  Thats my excuse for any spelling mistakes/bad grammer.


Anyone who works on a building site will know this one

Why do people persist on pissing all over the toilet seat there is a perfectly good urinal right beside them but yet they have to piss in the toilet and all over the f**king seat its disgusting

charlie linkbox

"People who say American Football is shite, no its not.  Learn the rules, watch a game, you might just enjoy it"

Ditto cricket.


Dublin bus drivers
People who complain about farmers & teachers
People saying they want a surprise at Christmas, seriously, how can I figure out if it is a surprise to them
Pat Kenny
RTE's continuation to show ads despite people paying the licence
TV3 News
People who say they wish they could speak Irish but don't do anything about it
Old people who don't acknowledge teens who let them in front of them in the queue
Croi na hÉireann's point about too much bloody reality tv shows on the television
Inaugural Football Championship Prediction Winner.


rip off Ireland
the lack of manners these days
no one giving a carp about anyone else
the lack of professionalism in all trades/jobs
the desire of untrained clueless people to fill jobs above their capability and attain matching salaries
having to deal with fcukwits
americanised lingo and intonations
people changing normal language (eg medicine is now pronounced MED-Sen by people who think it is the posh way to pronounce this word - and there are many other examples)
inconsistent people
forked tongued people (liars)
ineffectual people  especially governmental persons/elected representatives
queue jumpers
bad drivers
building cowboys
Irish people (D4 types) who prefer to support England rather than Ireland in everything otherthan rugby
dole surfers
time wasters



Quote from: charlie linkbox on December 01, 2006, 09:16:38 PM
"People who say American Football is shite, no its not.  Learn the rules, watch a game, you might just enjoy it"

Ditto cricket.

People who claim American Football is good,  here an idea how about a 1 hour game that doesn't last poxy 3 hours

Anyway, long story short... is a phrase whose origins are complicated and rambling.


That i'm in work today and this place is dead
Anyway, long story short... is a phrase whose origins are complicated and rambling.


QuoteWhy do people persist on pissing all over the toilet seat there is a perfectly good urinal right beside them but yet they have to piss in the toilet and all over the f**king seat its disgusting

I've this thing against dicks pissing, not washing their hands and then touching the door handle I have to touch!  >:(

I also hate Irish television stealing shows and ideas for shows of the english stations and sitting on the phone for a half hour waiting to speak to a human being and finding the human being can barely speak english!
Which one of you bitches wants to dance?