Started by Canalman, November 30, 2006, 09:22:43 PM

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getting home from work after your first day back and realising you have too go back tomorrow :'( :'(

Square Ball

That Effin Super Goals advert, especially the one when the Spuds supporters proclaim "We were the First British team to win a European trophy" >:(

Ahummm, you were not ???
Hospitals are not equipped to treat stupid

An Lark

The Bottom Brick...
QuotePricks who fill the car with petrol while you're waiting, then saunter off into the shop to pay or stuff their big fat heads with shite without moving the car out of the way so that I can fill my own car
Is it not the case that the pumps are deactivated until the person ahead of you pays anyway? That's what I always thought anyway. Sorry about that!


Quote from: An Lark on January 03, 2007, 12:36:19 PM
The Bottom Brick...
QuotePricks who fill the car with petrol while you're waiting, then saunter off into the shop to pay or stuff their big fat heads with shite without moving the car out of the way so that I can fill my own car
Is it not the case that the pumps are deactivated until the person ahead of you pays anyway? That's what I always thought anyway. Sorry about that!

That's exactly the case but there are usually two nozzles on the side of each pump!


rubbish journalism
propaganga spouting media


1. Ppl who use txt lnguge either in der txts or wen pstng messgs on buletin brds or wrse, wen riting sumting 4 a nrml txt medium. Makes my fckng eyes bleed.

2. Ignorant bastards who cannot shut their mouth while chewing

3. Risible shites who dash out in front of you from a sideroad like the clappers of hell, even when the road behind you is clear and then potter along at 40mph with no concept of the lack of logic in what they've just done

4. Wankers who have their over-bright fog lights on in all kinds of weather dazzling the oncoming driver

5. Bad parking, particularly dickheads in flash motors who deliberately take up two spaces side-by-side to avoid people bumping their cars when opening doors beside them

6. People who scratch your car with their doors and then piss off

7. Wankers in tractors, vans, lorries, jeeps with horseboxes etc. who glide along with a three-mile tailback behind them without once ever pulling into the nice, smooth hard shoulder to let others pass

8. Road safety experts always blaming speed for accidents when slow bastards frustating decent drivers often cause more accidents

9. People who fart slyly in confined spaces like pubs, train carriages etc.

10. Hangovers that are randomly dreadful despite not drinking anything more/different than usual

11. Cavan's bad form

12. Soft as shite f**kers who exaggerrate the bad weather - it's freezing, it's lashing out of the heavens, I'm not going out in that etc. Grow some balls, or better still, some skin.

13. Everton hacking out a draw at Anfield and celebrating like they've won the league

14. Steven McDonnell being written as Stephen McDonald. FFS, one's an ace scorer for Armagh the other's in Coronation Street you assholes.

15. Pat Spillane as a presenter, Ger Canning as a commentator and M Morrissey as well

16. People who sit languidly at bar in a pub or chipper when there's a three deep crowd behind them trying to order

17. Always managing to pick the slowest moving queue

18. Bad service in restaurants etc.

19. Drivers - and it's usually always women - who nervously brake every single godamn time they meet a car or reach a bend regardless of the actual need to do so, width of the road and so on. JESUS CHRIST IF YOU'RE TOO AFRAID TO DRIVE PROPERLY GET TO f**k OFF THE ROAD YOU ABSOLUTE f**ker!!!

20. The amount of execrable reality TV nonsense and worse, women's fascination with it and refusal to watch anything else apart from this and soaps. In general, the broader dumbing down of society, people being famous for nothing, celebrity culture and how people are in thrall to a throwaway, manufactured, PR and media-driven agenda.

I feel much better now, but I'm going to have a lie down after all that. ;D


Quote17. Always managing to pick the slowest moving queue
Really? I always get the till that doesn't work or the person that can't work the till  >:(
Which one of you bitches wants to dance?


I wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.


The way RTE try to outBBC the BBC by having their own 'Celebrity' tv shows.
Inaugural Football Championship Prediction Winner.

The Bottom Brick

The drunken scumbags who only come down to matchdays in Clones to go on the piss
33, 35, 47, 48, 52, 07!

man in black

Quote from: The Bottom Brick on January 03, 2007, 10:53:30 PM
The drunken scumbags who only come down to matchdays in Clones to go on the piss

Clones full stop
'Till things are brighter, I'm the Man In Black


Border Fox


Putting your lovely new Liverpool white and green jersey into a wash with the missues lovely new red shirt...Liverpool's 3rd jersey is now pink >:(


Car insurance for a 21 year old >:(