Started by Canalman, November 30, 2006, 09:22:43 PM

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        People in supermarkets who wait until the checkpout person has told them their final bill before preceeding to hoke out their wallet or purse to pay and its normally stuck in the bottom of a handbag or the likes

and then they stand about for twenty minutes packing things at the till and will not move to allow you to be served ------ and eejits who a) cannot use banklinks or b) have 2 cards to use at one transation


Was in a bar over christmas and a girl proceeded to buy three drinks and pay for each one separately , think she missed the f**king concept of a round!   ::)


the phrase
'take a raincheck'

what the fcuk does that mean
and whatever it means
it means fcuk all in Ireland

Square Ball

Pubs that only charge admission for New Years Eve parties, they should be boycotted >:(
Hospitals are not equipped to treat stupid


Answering all 100 Irish News Sports Quiz questions, taking 2 days, then finding out you only have to answer any 10.
I wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.


Programmes on the TV NEVER starting on time and making setting a recorder impossible  >:(
Which one of you bitches wants to dance?


Going back to work tomorrow........ >:(



The Countdown clock. Why is it a full size clock when it only ever goes half way round? Grrrrr!
Cover me in chocolate and feed me to the lesbians

The Bottom Brick

Power trippers

People who make noise when they're eating

Wankers who say every sentence as if they are asking a question, even when they're not

Pricks who fill the car with petrol while you're waiting, then saunter off into the shop to pay or stuff their big fat heads with shite without moving the car out of the way so that I can fill my own car :'(


Loudmouthed girls


Robbie Williams

The way English words like "bloke" and "mate" or "booze" are used over here
33, 35, 47, 48, 52, 07!


Quote from: The Bottom Brick on January 02, 2007, 12:58:51 AM
Pricks who fill the car with petrol while you're waiting, then saunter off into the shop to pay or stuff their big fat heads with shite without moving the car out of the way so that I can fill my own car :'(

Did this today BB :-\ ...but only because the fecker before me did it to me made sense at the time but on reflection....... :-[

My own personal one would be

People who possess nothing but negative opinions of their local GAA Club but quickly distance themselves whenever the said club are looking for volunteers to change the very things they have problem(s) with........i know what I call them ???
It's a lot easier to sing karaoke than to sing opera


Redlining Electrical drawings on first day back...Any one who has done this will know what i mean >:(


people who think "ulster scots" is a language....

The Bottom Brick

33, 35, 47, 48, 52, 07!