Are kilkenny taking too many steps when in posession of the sliothar

Started by lynchbhoy, August 09, 2007, 03:33:24 PM

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Just observed that in the last two kilkenny games v Galway and Wex (the 20 mins or so that I saw)
Kilkenny seem to take 8 or 9 steps with the sliothar when certain players have it in their hands.

Biggest offenders, Tommy Walsh, Martin commerford and Saint Henry.

Anyone else see this or am I wrong in thinking that (like football) you can only take 4 steps without hopping or carrying the bally on your hurley ? ?



Quote from: Dutch on August 09, 2007, 03:48:33 PM
obv past your bed time little fella
best let us big boys remain here and ya go...


Quote from: Punxsutawney Fergal on August 09, 2007, 04:06:22 PM
Everyone does it!
I know they do in football and to a certain extent in hurling, but I thought the last couple of games I witnessed that great defensive work was negated by the ref allowing the kilkenny lads (some of them not all) to run several steps (a la DJ as was highlighted by mouview) and not being blown for over carrying.

It is something that I will be watching more closely now for all teams. I just didnt notice this before. Not to that extent anyhow.
I am not anti-Kilkenny, if anything I actually would prefer them to almost any other side given the links Kilkenny clubs have with my own.
As I went to waterford (boy) college so have a great affinity with them also...





Quote from: lynchbhoy on August 09, 2007, 04:14:45 PM
I am not anti-Kilkenny

after starting a thread like this I would say you most certainly are. Nice try though


My Mother is ill in hospital at the minute. So have a bit of respect u dick


Quote from: bottlethrower7 on August 09, 2007, 04:51:47 PM
after starting a thread like this I would say you most certainly are. Nice try though
seriously no I am not.
I was always a fan of Balyhale - the big guns in club hurling in the late 80's , with huge liking for the cats, my first and only all Ireland hurling finals were the 82 & 83 games v Cork.
James stephens and O'Loughlin gaels are regular visitors to our club and it was a kilkenny man who brought the hurling gospel to our neck of the woods.
If Waterford dont win the AI, I would hope and expect KK to do so.



Quote from: Dutch on August 09, 2007, 04:54:20 PM
My Mother is ill in hospital at the minute. So have a bit of respect u dick
well go an visit her then and pay less attention to what adults are doing on an internet message board.
Maybe she can go over the whole topic of manners with you again.

Best of health to the lady. Pity she has you for an offspring.


Lynchboy u have over 2000 posts...something is seriously wrong there

Square Ball

I think everyone at both codes is at it. Watch any match anywhere and if a ref was to blow for the four step rule every time there would little time for anything else, cant say if one team does it more that any other
Hospitals are not equipped to treat stupid


Quote from: Square Ball on August 09, 2007, 08:30:12 PM
I think everyone at both codes is at it. Watch any match anywhere and if a ref was to blow for the four step rule every time there would little time for anything else, cant say if one team does it more that any other

Most ref's are inclined to let the odd extra step go if you are breaking the tackle, but 7 or 8 is well beyond that and should be blown up. I think the ref's in both games last weekend gave frees against players for overcarrying even though at other instances they could have blown for even more.

I don't think Kilkenny are worse than any other team as the O'Connor twins like a few strides as well.