Brits out, peace in.

Started by Aerlik, July 31, 2007, 04:18:16 PM

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his holiness nb

Quote from: SammyG on August 01, 2007, 11:58:46 AM
Glad to see you've passed your stage 3 telepathy exams. You should have told me it would have saved me bothering to type anything, you could have just told me what I was thinking, instead.

I was pretty clear Sammy, dont be silly.

Quote from: SammyG on August 01, 2007, 11:58:46 AM
p.s. I thought you didn't like personal abuse.  ::)

Who told you that?
I love a bit of name calling when the occasion suits  ;)
If you are referring to my comments yesterday it was referring to you taking the moral high ground over insults then dishing them out yourself.
More so the hypocracy than the insults, then again you knew that already  ;)

Ask me holy bollix


Another perspective would say that Sinn Finn is now well on the way to mission accomplished. 

On the one hand, not only are British troops leaving, but there is a real sense that Britain is doing everything it can to rid itself of the economic albatross that is Northern Ireland, and the prospect of a United Ireland appears far more feasible than it did in 1967.  The biggest obstacle, I fear, will be the Republic and not Britain.  In addition, Sinn Fein has become the premier voice of Nationalism, apparently making the SDLP largely irrelevant.

My deep regret is that it took the death of thousands to get us to this point.

But I have a question.  Unlike Gweyltah who gloats about mission accomplished and the defeat/surrender of the IRA, I see it instead as a significant tactical shift in the aftermath of Bobby Sands election, when the IRA came to realize that instead of bombing people into a United Ireland they were much more likely to attain their objective by engaging in the democratic process.  So here's the question.  What do you think would have happened had the SDLP decided to contest that Ferm/S. Tyrone election, thereby splitting the Nationalist vote, and causing Sands' defeat, besides of course preventing the demise of the SDLP?  Where would we be today?