Ban Irish players for life from the GAA that play Australian Rules

Started by Stay goalside of your man, July 27, 2007, 12:22:05 PM

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new devil

Quote from: BallyhaiseMan on July 27, 2007, 11:09:29 PM
The GAA should ban tools like stay goalside of your man from posting on internet messageboards.

I would 2nd could the gaa ban players for playing another sport, catch your self on man ::)

Stay goalside of your man

"new devil" should we just let them go and play AFL without a fight.

new devil

Should we not be happy to see them bettering themselves in a proffessional sport, iits not like the GAA are loseing 100's to the AFL, we are only talking what 2 or 3 a year?


Have to agree with New Devil - we're not talking huge numbers and it's good to see Irish men being able to play out there - and as well as that I think we can learn from the Aussies - their sports academies and sport science are worth replicating here.

new devil

jesus ive seen it all now an arboe man agreeing with a kildress man  :D  what sort of a message would send to the outside world if the GAA started banning its players from playing other sports

Mack the finger

Of course its ridiculous to suggest banning players from playing aussie rules, and I'm sure any of us would
jump at the chance to earn a living earning playing a professional sport.

All that the GAA can offer is the chance to win honours with your beloved county; naive enough as that seems compared to wealth, its enough for most lads.

A few may go, maybe more as time goes on; but not enough to put a drain on our own resources.

Personally its great to see lads like Clarke and Keneally doing well over there.

oakleaf stateside

lets ban them so every 1 can get a good old  :D at the gaa u fu#kn ass
Dont Do It


Quote from: orangeman on July 28, 2007, 05:58:06 PM
Have to agree with New Devil - we're not talking huge numbers and it's good to see Irish men being able to play out there - and as well as that I think we can learn from the Aussies - their sports academies and sport science are worth replicating here.

Have to agree with that. Tohill went to Oz and came back with new ideas that he passed on to alot of boys. He introduced the likes of McGeeney to the powerlifting techniques that were being used in aussie rules at the time.  Apart from anything else the developments in fitness and training techniques that we've seen in the past 10 years in football haven't come about from the GAA living in a bubble . They've come from managers and players looking at other sports and seeing what works for us, nothing wrong with that. Rugby has taken certain kicking and handling ideas from the GAA, its all about looking for new ideas.

oakleaf stateside

Dont Do It


'Ban Irish players for life from the GAA that play Australian Rules'.

The author of this nonsense should be fecked into the Bann from a great height because this is the single worst idea I have ever seen on this board.
Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.


Folks, both games have learned alot from the other over the years.  Look at the way the Irish boys kick the ball on the run...basically identical to the way we do in Gaelic football, and Clarke is a great exponent of that - he kicks "around" the ball as the Aussies call it.  Also, alot of Aussie teams now adopt a Gaelic-like running game instead of stopping and taking every mark that comes their way.  Handballing is another skill which both games have improved from the other.

And BogballXV, I don't know where you were looking at your women, but the Perth girls are a blessing for sore eyes.  Considered the best looking girls in the country ;D (Darwin's Scandinavian backpacker population doesn't count).

To find his equal an Irishman is forced to talk to God!


Quote from: Stay goalside of your man on July 28, 2007, 05:09:27 PM
"new devil" should we just let them go and play AFL without a fight.

is it the fact they are playing another sport or getting paid for it that angers you?

players leave the fold all the time. deal with it.

Stay goalside of your man

Quote from: dublinfella on July 29, 2007, 10:40:03 AM
Quote from: Stay goalside of your man on July 28, 2007, 05:09:27 PM
"new devil" should we just let them go and play AFL without a fight.

is it the fact they are playing another sport or getting paid for it that angers you?

players leave the fold all the time. deal with it.

It is neither of these two things.
I have nothing against people playing other sports I would encourage it. I regret the fact that when I was young I played GAA exclusively; I wish I had tried others.
I also have no problem with the players going down under to play professionally, who could blame them.

Its the fact the AFL see the GAA as a soft touch when it comes to recruiting players that gets me going.
There is nothing the GAA can do to stop the AFL taking players on an official level.

I have said that this ban would never work in practice; I just threw it out there to get discussion going.
But something similar occurs with the all blacks, to get picked for them you have to play your club rugby in New Zealand, if you head overseas you by in large are off the team.
The same with the Irish rugby team, by in large you have to stay and play your club rugby in Ireland to get picked for the national team.

Nobody sees these unofficial rules as a problem.

An Laoch

I think RTE should ban news of Aussie Rules players from their GAA pages of aertel and their website. It has absolutely nothing to do with GAA that Aisake O hAilpin got in to the first team of his club. Good luck to O'hAilpin and all that, but it has as much to do with GAA as rugby in my opinion.

new devil

Quote from: An Laoch on July 29, 2007, 04:38:35 PM
I think RTE should ban news of Aussie Rules players from their GAA pages of aertel and their website. It has absolutely nothing to do with GAA that Aisake O hAilpin got in to the first team of his club. Good luck to O'hAilpin and all that, but it has as much to do with GAA as rugby in my opinion.

Well he was a former player of the GAA, And may well come back to play some day, some of yous boys get annoyed very easy  ::)