Excellent letter in Belfast Telegraph in support of Long Kesh Stadium

Started by T Fearon, July 24, 2007, 11:02:08 AM

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his holiness nb

Fair play Tony, you really know how to rile up EG, Sammy and the likes.
Tasting their own medicine  ;)
Ask me holy bollix


Quote from: 5iveTimes on July 24, 2007, 12:34:30 PM
Evil Genius, I used to go out with a girl, who lived on the Donegal Rd. Rydalmere St to be exact.

If she is/was a Protestant, from what you said yesterday about Prods, she had a lucky escape.

Windsor Park is close to the Village area, it's isn't in it. It's closer to Milltown Cemetery than it is to the Donegall Road.

On a related point, isnt it time for Northern newspapers to take a sensible leaf out of Southern and most British national newspapers' book and refuse to print letters with non-de-plumes but insist on full names and locations being printed alongside letters?


T Fearon

Isn't it time the iFA/OWC took cognisance of the wholly valid and constructive criticisms levelled against them, and did something about them in a positive manner, rather than disimissing them out of hand. By doing so they might,just might, start to attract some semblance of cross community support. End the siege mentality ffs

Fiodoir Ard Mhacha

Quote from: Evil Genius on July 24, 2007, 12:17:36 PM
As for it being "neutral" - it's undeniably in the middle of the Upper Bann constituency, an undeniably Loyalist area.

Maze/Long Kesh is in the Lagan Valley constituency, not Upper Bann.
"Something wrong with your eyes?....
Yes, they're sensitive to questions!"


Quote from: Evil Genius on July 24, 2007, 12:48:42 PM
Quote from: 5iveTimes on July 24, 2007, 12:34:30 PM
To say that Windsor is not in the village is like saying Casement Park isnt in Andytown

As someone who has lived in a sidestreet off the Lisburn Road, I can tell you for a fact that WP is not in the Village.

As someone who has lived in a sidestreet off the Lisburn Road, I would regard everything over the Gt Northern Street footbridge as being in the village.


Superb unbalanced reporting of the debate on BBC NI at the minute:


In a piece headlined "GAA 'rules out city stadium plan'", it states in small print underneath an accompanying image that "Rugby officials differ from soccer and GAA in favouring Belfast", and buried within the story we have an admission from Poots that "the Irish Football Association had also indicated it did not favour Belfast.".

So, why the focus on the GAA, when the IFA also didn't favour a Belfast location?

Why the knee jerk anti GAA reaction from the beeb?
Why isn't the story - only IRFU favour a Belfast stadium?
I can hear the OWC crew winding up already to denounce their failure to identify an alternative neutral site as all the GAA's fault.

This country would be great if you bog ballers weren't here, blah blah


Born a victim, live a victim, die a victim, eh Snatter?  What an epitaph.

Has the IFA or IRFU/Ulster Branch ruled-in or out anywhere?  Apparently not, they merely have 'preferences'.

Has the GAA ruled-in or out anywhere?  Apparently yes.

There's the story, it's really quite simple!

Wanting everything your own way, then play the victim when others object (even though you won't let others use your own property as it is).  All heart ....


Quote from: GweylTah on July 24, 2007, 01:36:02 PM
Born a victim, live a victim, die a victim, eh Snatter?  What an epitaph.

Has the IFA or IRFU/Ulster Branch ruled-in or out anywhere?  Apparently not, they merely have 'preferences'.

Has the GAA ruled-in or out anywhere?  Apparently yes.

There's the story, it's really quite simple!

Wanting everything your own way, then play the victim when others object (even though you won't let others use your own property as it is).  All heart ....

The real newsworthy item here, ie an important fact that we didn't know before, is that the IFA don't favour a Belfast stadium.

That's news to me, and I suspect everyone else in NI following the great stadium debate.
That should be the headline.

There's been a lot of crap talked by the owc'ers about a gaa veto on Belfast. All they did was rule out the two Belfast options put to them.
I've said before that for the GAA to rule something out, they must have considered it first.
And the GAA's selection of an extra-Belfast site is old news anyway.

So why then, do the BBC run with

GAA 'rules out city stadium plan'
    rather than
Only rugby in favour of Belfast stadium

That's the real question I'm asking here.

his holiness nb

Quote from: GweylTah on July 24, 2007, 01:36:02 PM
(even though you won't let others use your own property as it is).

Gweltyah I presume you were under your rock at the time but there have been two rugby internationals and two soccer internationals so far this year in Croke park.
Plank  :D :D
Ask me holy bollix

An Fear Rua

So where do the IFA prefer?? Not Belfast and not the maze, so where?
Its Grim up North


Quote from: An Fear Rua on July 24, 2007, 01:43:47 PM
So where do the IFA prefer?? Not Belfast and not the maze, so where?

They want stay in WP but do nothing towards financing the upgrade of it they want it all handed to then from the government because they believe it to be their right.


Quote from: his holiness nb on July 24, 2007, 01:42:30 PM
Quote from: GweylTah on July 24, 2007, 01:36:02 PM
(even though you won't let others use your own property as it is).

Gweltyah I presume you were under your rock at the time but there have been two rugby internationals and two soccer internationals so far this year in Croke park.
Plank  :D :D

Funny enough, I knew about that - it was a one-off dispenation for Croke Park only, and only granted after massive pressure and opposed by ALL of the Northern Irish GAA counties, it doesn't affect general GAA policy of selfishness.


Quote from: An Fear Rua on July 24, 2007, 01:43:47 PM
So where do the IFA prefer?? Not Belfast and not the maze, so where?

From what the Northern soccer fans who post here seem to think, maybe the IFA would suggest the moon, since the big-wigs seem wired to it.

his holiness nb

Quote from: GweylTah on July 24, 2007, 01:49:15 PM
Funny enough, I knew about that - it was a one-off dispenation for Croke Park only, and only granted after massive pressure and opposed by ALL of the Northern Irish GAA counties, it doesn't affect general GAA policy of selfishness.

Eh the GAA made the decision to get the IRFU and FAI out of trouble. This is why there was massive pressure, they were desperate.
They did a favour to the competition. Why you mentioned all the Northern Counties opposed it is beyond me, if nothing else it proves that democracy is alive and well in the GAA!!  ::)

Now pull up your pants, step away from the computer and f**k OFF!!
Ask me holy bollix

Fiodoir Ard Mhacha

Because 5times, the British government in their ultimate wisdom seem to think that a 'national' stadium will make us all love each other in this new island of equals.

Little do they realise how much more positive cross-community work is going on in wee websites like this.

That said, Armagh does need a stadium, though not for the next few months...... :-\
"Something wrong with your eyes?....
Yes, they're sensitive to questions!"