Frankie Dolan!!!

Started by An Gaeilgoir, November 26, 2006, 02:51:26 PM

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ross matt

Thats a really well though out answer Galway 15. Try dealing with the facts like Ryano just did. As for Seanshunt.........He almost makes Galwaybayboy seem objective. Like Ryano (and alot of Rossies for that matter) I'm no fan of the bould Frankie but to suggest a 6 month ban ?????? Give a dog a bad name FFS!

Galway lads catch a grip. The bitterness is laughable at this stage. I doubt myself if Brigid's will advance much further but they're worthy Connacht champs all the same. Try and swallow it.


Quote from: ross matt on November 29, 2006, 06:58:16 PM
Galway lads catch a grip. The bitterness is laughable at this stage.

There was little bitterness on this thread until the Dolan supporting side of the debate threw in some stupid county rivalry comments. Going back over some of the arguments you will notice a proper discussion up until this point.
All the Galway posts were very objective and critical of Sice.

Good Luck to Brigids, all Galway people will be happy to see them do well especially with JOM and Anthony Cunningham on board.

Tatler Jack

QuoteSometimes you have to wonder were the Rossies brought up on the same planet as the rest of us, as the rest of the world advances they seem to drift further and further back

Quotewhether or not Jimmy had a bib is a mute point

Whatever planet I am on and whether I am advancing or not I know what  a moot point is. Maybe seanshunt could explain what  a "mute point" is in that bastion of advanced civilisation and cradle of learning he inhabits.


Personally I've kept the argument to the actual incident itself which is fairly cut and dried IMO. I certainly haven't been the one that has started bringing petty county grudges, jealousies and complexes into it which has been nothing more than attempt to further muddy the waters around the Dolangate saga. When you start down that road it's pretty much a sign that you've lost the argument and have to nothing to offer except "well ye boys have always had it in for us" type nonsense.

I don't particularly care if Frankie Dolan gets punished or not. I think he probably should (like the Corofin selector) but I won't lose any sleep if he doesn't. The minute I saw the incident I thought it was shocking that he didn't get the line at the time. The thing that kept me coming back to the argument was people turning metaphorical and verbal backflips to try an justify him punching someone.


Of course if we were from Galway we would all say " Surrrhhh we seen nawthin"
as happened in the Donnellan incident some years ago ;D
I suppose Mr. Sice is still sipping soup through a straw???
Davy's given us a dream to cling to
We're going to bring home the SAM


Quoteas happened in the Donnellan incident some years ago

Not that's it's relevant to the discussion but I didn't mention Donnellan's alleged incident because

A. I wasn't at the game.
B. I didn't see the incident on telly anywhere.
C. I don't know anyone who was at that game.
D. It has nothing to do with the Dolan/mentor affair.

I can't really comment on something I never witnessed.

QuoteI suppose Mr. Sice is still sipping soup through a straw???

I think Hogan Stand would be more your cup of tea.


Quote from: Rossfan on November 29, 2006, 08:04:41 PM
Of course if we were from Galway we would all say " Surrrhhh we seen nawthin"
as happened in the Donnellan incident some years ago ;D
I suppose Mr. Sice is still sipping soup through a straw???

Ya see here we go again, the odd Roscommon poster(not the majority) is a bit deluded. All Galway posters here bar 1 I think have stated very clearly what they think of Sice coming onto the pitch and his pathetic fall.

Dont be puttin words in peoples mouths.

If ya want to have an argument with yourself, find a mirror and stop spoutin shite.


Quote from: belleaqua on November 29, 2006, 08:18:18 PM

All Galway posters here bar 1 I think have stated very clearly what they think of Sice coming onto the pitch and his pathetic fall.

So do all the Galways bar 1 say Frankie Dolan didnt hit him very hard  and Sice is in the wrong then?
So why exactly has FD to get a six month ban??
And why the need for 7 pages? if ye all agree with us?
Davy's given us a dream to cling to
We're going to bring home the SAM


That does not change the issue of striking, thats the whole point.
Of course he shouldnt get a 6 month ban, it should be the equivalent to striking a player. Striking is striking, he hit him, Sice was slow to go down, doesnt change the fact he was struck. He should get a ban too.

Thats what the majority of Galway posters are saying and you come along with rubbish from 6 - 7 years ago that has absolutely nothing to do with this and confuse the argument.

ross matt

The main reason for the backlash from me was the hyprocrisy from GBB pretending to be objective when he has form for anti-Ross bias. This is the individual who whined that the Rossies celebrated too much after Tuam 01!
He is the only one who said at the beginning of this debate who claimed it was a poor game whilst bizarrely mentioning at the same time that he did'nt really see it. Read from that if a Ross team beats a Galway one then it's a given that the standard is poor. The few "poor me I was only making an innocent point" recently posted by him dont really wash.

As for the intelligent Galway supporter with the O'Mahony conspiracy theory....... you're dead right my friend that O'Mahony guy has always been out to get Galway football!


Did he not say "I heard" it was a poor game. I cant speak for anyone else but looking over his posts from the start they look genuine to me.
Quote from: ross matt on November 29, 2006, 08:40:54 PM
Read from that if a Ross team beats a Galway one then it's a given that the standard is poor.

I think ya might be lookin into that one a little much because of the county thing but I might be wrong.

My point being, everything written taken at face value would indicate no real anti roscommon bias on the sending off issue.


GBB.....I also found it fascinating that you said it wasn't a great game, even though you weren't at it. Your fellow county man, Martin Breheny, described it as a first class game, and he WAS at it. Mr Sice should not have been on the pitch. I didn't see him carrying any water in this incident, and if he was on to attend to his son, what was he doing confronting Frankie??. It's not very long ago, that our Mayo and Galway friends on this board, were having a great discussion on another thread about the wonderful Connacht Final we were going to have between Crossmolina and Corofin!!!!. It was going to be the game of the year, with the winners favourites to win the All Ireland. Now, we have people making derogatory remarks about Ros clubs when, believe it or not, we have a club who beat Crossmolina AND Corofin.Seems like some of you Galway boys are suffering a severe dose of Rossieitis, which i suppose is understandable. ;) ;D


Quote from: Shrewdness on November 29, 2006, 09:04:55 PM
.Seems like some of you Galway boys are suffering a severe dose of Rossieitis, which i suppose is understandable. ;) ;D

Ya definitely, havin taken 2 All Ireland Senior Football Titles, 3 All Ireland Club Titles, 2 u21 All Ireland Titles and i dont know how many countless Connaught Titles(suppose il leave out the hurling) at all levels in the past 8 years its a devastating loss for us.

ross matt

Fair point Bellaqua. Exceptional record. I've often commended the Galway side 98-01 here and consider it to be definitely one of the best footballing sides ever. That been said it is in the past and the future doesnt look all that bright for Galway football at the moment. Most of the optimism coming from Roscommon is obviously based on the minor success and of course last Sunday. Whether it translates in to senior intercounty success in the near future is debatable but Rossies are entitled to savour it rather than have biased opinions attempt to discredit it. You seem genuine enough but there were Galway supporters on here early in the year demanding their minor management be hung drawn and quartered because they went down in the championship to Roscommon. Some of your supporters have very short memories and breathtaking arrogance. The same ones that are suffering from bad heartburn now these last few days.....


Ya fair enough I wasnt here then so unaware of some of these things, im lookin at things as they appear here. Of course yer minor success should be well celebrated especially after a very hard fought campaign

Only thing I will say about the minors(and every minor team in both codes) success GUARANTEES nothing in the future. of course there is  great potential there, job now is to make sure it comes through. Galway have won two u21 titles in 3 years and we have yet to see anything and likely we wont, the 1st team was actually a brilliant side, the 2nd was carried by Meehan so you may be right. Time will tell.