Gypsy Camp on M50

Started by Sky Blue, July 18, 2007, 12:37:19 PM

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Quote from: inisceithleann on July 18, 2007, 04:42:27 PM
Quote from: his holiness nb on July 18, 2007, 04:37:04 PM
In fairness most couples with children who both need to work to pay the mortgage cant afford a cleaner.
Be honest there are some lazy ones out their.

Of course there are plently of lazy unemployed people happy to sit around and sponge off the state. But there is a wider issue here. I don't have statistics but I think you'll find that a lot unmarried couples on the dole have the poorest health in the country and live in the worst housing. These people come from poor socio economic backgrounds and don't have the education or motivation to get out of the rut in which they are stuck. It is a vicious cycle as their children will probably be the same.


I was pretty disturbed by some of the stuff, particularly the earlier posts, I read on this thread.  I thought I'd logged on to, so virulent were the nasty, brutish, right-wing sentiments expressed.  No wonder we have awful Government we have down here and continued polarisation of communities in the north. 

'f**k every one else' seems to be the clear sentiment of this thread.

Something should be done for the gypsy kids.  This is not nazi germany.

Since the growth in urbanisation in Ireland in the mid 90s, there has been a clear shift towards 'I'm alright jack values' which characterise the Irish in America. How come we do so well over there?  Because it's a nasty place without any real sense of community, that's why, and that's the way this country is going too.

It's a shame.

In Roman mythology, Pietas was the goddess of duty to one's state, gods and family.


Quote from: Pietas on July 18, 2007, 04:56:22 PM
Quote from: inisceithleann on July 18, 2007, 04:42:27 PM
Quote from: his holiness nb on July 18, 2007, 04:37:04 PM
In fairness most couples with children who both need to work to pay the mortgage cant afford a cleaner.
Be honest there are some lazy ones out their.

Of course there are plently of lazy unemployed people happy to sit around and sponge off the state. But there is a wider issue here. I don't have statistics but I think you'll find that a lot unmarried couples on the dole have the poorest health in the country and live in the worst housing. These people come from poor socio economic backgrounds and don't have the education or motivation to get out of the rut in which they are stuck. It is a vicious cycle as their children will probably be the same.


I was pretty disturbed by some of the stuff, particularly the earlier posts, I read on this thread.  I thought I'd logged on to, so virulent were the nasty, brutish, right-wing sentiments expressed.  No wonder we have awful Government we have down here and continued polarisation of communities in the north. 

'f**k every one else' seems to be the clear sentiment of this thread.

Something should be done for the gypsy kids.  This is not nazi germany.

Since the growth in urbanisation in Ireland in the mid 90s, there has been a clear shift towards 'I'm alright jack values' which characterise the Irish in America. How come we do so well over there?  Because it's a nasty place without any real sense of community, that's why, and that's the way this country is going too.

It's a shame.

Speaking for myself, I wouldn't see myself as leaning to either "wing", rather I'm a pragmatist. But I have to say I am sick of do gooders like said person from Pavee Point telling me this type of thing "was inevitable"? How so? Believe me I'm all for helping those who can't help themselves, and yes those Romany children should be taken care of, definitely better than their parents currently are at the very least. But on the other hand where does personal responsibility come into it? What of the parents of these children? Who would move them into the centre of a roundabout on one of Western Europe's thoroughfares? I refuse to believe that it was "inevitable", or in some way I or larger society contributed to them being "forced" to do so.

* Oh as for single mothers (what's that got to do with the subject?), most of the stuff on here is just low, and not worth entering a debate on.
"Mr Treehorn treats objects like women man."


Quote from: Tankie on July 18, 2007, 02:01:59 PM
If we are organizing a rally can we start with one for unmarried mother who rip the state off,  people on long term unemployment for no reason and Knackers who leave the place in a heap. they are the c***ts that really piss me off.

But sure that would  include nearly everyone from Dublin :P


Pietas you are a star, an incisive intellect who has gone right to the heart of what passes for irish society today. Your post would p***k the conscience of anyone capable of rational thought, unfortunately that will not include the racist hypocritical self righteous bigots whom you are addressing on this board. Save your breath,they have no insight and or beyond redemption.


Quote from: Pangurban on July 18, 2007, 10:03:37 PM
Pietas you are a star, an incisive intellect who has gone right to the heart of what passes for irish society today. Your post would p***k the conscience of anyone capable of rational thought, unfortunately that will not include the racist hypocritical self righteous bigots whom you are addressing on this board. Save your breath,they have no insight and or beyond redemption.

Pangurban, I have to agree with 5iveTimes here. If you read my contributions you'll find my political stance comes very much from the left. In any case we live in a democratic society and people should be free to express how they feel. Immigration is an immotive issue and a political hot potato. Just because someone takes a hardline over illegal immigrants or state benefits does not make them a racist. If anything it merely indicates what a majority of the electorate feel these days. If you look at Britain, the Labour Party, a so called socialist party have moved very much to the centre if not the right when it comes to issues that have been discussed on this thread. I'm not agreeing with everything said on this thread but I wouldn't say any of they comments made today came from bigots.

Life is a ticket to the greatest show on earth

The Real Laoislad

Quote from: 5iveTimes on July 18, 2007, 10:41:02 PM
Something I should mention. I have a Pole and a Latvian working for me. 2 excellent workers, who I pay well above the going rate. Any of their friends that I know are also great workers and would work 7 days a week if you would let them. They are not only great workers, but nice people also. These guys are more than welcome in this country and are a credit to both their native country and Ireland. What I cant stand is people coming here to sponge off the state, its bad enough our own doing it, but when its outsiders we have to draw the line. It is always those who give least that take the most.

Agree with 5ive Times,Some of the Poles and Latvians i know are the hardest workers on the sites that i work on,I'd have no problem hiring one of them
You'll Never Walk Alone.


Send us your trained educated workforce, your Doctors Nurses, tradesmen, but keep your poor and huddled masses. As you drive home along the M50 in your expensive car too your comfortable home and gaze out the window at that appalling scene, what do you see. The Man or Woman who sees illegal immigrants rather than human beings in great distress, has no conscience. Remove them,you cry,they offend my susceptibilities. What matters if a week old Baby is living in conditions that we not keep an animal, its not our problem. We our not our brothers keeper. Send them home,where they can exist in worse conditions and have the added benefit of being persecuted. Our rich Irish State cannot afford to keep people starving in ditches, sure our economy would implode tomorrow if we showed a little compassion, besides we have gougers of our own to support. Thank God for the English press who now dominate the printed media in the Ireland. they have taught the folly of care and compassion and opened our Eyes to the manner in which we our being exploited by asylum seekers and emigrants living the high life in our soul-less hostels on the generous pittance we pay them. Sure are!nt we well entitled to be smug self satisfied bastards,and enjoy our comfort in peace. Had!nt we the wit to hitch ourselves to the EEC and allow them to bankroll us out of our own miserable state of poverty and emigration. Why cant these people do the same. Oh, thats right, we voted against that proposal. Never mind ,sure we will send them a few bob occasionally, if they promise not to try and improve their lot and that of their families, by staying home and not dying on our streets. Sure thats fair ,reasonable and civilised isnt it.

Gaoth Dobhair Abu

When the Irish had to emigrate to the four courners of the world, they worked, they were treated like shit, discriminated against and demonised, yet against it all they WORKED and WORKED HARD!




Typical response, never let facts get in the way of a good story. Live in ignorance,intolerance, and bigotry if you choose, i hope you are happy


The reason they are not working is not because they don't want to or are lazy. The law prevents them from working

RATS steal their food and rain lashes their mud-encrusted clothes but the Romas sleeping rough at a junction of the M50 still say it is better than returning home to Romania.
For the last six weeks around 28 adults and 16 children, members of the nomadic Roma community, have camped on a north Dublin roundabout where trees shield flimsy tents patched up with faded campaign posters left behind after May's general election.
"Night is bad because of the rats. They try to eat our food," said Augustine Rostas (58) from Oradea in western Romania. "I came to Ireland to build a future for my children," he said through an interpreter.
The group arrived in Ireland legally, hoping to get unskilled jobs in agriculture and cleaning after Romania and Bulgaria became part of the EU on January 1.
But they are not allowed to work because of labour and welfare restrictions imposed on the 2007 entrants.

The group say they face discrimination in Romania as Romas.
Some Romas used to be able to claim asylum in Ireland but are now being squeezed out.
While Polish shops and bars open around the country to cater to some of the tens of thousands of Poles drawn working here, the authorities have issued just 35 work permits to skilled Romanian workers so far this year. They gave out 180 in 2006 as a whole, when Romania was not even an EU member.
Those camped out in Ballymun do not have the work qualifications required.
Part of an extended clan, they survive on food and clothing handouts and dodge oncoming traffic to get water from a nearby petrol station. Some of the women beg in the city centre while others look after their children.
Maria Dungau (26) gave birth to her son 2½ months ago in Ireland but is not entitled to welfare benefits. "I just want my child to have a clean place to live," she said.



I'd like to return the compliment.  You've hit the nail on the head.  The prevailing social attitude in this country is morally repugnant.

I think a lot of people know that something has gone very wrong here in the last 10 years, but can't quite figure out what it is.

We have lost our sense of community and social values.
In Roman mythology, Pietas was the goddess of duty to one's state, gods and family.

his holiness nb

I havent, and I dont tell lies to stir shite  ;)
Ask me holy bollix

full back

I know many families, where the man of the house works his bollix off all week & the woman looks after the kids - yet once all the bills are paid they have barely any money left over for themselves or the children to have leisure activities etc.
Yet the do-gooders on here want us to start looking after others before we take care of people who were born and bred in this country ::)


Quote from: Gaoth Dobhair Abu on July 19, 2007, 01:38:09 AM
When the Irish had to emigrate to the four courners of the world, they worked, they were treated like shit, discriminated against and demonised, yet against it all they WORKED and WORKED HARD!

The above statement is true. But many Irish were lazy and feckless.  Many of them drank themselves to death.  Many worked all their lives without paying any social insurance.  Families broke up and there are, to this day, many elderly Irishmen livie in shit accommodation in Britain with social and mental problems.

What have we done for them with our new found weatlth? These men, many of whom sent money home.

f**k all, that's what, because we wont even address disadvantage on our own doorsteps, be it in the health service, education, or the plight of travellers, be they Irish or Romany.  

Ireland is one of the wealthiest countries in the world but it is a shit country.

The health service is a joke
Services in general are a joke
U are ripped off everywhere you go.
The roads are awful.
You can't even drink the water in Galway and Clare.
Our national TV station can't produce a programme worth watching that isn't news or sport
Our Prime Mininster was on the take while he was Minister for Finance and no-one gives a f**k.  He cabinet colleagues were at it too.

I sincerely hope that Bertie Ahern and Mary Harney die slow and painfull deaths. I, for one, will never forgive them for what they have done to Ireland.

We have no shame

In Roman mythology, Pietas was the goddess of duty to one's state, gods and family.