Where,What,How for the GAA in Down?

Started by wobbller, July 14, 2007, 01:04:46 AM

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I think to be fair to Sean Og his involvement with the team would have been as an administartor only - correct me if I am wrong. His current job as I understand it is as paid administrator for the county and that means doing his masters bidding so it is unfair to demonise him - and in any event this is getting all a bit personal.

We all know that we have been badly served by county board as a whole these past few years but the Clubs have the power to change this and teher seems to me to be no effort on their part to do this. They should be getting their delegates together to come up with a plan for revitalising the way the county is run. Inevitably this might mean some senior officers losing their positions but anyone with the good of Down GAA at heart will accept that blood must be spilt.
Fierce tame altogether


buy out martin clarke's contract and potential earnings for the next decade- that would be a good starting point. ::)

Pull Hard Hes No Relation

Quote from: wobbller on Today at 02:25:24 PM
and L'derry.

while I was only joking
you kind of emphasise my point here 

Lynchboy ignore Wobbler, you could be right given that we allowed the PSNI hurling team into Pairc Esler without even consulting the Shamrocks club! Heard they were greater hurlers well use to wielding "sticks" at Gaels!  ;)


 My reference to L'd was in jest also.
Letting the PSNI into Newry was a stunt supported by no one I know in Down.

Pull Hard Hes No Relation

Lighten up Wobbler we're only having a bit of craic.  ;)

On a more serious note and in support of Sean Og, not saying the guy is blameless or even that he may be out of his depth but in his defence he tried his best to instigate some changes in relation to hurling in the county and was almost "lynched" by the powers that be. In fairness what he was proposing and the steps he wanted to take where supported by many hurling people in the county and it was from these meetings that the first meaningful steps towards hurling development squads where taken. It can often be a case of don't shoot the messenger and I'd say that Sean Og has little or no influence on the direction the county is taking, it would be akin to Nicky Brennan telling Mulvihill in his heyday how to run the GAA on a day to day basis - surely the "paid offical" should eb the expert and be providing the advice to the "volunteer" in the county board position, not the other way around.


 The meetings he had this year with the Hurling fraternity seemed by all accounts good for all present but the ideas were not carried forward.They(the CB) can't even manage to brings ideas to fruition . How will they manage the millions they hope to receive when the Newcastle lottery cheque is picked up?


The Gael is back!

I have watched with interest the last while and decided not to comment but THE GAEL can no longer idly stand by.

Change is essential as the musical chairs anology is correct.

We get the same people in different roles , our finances were messed up and all of a sudden we may suddenly get a windfall and i hope from the highest bidder not some sort of old pals deal.

We need to look at our clubs and encourage the capable to get involved and take ownership.

Some of our officers at the highest level well ................. maybe some things are better left unsaid.Would Sean Quinn let them in control of millions in his company!!!!??

Has Peter Quinn carried out any sort of investigation  or audit into how Down  got into this financial position?

The sale of Newcastle has been the saviour of this administration which has done nothing to  prepare for the future wellbeing of our gaelic games in a once proud county.We should be all aware of this and make a concerted effort in our clubs to get the capable involved at county level.Keeping the status quo is not an option.

I would be more interested and relieved if Peter Quinn was in some way a trustee of the money received from the highest bidder ( and a transparent bidding process too) and was very much to fore after the sale of Newcastle and the use of the money.

I hope both Down  and the'ford retain Quinn for afterwards.

Down needs transparency!

                                The Gael takes no prisoners !



I don't of agree with thegael but he's right, we need to keep Peter Quinn involved in all the dealings with the potentail buyers and developers bidding for Newcastle and also in the developement of any new facilities.

If Bryansford club had the foresight to get Peter Quinn involved we can only thank them for showing the county board the right way to do business.


 Boys,talk of Peter Quinn remaining on in this end of Ireland is wide of the mark.We are not talking about some retired teacher who has time on his hands but a leading Irish businessman.He'll sort Newxastle to the auction stages and then leave it up to Down( and Bryansford) to sort out the windfall.


Peter Quinn's advice doesn't usualy come cheap.


Eugene Grant is costing nothing at all - he is a ex-ford player winning a Ulster Club medal in the late sixties and playing for them in Croke Pk in an All Ireland club final - he also had a spell with the county team in the seventies.
Came back in the early nineties to assist Michael Hanly run the senior team and was well got with the players.
He is known as 'Squire' to club members.

Fear ón Srath Bán

Buckets of disrespect Downies,  but shouldn't this thread be in the local section, Admin?  ;)
Carlsberg don't do Gombeenocracies, but by jaysus if they did...



Quote from: 5iveTimes on August 23, 2007, 12:39:54 PM
There would be very little I wouldnt know about Eugene. A good Down man and one of the best barristers in the country, but his advice usually doesnt come cheap  ;)

If he gets the best deal for Down and Bryansford it'll be money well spent.