Love Ulster II - The Maddening

Started by GalwayBayBoy, June 21, 2007, 01:40:03 PM

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Mr Frazer is a difficult character all right, but there but for grace go an awful lot of people if they had been bereaved in the Troubles as many times as he has been.

There are plenty of people who are bitter for much less provocation than Frazer.

his holiness nb

Its so they can say they marched triumphantly down O'Connell street.
Ask me holy bollix


Quote from: GweylTah on June 21, 2007, 04:28:50 PM
Mr Frazer is a difficult character all right, but there but for grace go an awful lot of people if they had been bereaved in the Troubles as many times as he has been.

There are plenty of people who are bitter for much less provocation than Frazer.

I've always had a sympathy for the amount of difficulties Frazer went through in the trouble, but that doesn't give him a green light to act the eejit and annoy the shite out of everyone.
Testing Accessibility

Square Ball

what are the different options:

Willie banned from marching- Evil Papal state, yadda yadda yadda. Major localised publicity

Willie allowed to march and rioting ensues- Evil and vicious Papal state who hate peacefull Protestants out to enjoy themselves in Dublin, major world wide publicity.

Willie allowed to march and peacefull counter protest- limited publicity.

there are other options but with the ceasefire and all that....

Feck him and his merry men, what to the Dubs on here think?
Hospitals are not equipped to treat stupid

his holiness nb

As a Dub I'd rather not see them march as its purely to incite trouble.
THAT SAID, as they would love being told they cant march (evil papal state etc)  ideally I'd say let them March and ignore them.
Problem is the skangers wont ignore them.
Ask me holy bollix


why dont a crowd of rsf supporters go and march up and down outside willie frazers house and call themselves love ireland.he wouldn't be spoutin so much shite then. (btw i dont have any time for rsf either)


The quandry for republicans is that Dublin is HIS capital, too.


QuoteLet them march who cares, just tell the guards before hand they can take their numbers off to deal with the scumbags

isnt amazing how quickly the facist come out in people when they dont agree with something . these marchers claim as much dole as you do gnevin
If you make yourself understood, you're always speaking well. Moliere

his holiness nb

One would think then, knowing the likelyhood of trouble, he wouldnt push for this March to go ahead??
Surely he wouldnt want trouble on the streets of HIS capital?

Ask me holy bollix

his holiness nb

Quote from: rosnarun on June 21, 2007, 05:03:23 PM
QuoteLet them march who cares, just tell the guards before hand they can take their numbers off to deal with the scumbags

isnt amazing how quickly the facist come out in people when they dont agree with something . these marchers claim as much dole as you do gnevin

Think you might be a bit harsh with the "facist" comments.
Was he referring to the marches or the potential rioters as "scumbags"??
Ask me holy bollix


Many people witnessed or had horrible things occur to families in the troubles.
I still believe that you have to judge the person on their actions and their consideration for others, i can give a little lee way but i find frazer odious.

I have yet to hear willie say a word about the victims of loyalist violence - maybe im wrong and he has, but he definatley sees things from one side.


Willie Frazer is a very bitter man and has a lot of anger.  He was part of another cross community victims group a few years back and because of his vitriol was shown the door.  I know a few people who worked alongside him over the years and he is not liked even among large sectos of the every day unionist community.

If there is no reaction then there will be no more requests for marches.  Willie needs reaction to be vindicated and without it he looks very silly indeed.  Ley him march and have it well marshalled.  If there is no reaction he will not be back next year.

What Willie needs is serious psychiatric counselling.  The man has a major complex about what happened to him and you would think with the increased awareness of mental illness among young men that perhaps his GP could advise him to get grief counselling.  Or maybe he has and this is his way of dealing with it.


Quote from: rosnarun on June 21, 2007, 05:03:23 PM
QuoteLet them march who cares, just tell the guards before hand they can take their numbers off to deal with the scumbags

isnt amazing how quickly the facist come out in people when they dont agree with something . these marchers claim as much dole as you do gnevin

Ah did you not see last time round, the scum smashing windows, robbing shops and setting cars on fire?  Thats not protesting!  f**k that facist bullshite, I say if they act like that again then the riot suqad should beat the heads of them.


I've no problem with these lads marching, but its a bit rich for these lads to come down and ask the Irish Tax payer to foot the bill. I saw the organiser on the RTE News, seems like a right w**ker. he refered to dublin as 'them down there'. If thats the case march all you want but foot the bill, sick of seeing my tax be pissed away on this type of bullshite.
Grand Slam Saturday!


Quote from: rosnarun on June 21, 2007, 05:03:23 PM
isnt amazing how quickly the facist come out in people when they dont agree with something

I am absolutely and utterly opposed to facism. No mater how ugly a man is (and Willie's puckered little face tries my tolerance to the limit) it's no reason to tell him he can't march.