Meath vs Dublin 17th June

Started by meathie, June 05, 2007, 01:29:18 PM

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QuotePillar was complaining about the 1 week break so presume so!

He's going to miss out on the overtime why wouldn't he?

I felt Dublin were 7/8 points a better team. Look at the wide count, they really turned the screw the last twenty minutes of the first half and should have had Meath dead and buried.

Can't figure out Joe Sheridan. He has all the attributes to be a really top player but just seems very lazy. If he comes up against a team like Mayo that make any half decent forward look good he will score big, but can't see it against the big guns.

Dublin should go on to take Leinster and it could be Cork/Kerry in a quarter final which would be the real serious test.

Dinny Breen

Never doubted Dublin would win the replay as probably one of the few people in the country I had seen Meath play against Kildare and just don't rate them, they just seem to lack speed, Joe Sheridan been the most obvious example. Dublin yesterday were at least 8 points the better side and it was interesting to see with Keaney and Brogan both subdued, someone else stepped up to the mark, tipped Vaughan for the top about 3 years ago, he has the talent, he just needs the consistency..

Big congrats to the ref yesterday, he fell for one of Moran's dives yesterday but copped on pretty quickly and then turned down 3 dives in a row and should be commended for good reffing, Moran should not be on that Dubln team, he's the worse inter-county captain that I can think of since Ray Silke. GG was pushed to the ground and overacted, not his best moment but was it any worse than Ray Cosgrove last week  ::)

And Dublin supporters, enjoy your win but one thing worse than an ungracious loser is an ungracious winner.

Sky Blue

I never had any doubt about the outcome! I don't give a flying one for your opinion Dinny Breen. We won well and are as entitled as anyone to celebrate.

Dinny Breen

QuoteWe won well and are as entitled as anyone to celebrate.

Of course you are but do it with dignity and stop being so precious....

his holiness nb

Great win, great confidence boost. But its a long way to go, Offaly will be a serious test and could catch us out.

Regarding all the pre match hullaballoo, it was nice to see the Dubs not coming to the hill to celebrate after the win, they need to get the heads down and not get caught up in the hype and to me it signalled that the first thing they were thinking of after the final whistle was "Offaly".
Ecouraging stuff, but not AI winning level, still a lot of improving to do.
Ask me holy bollix


QuoteYou really are an asshole of the highest order with some of your above comments

You're gas - resort to petty little childish stuff if you haven't got the ammunition to counter my points. I suppose its all about reading and interpreting every comment in a certain way in order to develop a seige mentality in your mind ... whatever does it for you.
At least you've given me a laugh early on a Monday morning.
Watch the video and tell me at what stage of the match the Meath supporters en masse started booing the Dublin frees - about halfway through the 2nd half i made it. Dublin en masse were at it from the first Meath free. I won't bother re-iterating the other points i made.

Quotebut i suppose i must make allownaces for the fact that you're a few peas short of  a pod.

Figure out how to use the quote button before making comments like that  ::)

For the record, my support of the Dubs is a bit like my support of the Corrib gas project, i want them to win despite knowing such a wish is going against my better instincts.

Maximus Marillius

Listen to the punters on the Sunday Game talking up the Dubs as serious contenders...I just had to laugh...Meath are a division two team...the Duds could only draw with them and then it took until the last five minutes in the replay to put them away. No Sam in Dublin this season again....which is a pity...for the Dubs bring a special atmosphere to Croke Park


Of course you are but do it with dignity and stop being so precious...."

fed up with the sort of unwarranted abuse we get on a daily basis here - some people like that tulip  post just to wind us up with  no comment on the game itself- is it any wonder.don't bother re-iterating the point blast- there is no need to make yourself look like an ungrateful plonker twice.
As for All-Ireland contenders i never said we were - i still wodn't look beyond kerry and tyrone


Good win for Dublin in the type of game they required.....winning but the opposition closing at the end before pulling away....great free taking by Vaughan who also played well in open play....Whelan eclipsed Ward in midfield today and we won far more breaking ball - I thought Moran and Cahill seemed to win a lot of this....
Good to also see us winning without Brogan/Keaney playing well also...

I wouldn't rush out to anoint Tyrone yet as they had 1 good performance against a Donegal team who totally lost shape/control....


Quotere-iterating the point blast- there is no need to make yourself look like an ungrateful plonker twice

Oh i see, my crime is that i am ungrateful to the Dubs for bringing so much drama, excitement, colour, passion, etc to the championship given that they are the only team that are capable of doing this

And again i say, its easier to make childish comments to enhance the siege mentality than to actually counter the points i make


Satisfactory win yesterday and for a change it was good to see Dublin score the last few points in a tight game.Fair play to Vaughan even after missing his first free. Brogan's confidence seemed to go through the floor after the goal miss and as someone said earlier was as poor as a I can remember him in the last couple of years. However bandwagon rolls on till sunday.
On a separate note can the guards or stewards not do anything about the dopeheads openly smoking joints in the stands. In a family section yesterday - Lower Canal and 3 buckos puffing away merrily but nothing done about it. Only saving grace is that they were too relaxed to be concerned with what was going on!!


Well-deserved win for Dublin and they will see the manner of the win as a big monkey off their backs. That could be very important to them in the rest of the campaign. Like most people here, though, I just don't think they have the quality to go all he way.

As regards Meath's performance I'm happy enough, though disappointed at the performance on the sideline. Yesterday has dented confidence that was growing in the sharpness and shrewdness of the management. Nothing was done about the struggling midfield. I didn't think it was a case of clear dominance of the two Dublin midfielders over our two – I thought all four played well, Dublin's slightly better. The difference was our complete failure with breaking ball and the difference there was the absence of Kenny. We should have done more to make it harder in there by bringing more bodies into that area.

And I can't fathom why, having put Geraghty on the edge of the square because we knew he would win ball against Henry every time, we then failed to use the tactic and starved him of the one-on-one contests that he was going to thrive on. Except twice. And both times he won the ball, scored once and hit the post the other time. (I also couldn't fathom why Dublin left Henry on him). For those who say Dublin were eight points the better team, this point alone shows that to be rubbish. If GG's shot had gone in we'd probably have won. If we'd used him properly, he'd have won it on his own.

Anyway, the only differences that really mattered between the teams were (1) Mark Vaughan – a hugely impressive display and he must be a fixture in the team now and (2) a few bad decisions by our inexperienced lads when we were back to within a point, on a roll and had their backs to the wall. 8-point gap? Don't be ridiculous.

I'm happy, though, that we're making progress. This is a 3-year project. Let's see where we are in 2009. Overall the signs are promising.

It seems we can never have a post-match debate without Graham Geraghty featuring in it. Most here know I'm a great admirer of his. However, I was disgusted with his dive after the push by Whelan. I hate that more than anything else in the game and most of all I hate to see a Meath player do it. Forget the whinging nonsense over a few wayward swings in the other game  It's time for red cards and, where necessary, post-match video citing for this stuff (but by a proper commission, not by Pat Spillane). It has to be stamped out or we might as well give up and go watch soccer.

Hound, you're usually a reasonable commentator here, but your gutter comments about Geraghty are disgusting – on a par with some of the chanting by the scum around me in the Hogan Stand. Fair play to you for being man enough at least to delete the worst of them.


Good game , great atmosphere i was in bits watching it . When Meath got it back to a point with a couple of minutes to go i really thought we had thrown it away again. Roll on next sunday !
Anyway, long story short... is a phrase whose origins are complicated and rambling.


I forgot to say - what a player Darren Fay is. Probably the performance of his career yesterday.


Entertaining game yesterday and i'll leave it to those who were at it. one question though...

Does anyone else think alan brogan fouls the ball when he's trying to break clear of a tackle? he holds the ball in the air out in front of himself and runs as though this offering of the ball is part of the "bouncing the ball" process. frequently he'll take 7 or 8 steps in the process of bouncing it and then his 4 after before toe tapping.