Russia invades Ukraine Feb 2022

Started by Main Street, February 12, 2022, 09:38:45 PM

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Quote from: Wildweasel74 on March 25, 2024, 09:49:39 PMShow on bbc2 there about Ukraine  front line. Tough watch, hard going out there. be a understatement.

I didn't see this one. But these are usually filmed from the Ukrainian side, the Russian side is much worse where you get ordered to attack in a golf cart and a drone will remove you from existence before you can even reach the front line,
MAGA Make Armagh Great Again


I think other countries are/have an equal ability at lying and propaganda and actually think they are better at it than the Russians. Russian propaganda seems very ineffective in that the whole western world doesn't believe a word they say.

Having a Jewish president doesn't mean there isn't Nazis, look at Israeli actions. there is plenty of evidence of Nazis in Ukraine, the avoz battalion, plenty of articles from 2014 about them. to be clear that doesn't justify anything Russia has done but I know questioning anything on this topic other than war is great, ans more weapons for ukraine, gets labeled as kremlin spiel.


Do you remember  that time the twin towers were attacked and America invaded Afghanistan & Iraq and tried to link the three incidents. Russia is just a bit shit at their lies. When Donald gets elected he will help them to improve.

Main Street

Quote from: PadraicHenryPearse on March 26, 2024, 01:08:40 PMI think other countries are/have an equal ability at lying and propaganda and actually think they are better at it than the Russians. Russian propaganda seems very ineffective in that the whole western world doesn't believe a word they say.

Having a Jewish president doesn't mean there isn't Nazis, look at Israeli actions. there is plenty of evidence of Nazis in Ukraine, the avoz battalion, plenty of articles from 2014 about them. to be clear that doesn't justify anything Russia has done but I know questioning anything on this topic other than war is great, ans more weapons for ukraine, gets labeled as kremlin spiel.
No, not the whole world ::)
How many Kremlin sourced narratives are out there around the war against Ukraine?
I´ve lost count, even the useful idiots can't keep up with the Kremlin's ability to shift, many of them in the west are still on about NATO expansiveness as being the cause when even Putin doesn't talk about that one any longer to the West, perhaps humiliated by the NATO membership of Finland and Sweden and the Kremlin ability re their threats, reduced to the level of a barking dog.
The point of all those Kremlin narratives is that each one gains traction among some group or other,
like your self and others falling for this baloney canard.
Quote"there is plenty of evidence of Nazis in Ukraine, the Azov battalion, plenty of articles from 2014 about them. to be clear that doesn't justify anything Russia"

The Azov battalion with nazi symbols existed in 2014, a small faction in the UKR army and now does not exist in any shape or form as a far right battalion. The far right political parties did not gain any seats in the free and fair 2014 onward elections after the ousting of the pro Russian  government.
Nazis in Ukraine!!!  what a load of Kremlin dung.
As for yourself  :D


Hell there Nazis in the UK and USA, probably more than Ukraine, when we blaming them. Just like the USA invading Iraq, Russia to blame here, nobody else.


We still giving it to England about the famine 150 plus yrs ago. Russia was the partial cause along with a drought, of a severe 7year famine in Ukraine earlier 1920's. Its no wonder there bad blood there, our relation with the UK past 50yrs a prime example.


Quote from: Main Street on March 26, 2024, 02:51:49 PM
Quote from: PadraicHenryPearse on March 26, 2024, 01:08:40 PMI think other countries are/have an equal ability at lying and propaganda and actually think they are better at it than the Russians. Russian propaganda seems very ineffective in that the whole western world doesn't believe a word they say.

Having a Jewish president doesn't mean there isn't Nazis, look at Israeli actions. there is plenty of evidence of Nazis in Ukraine, the avoz battalion, plenty of articles from 2014 about them. to be clear that doesn't justify anything Russia has done but I know questioning anything on this topic other than war is great, ans more weapons for ukraine, gets labeled as kremlin spiel.
No, not the whole world ::)
How many Kremlin sourced narratives are out there around the war against Ukraine?
I´ve lost count, even the useful idiots can't keep up with the Kremlin's ability to shift, many of them in the west are still on about NATO expansiveness as being the cause when even Putin doesn't talk about that one any longer to the West, perhaps humiliated by the NATO membership of Finland and Sweden and the Kremlin ability re their threats, reduced to the level of a barking dog.
The point of all those Kremlin narratives is that each one gains traction among some group or other,
like your self and others falling for this baloney canard.
Quote"there is plenty of evidence of Nazis in Ukraine, the Azov battalion, plenty of articles from 2014 about them. to be clear that doesn't justify anything Russia"

The Azov battalion with nazi symbols existed in 2014, a small faction in the UKR army and now does not exist in any shape or form as a far right battalion. The far right political parties did not gain any seats in the free and fair 2014 onward elections after the ousting of the pro Russian  government.
Nazis in Ukraine!!!  what a load of Kremlin dung.
As for yourself  :D

shifting goalposts MS. I asked a question, you felt it inane but since asking the question you have ranted about all sorts of stuff which I haven't raised or is relevant and fire out labels like useful idiot and kremlin spiel.

yes, not the whole world. Russians have a very different viewpoint and some African countries/South American and Asia countries have too. 

the justification russia provides for the  invasion of Ukraine don't matter , it should never have happened and once it did all efforts needed to be made to end the occupation, I think through peaceful means not more war... 2 years later and thousands dead is still not enough for some who want more war...

As for Nazis in Ukraine, they have been Nazis there a long time, thousands of Jews murdered in Ww2 in Ukraine. those who committed those murders have been celebrated in recent years. To claim there is no Nazis and it is kremlin dung is wrong. There are Nazis probably in every country, eastern europe/russia appear to have a higher %. that doesnt make it a credible justification,

Svoboda party


Quote from: PadraicHenryPearse on March 26, 2024, 05:30:02 PMAs for Nazis in Ukraine, they have been Nazis there a long time, thousands of Jews murdered in Ww2 in Ukraine. those who committed those murders have been celebrated in recent years. To claim there is no Nazis and it is kremlin dung is wrong. There are Nazis probably in every country, eastern europe/russia appear to have a higher %. that doesnt make it a credible justification,

Of course there are Nazis in every country, but elections show that there are few in most places, including Ukraine. You cannot invade a place on the basis that there might be one Nazi there.
MAGA Make Armagh Great Again


Quote from: armaghniac on March 26, 2024, 05:47:23 PM
Quote from: PadraicHenryPearse on March 26, 2024, 05:30:02 PMAs for Nazis in Ukraine, they have been Nazis there a long time, thousands of Jews murdered in Ww2 in Ukraine. those who committed those murders have been celebrated in recent years. To claim there is no Nazis and it is kremlin dung is wrong. There are Nazis probably in every country, eastern europe/russia appear to have a higher %. that doesnt make it a credible justification,

Of course there are Nazis in every country, but elections show that there are few in most places, including Ukraine. You cannot invade a place on the basis that there might be one Nazi there.

no one invaded anyone for one Nazi.

Netherlands, Poland, Swiss, Serbia, Hungary, Finland, Italy, Sweden, Spain, Israel all to some level have or had recent far right parties in government. There is a shift to the right across Europe.

Bord na Mona man

The NATO expansion and sorting out the 'Nazi' problem were never Russia's main reasons for invading though. It's a talking point thrown out as a distraction and unfortunately amplified by Putin sympathisers in the West, even in Ireland.

It's just an old fashioned land grab and because Putin took Ukrainian territory so easily in 2014, he thought his 2022 special military operation would be straightforward too.


Quote from: Bord na Mona man on March 26, 2024, 06:21:45 PMThe NATO expansion and sorting out the 'Nazi' problem were never Russia's main reasons for invading though. It's a talking point thrown out as a distraction and unfortunately amplified by Putin sympathisers in the West, even in Ireland.

It's just an old fashioned land grab and because Putin took Ukrainian territory so easily in 2014, he thought his 2022 special military operation would be straightforward too.

Exactly, a land grab. Everything else is just an excuse.
MAGA Make Armagh Great Again


Yip, that's about the height of it.


Quote from: PadraicHenryPearse on March 26, 2024, 06:19:21 PM
Quote from: armaghniac on March 26, 2024, 05:47:23 PM
Quote from: PadraicHenryPearse on March 26, 2024, 05:30:02 PMAs for Nazis in Ukraine, they have been Nazis there a long time, thousands of Jews murdered in Ww2 in Ukraine. those who committed those murders have been celebrated in recent years. To claim there is no Nazis and it is kremlin dung is wrong. There are Nazis probably in every country, eastern europe/russia appear to have a higher %. that doesnt make it a credible justification,

Of course there are Nazis in every country, but elections show that there are few in most places, including Ukraine. You cannot invade a place on the basis that there might be one Nazi there.

no one invaded anyone for one Nazi.

Netherlands, Poland, Swiss, Serbia, Hungary, Finland, Italy, Sweden, Spain, Israel all to some level have or had recent far right parties in government. There is a shift to the right across Europe.

Since its transition to democracy, which far right party has been in government in Spain?


Quote from: gallsman on March 28, 2024, 01:14:32 PM
Quote from: PadraicHenryPearse on March 26, 2024, 06:19:21 PM
Quote from: armaghniac on March 26, 2024, 05:47:23 PM
Quote from: PadraicHenryPearse on March 26, 2024, 05:30:02 PMAs for Nazis in Ukraine, they have been Nazis there a long time, thousands of Jews murdered in Ww2 in Ukraine. those who committed those murders have been celebrated in recent years. To claim there is no Nazis and it is kremlin dung is wrong. There are Nazis probably in every country, eastern europe/russia appear to have a higher %. that doesnt make it a credible justification,

Of course there are Nazis in every country, but elections show that there are few in most places, including Ukraine. You cannot invade a place on the basis that there might be one Nazi there.

no one invaded anyone for one Nazi.

Netherlands, Poland, Swiss, Serbia, Hungary, Finland, Italy, Sweden, Spain, Israel all to some level have or had recent far right parties in government. There is a shift to the right across Europe.

Since its transition to democracy, which far right party has been in government in Spain?

Vox party at regional government level.


That's not "in government in Spain". That's like saying the TUV has been in government in Belfast because it's had a couple of councillors.