Boris Johnson

Started by imtommygunn, January 19, 2022, 09:28:11 AM

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Quote from: RedHand88 on August 02, 2022, 01:03:18 PM
She's scrapping the regional payscale plan now.

La donna è mobile.
MAGA Make Armagh Great Again


Quote from: RedHand88 on August 02, 2022, 01:03:18 PM
She's scrapping the regional payscale plan now.

Is she though, or is it a snapshot of her plans? It's about getting elected, I doubt she'd totally scrap her plans, maybe just call it something else when in the PM seat.


Labour are making inroads in "Red Wall" constituencies in the north of England. Lib Dems are doing well in "Blue Wall" constituencies in Southern England.
The Tory majority is 68 so if more than  34 are flipped  by a combined Labour/Libdem effort they will win.


Quote from: Gael80 on August 02, 2022, 01:08:38 PM
Quote from: RedHand88 on August 02, 2022, 01:03:18 PM
She's scrapping the regional payscale plan now.

Is she though, or is it a snapshot of her plans? It's about getting elected, I doubt she'd totally scrap her plans, maybe just call it something else when in the PM seat.

Of course, it is. Truss is like Boris and will say anything that sounds right at the time to get her elected. Things like this where the mask slips - if there is any mask left.


I've been in the Public Sector 25 odd years, the 'threat' of Regional pay is nothing new, at least the 3rd or 4th time I've heard it. Red meat for the right wingers. Reminds of how the Belfast Telegraph & Irish News get fed details of public sector sick stats every year just as pay awards are up for discussion. The know your place mindset of Governments.

Captain Scarlet

How regional are we talking here. Would a politician serving Norfolk be taking lower wages and smaller pension?  ;D

She is going to win it mind!
them mysterons are always killing me but im grand after a few days.sickenin aul dose all the same.


Quote from: Captain Scarlet on August 02, 2022, 05:44:29 PM
How regional are we talking here. Would a politician serving Norfolk be taking lower wages and smaller pension?  ;D

She is going to win it mind!
I can't see her lasting very long. The Tories are very vulnerable to public opinion.



so if rishi gets in will he be sending troops into west belfast strabane derry liverpool scotland london armagh lurgan and other places because rishi says anyone critical of the uk will be deferred to a programme and when they say criticise  the uk they also mean the tory party is this where we are at.


Also sunak could use that as a way to disband sinn fein snp plaid cymru sdlp and more will sunak be sending in troops to round up sinn feiners.


You can see his language changing as he realises he is losing. This kind of rhetoric seems to be what people want. I still think he is less dangerous than truss. They are just fronts for donors these people.

Uk well on it's way to fascism


50 percent of england would probably support sunaks proposal id wonder if he includes anti monarchists as vilifying britain.


Quote from: imtommygunn on August 04, 2022, 07:52:31 AM
You can see his language changing as he realises he is losing. This kind of rhetoric seems to be what people want. I still think he is less dangerous than truss. They are just fronts for donors these people.

Uk well on it's way to fascism

It's there already, they just put a better facad on it.

You got to wonder about what the current Tory party electorate are like when this type of stuff is a vote winner for them.

Ian Óg was right of sorts when he said the Tory party was turning into an English Nationalist party, he's a bit of a slow learner as they've been that the day Cameron called for the Brexit referendum in 2014.


I don't think it's quite where they want it to get to yet but there do seem to be maneuvers to get it there.

It is basically UKIP.


The aftermath of the Brexit referendum saw the Tory party taken over by English nationalists with no idea of economics