Brian McGuigans Bad Luck

Started by Quarterback, May 14, 2007, 09:53:55 AM

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Brian had another operation today to attach the retina - so we'll have to see the outcome of this operation - hopefully all goes well for him -

Tyrone Dreamer

Any word on how the operation went?


Dreamer - apparently the operation went well - he was very sore after the operation but was kept 2 days in RVH Belfast but is now home - he has to lie on his side for a full week - so he's not getting it easy - but hopefully the vision will return - it will be a very slow process unfortunately -

Tyrone Dreamer

Thanks for the update. Hopefully he'll make a full recovery. The lad has had a terrible year with 2 very serious injuries.


Let's hope that we him back out again soon - and hopefully he can avoid another injury -


Orangeman how did your clubs u14 final  on Sat go.


I feel for McGuigan and hope he gets well soon, he is a brilliant footballer and a wonderful ambassador for gaelic games and we are all the poorer for his not being able to compete.

That said could he ever get his da to ever shut the hell up, he is a whinging ballix this past few years.
Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.


Stew - I don't see the relevance of bringing Frank senior into the debate - as I said before, if we had a son who sustained a nasty injury like this, we would stand up for him. He's just doing what any normal parent would do surely ?
But thanks for the kind comments about Brian -he is a class act and a nice lad.


Quote from: orangeman on June 17, 2007, 10:20:32 AM
Stew - I don't see the relevance of bringing Frank senior into the debate - as I said before, if we had a son who sustained a nasty injury like this, we would stand up for him. He's just doing what any normal parent would do surely ?
But thanks for the kind comments about Brian -he is a class act and a nice lad.

I am not talking about him sticking up for his son over this incident, he whinged when his son was wrogly passed over for an All Star, the problem I had with that was he makes his son seem like he is weak as he appears to tke up for him a lot and the other thing was it was divisive as the man who stole the All star for him was his captain on the tyrone team.

I have a lot of admiration for Frank McGuigan, he was a brilliant player and his son is an incredible talent also, but he needs to let his son deal with adversity himself, that is just my opinion, that said i will celebrate when he returns to the field of play because he is easily the class of Tyrone and Ulster be it on the field or off.
Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.


was impressed with the level of support that brian mcguigan is getting from the tyrone fans!

it was visible today at clones with the amount of supporters wearing the brian mcguigan limited edition jersey!

a hell of a player and i do hope that it is before long to see him back on the playing field again!


I hear what your saying Stew but like the Diesel man, all I am hoping for is a return to full health and therefore the football field for Brian in the future whenever that is -


From BBC

Dad worried about McGuigan injury

The father of Tyrone's Brian McGuigan fears his son might never play again because of a serious eye injury.
Frank McGuigan, a former Tyrone player and All Star, has revealed that Brian is facing further specialist surgery to repair damage to his eye.
The Ardboe forward has had two recent operations on an eye that was severely damaged in a reserve club game in May.
"Having spoken at some length with his consultant, my personal fear is that he may never play again," said Frank.
"My son went through an operation on Wednesday afternoon in the Royal Victoria Hospital and had to lie on is side from then until Thursday morning.
"He then returned home but has still had to lie on his side until Tuesday of this week."
Brian McGuigan had recovered from a broken leg sustained more than a year ago when he suffered a setback with a related ankle injury.
It was while making a recovery from the ankle problem that he turned out for his club in a reserve league game against Aghyaran in an effort to get some match time under his belt.

Apparently Frank has sent an open letter to a Tyrone paper on this matter, criticising the media at length, anyone see it?


Jesus thats a terrible development, we all always just hoped that the bad run would come to an end, if not this season certainly next.

But to never play again would be a travesty to our game, no doubt.

I'll pray it dosen't come to that


Hope this isn't true and he makes a full recovery.


I hope the ;atest report is being more than a little pessimistic and that Brian will indeed play again if not this year, then next year.