
Started by redboots, May 10, 2007, 04:23:57 PM

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Quote from: shezam on July 03, 2007, 10:30:20 AM
Anyone interested in two day camping ticket £190

Just pm'd you regarding that ticket...


Quote from: corn02 on July 02, 2007, 08:23:32 PM
I think Kerry v Cork was on the big screen last year?

Yeah they showed two games last year.
Grand Slam Saturday!


Well lads I was hoping the weather would change but it looks like we're gonna get drenched, any late tips from the festival veterans??
Should I leave drink in the car and make the trip out to restock over the weekend? Is it too far?
I'm thinking a mountain of cans in the boot, maybe with a few icepacks


Forget the extra weight of ice bags/ boxes, drink it warm, it'll save your arms.


Found a decent guide on an Oxegen Forum on my travels:

Oxegen Survival Guide

Before you even think of showing your face

Be sure to get your ticket (duh you gobshite) there's rumours that you can do this that and the other when you get down there. Fact of the matter is you'll look a right tit after waiting in line for 40 minutes with three bags full of camping gear trying to bribe the steward to let you in for 20 quid.

Only take what you're going to need, don't look at that massive boombox thinking that it'd be amazing to pump some CSS out in the campsite for all to enjoy. Make a friend go through your bag and take out the less necessary items. Items I would deem as necessary include

-Clothes (see below)
-Food (see below)
-Tin opener (don't be an idiot)
-Wet wipes (so aren't covered in shit all weekend)
-Toothbrush and toothpaste (so your breath doesn't reek of shit all weekend)
-Bog roll

Whether you're going to eat from the food stalls or not you should probably bring some food for when it's raining or you just plain can't be arsed to walk., these would include
-Water: paramount to survival, even if you bring only one bottle (you can fill it up at a tap) be sure to bring a bottle, it's better than paying the price of some small countries economic deficit every time you're a bit parched. Don't be a moron and try substitute water for beer,
-Bread, buns, fruit cake. They should well last the course of the weekend and soak up all that alcohol from the night before.
-Pringles: Once you pop you just can't stop. This is because every crisp is laced with crack-cocaine.
-Biscuits: Will fill you full of energy and you can dunk them in that cup of brown piss they call tea
-Booze: As much as you see fit, go easy at it and share with mates and strangers alike.
-Chewing Gum: To freshen up mid-day

When picking your clothes remember that despite what the tabloids tell you that this isn't a fashion show. It's paramount to be comfortable, even if you look like an arse. Protect yourself from the wind, sun, rain, cold and the ground. Bring lightweight waterproofs and t-shirts. Remember it's easier to dress down if it's too hot than to put on that anorak you left at home.

If you smoke or require some kind of creature comfort (whatever that might be you dodgy c*nt) make sure you bring as much as you need, there's not a good selection in general and the average price of a packet of fags is €73.50

I'd strongly recommend bringing a lighter and a pack of rolling papers, even if you don't smoke. They'll help you meet and get on with people and if you're the savvy businessman type are worth there weight in gold if you run out of bog roll or fancy a chip

When you finally get there

Be sure to set up your tent before you go (even if you've been camping in old Brenda for years) the higher powers live to sicken you by making your fly-sheet go mysteriously missing

Try get there as early as possible and set up your tent before it gets dark, this will ensure you have a decent place to camp and you can actually see what you're doing. Don't be a gimp, and try not to set up your tent near the paths or by the bogs, if this needs further explaining proceed to insert your head into the nearest food blender and put on full, you have no place in the world.

Make friends with the people around you (except that scummy looking bunch who've been eyeing up your booze) that way if you're gone they'll keep an eye on your shit if some kn**ker tries to rob your tent.

Etiquette is key at these affairs, share your beer and fags (if you smoke) with those around you, you'll make new friends and you're more likely to meet that special someone. Remember some people need to sleep (even if you don't ye mad bastid) so be considerate at night time

On your mobile turn all the settings down, this'll save the battery. If you're a nordie and on the o2 network then I'd recommend getting there Ireland bolt-on so charges are the same down south as they are in the six counties.

For the love of Christ don't drink yourself until you have down syndrome, seeing a band with a hangover isn't f**king fun, if you're on a marathon drink session drink some water or soft drinks every now and then and before you collapse in a mess, that way your hangover should be worse and your brain-damage lessened.

When you have to take a good aul dump there are a number of points A) Try not to do it B) Give in and brave the bogs. Make it quick and painless then hang your head in shame. Bring your own bog roll as well, it runs out (if there even was any to begin with)

Music Time

Go see your bands, how hard is that?

When it's all over?

Keep your head down if the drama that unfolded last year repeats itself, if your tents in decent condition pack it up and take it home so you can use it again, don't be a f**king bell-end and burn it. Any decent person will look at you as if you're something they accidentally trod in on the street.

If your tent was wet when you packed it up, take it out and let it dry when you get home, this'll stop it from going all "mildewy" which makes it look as if a flock of birds shat on your tent when you take it out next year.

Have a shower, eat, sleep for a fortnight.

Hank Everlast

feck, the excitment is settin in now. We are leaving from Armagh at 10.30 2mara morning.... is that early, late or about rite???

What time anyone else leaving at??


Leaving derry around 9 hank. So roughly the same as you time wise. Hopefully thats enough time. What is the best route. Would it be best to avoid the m50 or just stick with the main bulk of traffic.

Davitt Man

Quote from: Stagmeister on July 02, 2007, 05:29:13 PM
Anyone know if it will be possible to watch the GAA down there this wkend???

Anyone have any idea about the matches been shown in oxegen


I think they will probably show the two games on sunday the connacht football final and the Munster Hurling Final anyway on a big screen somewhere in the place and possibly the hurling qualifier the night before? the acts would be good at that time tho so not many watching! They showed the Munster football final  last year anyway as somebody already said, and they showed the world cup final too so surely its on somewhere. It will be a nice side interest away from the music.

john mcgill

I was in Armagh this morning and noticed a lot of young people with rucksacks and they were FILTHY.  I thought it was a group of students home from a field trip.  As I saw more it dawned on me it was people back from Oxegen. It must have been one dirty weekend.  The Irish Glastonbury.


Too say the mud was poxy is the understatement of the century .  The toilets where we camp would be 3 min away on a normal day is was like a 15 min battle to get their and 15 min back .
Anyway, long story short... is a phrase whose origins are complicated and rambling.


Did the Saw Doctors play the Green & Red?


Quote from: Fishead_Sam on July 09, 2007, 10:54:09 PM
Did the Saw Doctors play the Green & Red?

yea. they were amazing


Quote from: inthemaking on July 09, 2007, 11:29:19 PM
Quote from: Fishead_Sam on July 09, 2007, 10:54:09 PM
Did the Saw Doctors play the Green & Red?

yea. they were amazing
Thank god i missed that , the properly blasted out n17 also :(
Anyway, long story short... is a phrase whose origins are complicated and rambling.