A Tyrone book

Started by seafoid, October 23, 2016, 12:19:46 AM

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Quote from: seanmc123 on December 02, 2016, 10:40:29 AM
Yes but the man is broken and is trying to rebuild himself. Do you think hundreds of people Millions for that matter have not done what he has ? He is in the public eye and he is being made a **** of. I could name you half of my friends that have cheated on their partners and got into rows while growing up. Big deal get over it, look at the bigger picture and look what the man is trying to do! I think if he was a Dublin footballer the situation would be totally different, because he is from the north and plays for Tyrone then this doesn't help either. Do you not agree with this Jinxy ?

I'm all for the siege mentality and the everyone hates us line but I don't buy it in this case! People have divided opinion on the lad but I think vast majority of people base it on the individual and not the county.


The interview shows that he clearly has more issues that just an addiction. 12 mentions of him taking part in violence in his book is astounding. These have no relations to addiction.

If you are being honest, if he was not a gaelic footballer at county level, he would of done some jail time by now. He has got away with too much and everyone runs to his defence. Of course, you can have some compassion as he dealt with a disease, but there has to be a line.

I just feel, like we are still not getting the full truth and there are more and more lies being told just to get the pound back in his pocket.

Just my opinion.


Quote from: seanmc123 on December 02, 2016, 10:50:39 AM
And what ? Every post you seem to post is negative ? Cant help but stand up for someone i know of and i know and have heard the work he is doing. Who are we to judge anyone

Just had a look through Seanmc123 posts - seems to have a lot of anger issues a bit similar to McCarron in the book.


Quote from: EastTyrone on December 02, 2016, 11:05:07 AM
The interview shows that he clearly has more issues that just an addiction. 12 mentions of him taking part in violence in his book is astounding. These have no relations to addiction.

If you are being honest, if he was not a gaelic footballer at county level, he would of done some jail time by now. He has got away with too much and everyone runs to his defence. Of course, you can have some compassion as he dealt with a disease, but there has to be a line.

I just feel, like we are still not getting the full truth and there are more and more lies being told just to get the pound back in his pocket.

Just my opinion.

To be fair I don't think playing inter county football would make him escape the authorities at all. Unless it has got him better lawyers from knowing people in high places. It's not like the stuff was on the field.


Quote from: seanmc123 on October 24, 2016, 08:50:48 AM
I have read and seen enough shit on this forum which is meant to be a GAA forum.

Have some of use forgotten McCarron is a GAA man and puts his life on the line for Tyrone GAA and his club. He has had his troubles but he has turned his life around not short of a miracle. You tell me who could of done what he has done? People will judge him no matter what he does now in life but i will tell you this, the man is a very good friend of a friend of mine and he is a credit to himself and his family. If you don't know him don't judge him and that goes for everyone in life.

We should be talking about his book on how it will help many's a person in the future who will fall on their own troubles and give them hope. Anyhow i am looking forward to the 2017 season already. Nearly Christmas :)

Life of the line? This is not the hunger games.

Main Street

Quote from: Jinxy on December 02, 2016, 10:27:49 AM
Quote from: general_lee on December 02, 2016, 10:04:52 AM
Why else would he shoot gay porn jinxy? You're right to be cynical with McCarron as I am also to a certain extent, he's very incoherent in interviews and can barely string a sentence together so comes across quite badly. I wouldn't say his book is solely about excusing himself, he's hit some lows and I think part of him does want to share his story so others will seek help

I'm not talking about that.
I'm talking about assaults, cheating on his partner etc.
Wouldn't  his biff bash brainless thuggery be normal enough for a lad from those GAA parts? hardly the stuff that would make him stand out?
Perhaps it's a collection of all the other components of his experience that would make him stand out from the horde.

The Gs Man

Anybody got a wee link to a pdf?

Asking for a friend.
Keep 'er lit


Quote from: imtommygunn on December 02, 2016, 11:16:44 AM
Quote from: EastTyrone on December 02, 2016, 11:05:07 AM
The interview shows that he clearly has more issues that just an addiction. 12 mentions of him taking part in violence in his book is astounding. These have no relations to addiction.

If you are being honest, if he was not a gaelic footballer at county level, he would of done some jail time by now. He has got away with too much and everyone runs to his defence. Of course, you can have some compassion as he dealt with a disease, but there has to be a line.

I just feel, like we are still not getting the full truth and there are more and more lies being told just to get the pound back in his pocket.

Just my opinion.

To be fair I don't think playing inter county football would make him escape the authorities at all. Unless it has got him better lawyers from knowing people in high places. It's not like the stuff was on the field.

I mean in the sense that people have held some sort of respect for him as a footballer and not reported him to the authorities. Of course if all had been reported, he would have been done.


Quote from: seanmc123 on December 02, 2016, 10:50:39 AM
And what ? Every post you seem to post is negative ? Cant help but stand up for someone i know of and i know and have heard the work he is doing. Who are we to judge anyone

Dunno about you, but I've never stolen from someone, assaulted someone, appeared in gay porn or hooked up with someone (15 years old) on Tinder when I'm already in a relationship.
I can say with 100% certainty that I'm a better human being than Cathal McCarron.
So I'll judge away, if it's all the same with you.
If you were any use you'd be playing.


Quote from: seanmc123 on December 02, 2016, 10:50:39 AM
And what ? Every post you seem to post is negative ? Cant help but stand up for someone i know of and i know and have heard the work he is doing. Who are we to judge anyone

dont know much about the guy except that he had a bad addiction which led him to some dark places, as addiction can - that I do know.
What work has he been doing?


Cathal had a very uncomfortable time yesterday evening on Newstalk.
The interviewer asked him some really direct questions and he basically refused to answer them.
Wanted.  Forwards to take frees.
Not fussy.  Any sort of ability will be considered

rodney trotter

He should have refused to do a book he is so uncomfortable about it.


I read Michael Duignan's autobiography. After his wife died he had a few problems. There was one incident in a pub where he was aggressive. Some of the hurlers went to his home afterwards to see if he was ok . That was when he realised and started  looking for help.

McCarron went so far beyond that. Nobody could stop him.
Only he can put the pieces back together again. Some things will never be fixable.


eir Sport has today announced the shortlist for the eir Sport Sports Book of The Year with a shortlist of five selected

The final shortlist includes; 'What do you think of that?' written by Kieran Donaghy with Kieran Shannon; Rob Heffernan's Autobiography, 'Walking Tall'; 'Out of Control' by Cathal McCarron with Christy O'Connor; 'The Battle' by Paul O'Connell and 'Spirit of '58' written by Evan Marshall

Ethan Tremblay

If he is working hard to help others with this addiction then fair dues.  I have followed this for months and this is an intriguing story. 

Listening to his interviews he sounds truly reformed character but his actions would state otherwise.  He was thrust into the public eye when the porn scandal came out, and he has kept himself there with this book and the exploits he gets into as explained in the book.

I think anyone who releases an autobiography is open game for questions on any aspects of it and Gilroy was more than right to prod for more information.   
I tend to think of myself as a one man wolfpack...