A Tyrone book

Started by seafoid, October 23, 2016, 12:19:46 AM

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McCarron becomes less and less likeable the more he speaks.



Did not know that - im assuming gilroy is 100% certain that is fact or there would be a very big court case.

I was always very sceptical about how i felt about mccarron - but after thag for some reason i feel like gilroy is in the wrong. I know i shouldnt but i do - if he wasnt prosecuted surely that should be the end of it?


Just listened to the interview. No one comes out of it looking good. I didn't realise there was an accusation that McCarron had sexual contact with the girl (I'd be sceptical about the whole honest mistake defence but that's another matter) and I don't think Gilroy went the right way about asking questions on such a sensitive topic.

It's not for me to tell someone how to raise their children but it seems to me the da is lookin a payout or something, don't go running to radio shows yapping about HIV tests like a drama queen, I'm sure the girl has been through enough without this story being dragged through the media. Appeal through the courts if you truly think you've been victim of a misjudgment.


Quote from: Il Bomber Destro on December 01, 2016, 11:44:09 PM
Quite an explosive revelation tonight by Gilroy.

I think it shows that those of us who were cynical to the father's protestations about duty to his daughter were correct when he is bringing that type of information to the public light and shedding yet more spotlight on the matter certainly is not good for his daughter.

The father seems to be on a crusade to crucify McCarron, rightfully or wrongly.

The book is called out of control.
And it is a good name.

Imagine the scene in Kildare
Junior comes down for breakfast smiling
By 11 the school knows she was with a sportsperson
So the town knew
Maybe that evening Dad knew
So he rang the rogue
The next day he found out about the gay porn
The mother must have been hysterical

The other thing is it's the daughter''s life. She decided. Very messy. Female sexuality and Dads is a complex area.


Cathal is in Dromore promoting the book next week at a Q&A session. In regard to the young girl i think most people didnt think that they had been intimate.Seems like a real messy affair which is not going to go away. He said that no matter what he had done it never affected his football performance i doubt that.


He spent 1 hour with her. They probably weren't discussing the Donegal forwards  .

After he made the video his Co star asked what he thought and he said disgusted but the video is very popular in the sports fantasy niche...Some gay punter noted he had a young daughter . He was very disrespectful to the people who paid him. Fellas will be stimulating themselves via the video for years. So they have the last laugh.

It is a trail of emotional destruction. Such a long way from the decency of football.


When Niall McNamee and Oisin McConville speak about their addiction, you feel the objective is to educate others and raise awareness of how big a problem gambling is for a lot of people in this country, particularly young men.
When McCarron speaks about his addiction, you feel the objective is to provide an excuse for his appalling behaviour in general.
He's just a bad egg, plain and simple.
If you were any use you'd be playing.

Take Your Points

No one seems to be mentioning that the book had a ghost writer who is apparently a recognised sports journalist, was he aware of all of the facts?  Did the book's publishing editors know what had happened and check it with their legal department or perhaps it is a self publication without such checking/protection? 

Is it correct that McCarron is now training to be a psychotherapist/counsellor? How would these revelations and the 'soft' intelligence previously held by the Garda but now exposed affect any Access NI (or RoI equivalent) screening that such a role would require?


Bring the man on and talk about addiction not try and be a courtroom. From what iv heard he has done a lot of incredible work behind the scenes in helping people with addiction, he doesn't go tell the world this. Get to know the man, not listening to some spoon on the radio trying to make a name for himself and uneducated in addiction. Niall McNamee and Osin McConvilles storys are very different to McCarron he did porn the rest stole and cheated just like him in his addiction. They seem to be trying to make McCarron a fall guy, well i for 1 and many others have huge respect for the man trying to turn his life around. Enough said


Why else would he shoot gay porn jinxy? You're right to be cynical with McCarron as I am also to a certain extent, he's very incoherent in interviews and can barely string a sentence together so comes across quite badly. I wouldn't say his book is solely about excusing himself, he's hit some lows and I think part of him does want to share his story so others will seek help


Quote from: general_lee on December 02, 2016, 10:04:52 AM
Why else would he shoot gay porn jinxy? You're right to be cynical with McCarron as I am also to a certain extent, he's very incoherent in interviews and can barely string a sentence together so comes across quite badly. I wouldn't say his book is solely about excusing himself, he's hit some lows and I think part of him does want to share his story so others will seek help

I'm not talking about that.
I'm talking about assaults, cheating on his partner etc.
If you were any use you'd be playing.


Yes but the man is broken and is trying to rebuild himself. Do you think hundreds of people Millions for that matter have not done what he has ? He is in the public eye and he is being made a **** of. I could name you half of my friends that have cheated on their partners and got into rows while growing up. Big deal get over it, look at the bigger picture and look what the man is trying to do! I think if he was a Dublin footballer the situation would be totally different, because he is from the north and plays for Tyrone then this doesn't help either. Do you not agree with this Jinxy ?


So basically every post from "seanmac123" is telling us how great a fella McCarron is and the great work he is doing

"When it's too tough for them, it's just right for us"


And what ? Every post you seem to post is negative ? Cant help but stand up for someone i know of and i know and have heard the work he is doing. Who are we to judge anyone