2016 Summer Olympics Rio

Started by DrinkingHarp, May 24, 2016, 06:12:58 AM

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Quote from: Maroon Manc on August 19, 2016, 01:05:39 PM
Quote from: gallsman on August 19, 2016, 01:04:35 PM
He was on BBC breakfast this morning. Seemed to be a deliberate PR effort to paint a smiley, cheery happier portrait of him.

Don't know a lot about him other then he comes across a bit thick anytime I've listened to him.

Seems to be a bit of a header alright but he is one of the best cyclists ever so it has worked for him so far!


Quote from: Dinny Breen on August 19, 2016, 12:52:31 PM
Quote from: bennydorano on August 19, 2016, 12:48:15 PM
Money buying success is a point I've made annually in the TDF thread in regards to Sky, but a lot of people prefer to run with doping - Team with most funding, best resources & most talent (bought in at big expense annually ) win stuff shocker.

Where was Froome's talent for the first 25 years of his life. He's a doper, they all are in cycling.

As they are in most sports and arguably worse than cycling in many sports. Cycling at leasts tries to do something about it and I would say likely tests more than any other sport.


Quote from: mrdeeds on August 19, 2016, 02:01:01 PM
Quote from: AZOffaly on August 19, 2016, 01:23:30 PM
Is Race Walking the stupidest sport ever? Does Rob Heffernan walk to the shops like that?

Supposedly one of the toughest.

I can imagine. It looks brutal.


looks like he's goosed I'd imagine 25 seconds down in a walking race is a damn sight harder to make up that 25 seconds where you're allowed to sprint!


The French guy is having a horrible day. Looks like a dose of Sonia-itis.


Quote from: AZOffaly on August 19, 2016, 01:23:30 PM
Is Race Walking the stupidest sport ever? Does Rob Heffernan walk to the shops like that?

I believe (if I've remembered correctly from a Newstalk interview) he can easily walk a marathon distance in under 2:45 minutes. Some going considering the women's record running is 2:18. They were slagging him on the walking and one of the presenters had just done a marathon and just broke 4 hours; the slagging soon stopped.


Brutal stuff, but it just looks daft. Jaysus they are suffering though.


Big athletics fan, but agree with AZ, don't see the point of the walking event at all


Maguire is playing well in the golf


Jesus the Canadian lad nearly collapsed over the line. That looks horrendous.


It looks absolutely brutal - those lads are as hard as nails - the Canadian & French lads didnt know where they were at the end there.........


Looks like the French walker did a Gary Lineker  :o
Brutal event endurance wise. Don't agree with anyone saying there is no point to it. Sure you could say the same about any sport.
When you think you're fucked you're only about 40% fucked.


I think what makes it look stupid is the contortions you have to put your body through to have a legitimate style. It looks completely unnatural. In all the other sports I can think of, a good gait, or a good, pure running style with clean lines is something you want. In the race walking you have to have this artificial stride to ensure you're in contact with the ground at all times. Very hard sport obviously.



Quote from: AZOffaly on August 19, 2016, 01:23:30 PM
Is Race Walking the stupidest sport ever? Does Rob Heffernan walk to the shops like that?

Does Usain Bolt Sprint to the shops?

Does Simone Biles cartwheel?

Do the cyclists follow a silly motorbike to the shops??

;D ;D

MWWSI 2017