How would you describe Fianna Fáil

Started by seafoid, March 01, 2016, 01:39:21 PM

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Populist party full of spoofers, chancers, strokers, liars and crooks(and that's just the leaders) - who have been the main party in charge for 70% of our time since independence and whose main raison d'etre was to line the pockets of themselves and their supporters in return for staying in power


A centre party, who can vary between centre left and centre right depending on public opinion and what they think will get them votes.

Basically Fine Gael with green jerseys

Billys Boots

QuoteBasically Fine Gael with green jerseys

I wouldn't quite agree - FF don't try to dismantle the education system every time they get into power. 
My hands are stained with thistle milk ...


Political philosophy: a nod's as good as a wink
Preferred Method of Communication: Brown Envelopes, please


It would depend on where the foreigner came from.

If he was French, he would recognise FF as the Gaullists.
Spanish - PP.
Italian - Forza Italia.
American - FF/FG = Tweedle-Rep/Tweedle-Dem

But you couldn't explain FF to a Brit.


A shower of fkn cnts who let their builder/ banker/ auctioneer mates destroy the State's economy in return for frequenting the Galway tent.
A shower who were the only Government in the history of the State who had the money and resources to improve the Health system and give children proper schools etc instead of freezing five year olds in prefabs.
But no - they let neo Liberal PDs and Charles CNT McCreevy erode the tax base while throwing taxpayer's money at people who didn't need it e.g SSIAs and property tax breaks.
Any other amount if swear words you can cone up with
As for the 24% of so and sos that voted for them....
Davy's given us a dream to cling to
We're going to bring home the SAM


In power Fianna Fáil lumbered us with water charges as part of the IMF/Troika bailout.

In opposition Fianna Fáil then promised to abolish water charges.

All politicians lie, but no one does it quite as brazenly as Fianna Fáil.

MWWSI 2017


I always think of Dunnes Stores when I think of FF. And teachers. And a "f**k you" attitude that would have been encapsulated in the cult of Charlie Haughey.   Plus a touch of knac@er...

Michael O'Regan
Taoiseach Bertie Ahern described Socialist Party TD Joe Higgins as a "failed person" and told him to "go away" during heated exchanges on the cost of housing.  Mr Higgins said that house prices had increased on the Taoiseach's watch. "He failed cataclysmically to stop the unbridled speculation by developers and house builders. Of course, that was deliberate. The matter goes all the way back to the devil's pact made between Fianna Fáil and house builders and speculators in the 1960s. They bought the party's councillors, who in turn corrupted planning in Dublin, and perhaps other areas, and created the nightmare we now have. "They got everything they wanted. They bought the party's former leader, who the Taoiseach eulogised unstintingly last Friday. The VIP pen in the Donnycarney church was like a major house builders' convention.