[Merged] Religion topic Bishop Eamon reaffirms Catholic teaching & Cinemas refusing to show ad featu

Started by T Fearon, November 07, 2015, 07:46:47 AM

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Quote from: T Fearon on November 15, 2015, 08:10:47 PM
Seriously boys the cultural difference between nationalists North and South is stark never mind unionists.As far back as the 70s Gerry Fitt said he had more in common with a Belfast Protestant than with a Cork Catholic.

Guess that's what a hundred years of partition does
even just 20 years of watching different telly, having different school systems etc  would create huge differences.
But if a UI becomes inevitable the kids will adapt. 


Quote from: T Fearon on November 15, 2015, 07:14:53 PM
There are certain values both communities in the six counties share which would be culturally alien to the free state.Im thinking

Social Conservatism


Religious belief

Plain speaking.
Yet the recent poll run by RTE/BBC showed there wasn't much of a difference north and south on same sex marriage, for example (64% in NI, 67% in south). Your view of NI is warped because the likes of the Free Presbyterians represent a tiny proportion of the population, but a significant proportion of those on the unionist benches in Stormont.


Quote from: T Fearon on November 11, 2015, 10:11:59 PM
The Bible is the basis of all belief.What else is there?
Tony - a dangerous argument that. You are basically accepting that if the bible proves to be an ureliable load of bollocks that faith, in turn will pove to be that very same load of nads.good look with that one.
Quote from: T Fearon on November 11, 2015, 10:11:59 PM
No cities were destroyed on account of eating prawns or wearing mixed fibres.
Any city saved based o the turning over of one of its daughters to be anally raped until she died is one with a terrible history and not one with anything to offer morality.


Quote from: T Fearon on November 11, 2015, 10:25:59 PM
Please show me any mainstream Church (I'm not talking about Happy Clappy cults) that believes

1.Homosexuality is not sinful

2.That Jesus' mission was anything other than to save souls by getting people to turn away from sin

That's all I ask and upon receipt of these I will instantly alter my views

Where are you seeking to see this evidence of what is or is not sinful or what was or was not Jesus's purpose.

Certainly noboby credible would argue that the bible was a baramoter of what was good or bad or that it was in any way an accurate testament of Jesus's life and work - therefore what else are you going to accept as evidence????????


Quote from: T Fearon on November 11, 2015, 10:38:57 PM
Show me the evidence as I requested in my previous post
I would very much welcome you grasping some sort of clue, even if not a full understanding of what evidence actually means.


Quote from: T Fearon on November 11, 2015, 11:24:45 PM
The Church takes its core beliefs from scripture, and the central message is that salvation is only attainable by accepting Jesus as the saviour and turn away from sin,but if you fail to do this there will be dire consequences. It's very simple. Now I can understand and respect people who don't believe this or in God,but what I cannot accept is the stupidity of people who suggest that there is another message,that Jesus love is unconditional and there will be no consequence for unrepentance.
Is god a hallow individual????

He/she/it presents an uncompelling argument for their own existence. In an earlier post you demand evidence. I demand evidence in my life. I find myself convinced by evidence and unconvinced by anything else. Basically I buy into the argument in favour evidence that you hide behind. If God exists and hangs his hat on evidence you and i are fcuked


Quote from: T Fearon on November 11, 2015, 11:27:38 PM
The keeping Holy on the Sabbath is open to interpretation.It is possible to keep Holy while relaxing and resting in a Hotel or chilling out watching professional sport.No contradiction there at all.
Everything is open to interpretation. Can you deal with that?


Quote from: T Fearon on November 12, 2015, 11:56:34 AM
Sorry all mainstream Churches are in unison on subject of homosexuality

Is popularity where you find shelter?

Stand in upper bann and see what popular cover you have. Stand on your beliefs, your principles and your track record and count the votes


Quote from: T Fearon on November 12, 2015, 05:47:59 PM
There is nothing illogical about faith.Creation is logical,as are births and deaths etc.

Explain the existence of anything by creationism. What happened first?


Quote from: T Fearon on November 12, 2015, 10:48:34 PM
Who knows and what relevance has it? They were only bit players in the Genesis story

What big time players in the bible condemned homosexuality? Who were the big time players and what did they have to say on this matter?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


Quote from: T Fearon on November 14, 2015, 06:32:00 PM
The main point of reference should be the Gospels and life of Jesus.
Remind me of his views on the important issue of homosexuality?

What did he say of those obsessed by rules and ignorant of compassion?

T Fearon

Have I not already differentiated between faith and fact and explained the basic tenet that much of faith is mysterious,otherwise it wouldn't be faith it would be fact? Do peruse my contributions comprehensively before making foolish comments and posing questions I've already answered.


Quote from: T Fearon on November 14, 2015, 06:58:24 PM
They are not ignoring him,they see him as the core message,the Saviour who died for the remission of sins and rose from the dead,and whose salvation is available to all who turn their back on sin
And again - his views on the important issue of homosexuality???

T Fearon

There is no flexibility in terms of sin,and no compassion for or tolerance of sin


Quote from: T Fearon on November 14, 2015, 09:03:06 PM
The core message is shared by all mainstream churches.Jesus is the saviour,belief in him and repentance from sin is necessary for eternal life.Beyond that,does ir matter if Adam and Eve did or didn't exist.Faith is a mystery (otherwise if wouldn't be faith it would be either proven fact or fiction).Thats why I focus on the central message only.

Who wrote this central message? What language did they write it in?