Feast Days

Started by Armagh4SamAgain, April 25, 2007, 01:24:15 PM

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One of things that's most missed about the dear-departed Daily Ireland newspaper is that it used to have a column saying what particuar saint or fest day it was. I believe the good and pure Irish Christian Catholic newsletter, The Hibernian, now provides a similar service of enlightenment for the country.


Can you add images to your "Life of the Saints" work Armagh4Sam? Here's one to start with.

Blacksheep - a reckless and unprincipled reprobate!


5 sams
QuoteWork of a genius...or a fool...I still can't make my mind up.
A fool, but no bigger than those laughing at him  ::)
Which one of you bitches wants to dance?


Perhaps i am not familiar enough with a lot of the posters on this board but one thing that stirikes me about this post is that even if it was intended as being deadly serious (perhaps it is) and wasn't full of txt speak,  a lot of guys would still have a laugh at it. On the one hand the balance of posters on this board seem to want to claim to be open minded and liberal but yet many would still have a laugh at a post like this.

Aristotle Flynn

I agree with Pints Of Guinness and Blast05. A young lad embraces traditional Irish Catholicism and most posters on here think its funny or a wind up  :-\. 20 years ago his views would have been mainstream. What's happening? I get the impression that most posters on here represent a certain part of Irish society who think the majority of rural Irish people are backward and old fashioned. Young people should be encouraged to get involved with the church and in Parish life outside the GAA club. He could be doing a whole worse. They way some of you carry on it's like school yard bullying only on the internet.

As for the txt speak - have a look at E-mails or text messages from your children or younger siblings. Everyone under 21 is at it. It's not funny, just normal for that age group.
This Board should be a big enough place to accept all shades of opion.
A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion.

Fiodoir Ard Mhacha

Easy to mock the Church and get a good laugh but Jaysus, don't say a word against the 'ra, your favourite political party, the GAA or whatever floats yer boat :o

Rural Ireland is still full of young, educated people going to Mass on a regular basis - maybe the cityfolk (ergo intellegentia?) have got it all wrong.
"Something wrong with your eyes?....
Yes, they're sensitive to questions!"


Jaysus this is great now.
I wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.

Fiodoir Ard Mhacha

November spawned a monster.
"Something wrong with your eyes?....
Yes, they're sensitive to questions!"


Quote from: GweylTah on April 25, 2007, 05:51:21 PM
One of things that's most missed about the dear-departed Daily Ireland newspaper is that it used to have a column saying what particuar saint or fest day it was. I believe the good and pure Irish Christian Catholic newsletter, The Hibernian, now provides a similar service of enlightenment for the country.

The Irish Times have been doing the same thing for years. What's your point?


Down Championships Prediction League Winner 2009


Looking forward to hearing about St. Pedro de San José Betancur today. He rang bells.
I wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.


Today is the feast day of St Cletus. He was a Roman and the 3rd Pope and was murdered for his catholic faith (martered). We shoud remember him in are prayers on his feast day.

I'm glad that so many are showing interet in this tread.
'We just go out to play our football and let the critics say what they want. They usually do anyway"

his holiness nb

I also agree with pints, blast and Aristotle, yeah the grammar is pretty bad it is bordering on schoolyard bullying at this stage.

To make fun of the religious sentiment is disgraceful, as we are contstantly reminded by others on here, everyone is entitled to air their beliefs here.

Rock on Armagh4sam, dont forget the Dali Lama in your days btw!
Ask me holy bollix

full back

What a bunch of whingeing fcukers.
Will someone create a thread so we can have a bit of craic. If someone finds a post funny they are entitled to f**king laugh


Why not.

Catholic saints are holy people and human people who lived extraordinary lives. Each saint the Church honors responded to God's invitation to use his or her unique gifts. God calls each one of us to be a saint.     
April 26, 2007

St. Pedro de San José Betancur



Central America can claim its first saint with the July 30 canonization of Pedro de Betancur by Pope John Paul II in Guatemala City. Known as the "St. Francis of the Americas," Pedro de Betancur is the first saint to have worked and died in Guatemala.
Calling the new saint an "outstanding example" of Christian mercy, the Holy Father noted that St. Pedro practiced mercy "heroically with the lowliest and the most deprived." Speaking to the estimated 500,000 Guatemalans in attendance, the Holy Father spoke of the social ills that plague the country today and of the need for change.

"Let us think of the children and young people who are homeless or deprived of an education; of abandoned women with their many needs; of the hordes of social outcasts who live in the cities; of the victims of organized crime, of prostitution or of drugs; of the sick who are neglected and the elderly who live in loneliness," he said in his homily during the three-hour liturgy.

Pedro very much wanted to become a priest, but God had other plans for the young man born into a poor family on Tenerife in the Canary Islands. Pedro was a shepherd until age 24, when he began to make his way to Guatemala, hoping to connect with a relative engaged in government service there. By the time he reached Havana, he was out of money. After working there to earn more, he got to Guatemala City the following year. When he arrived he was so destitute that he joined the bread line which the Franciscans had established.

Soon, Pedro enrolled in the local Jesuit college in hopes of studying for the priesthood. No matter how hard he tried, however, he could not master the material; he withdrew from school. In 1655 he joined the Secular Franciscan Order. Three years later he opened a hospital for the convalescent poor; a shelter for the homeless and a school for the poor soon followed. Not wanting to neglect the rich of Guatemala City, Pedro began walking through their part of town ringing a bell and inviting them to repent.

Other men came to share in Pedro's work. Soon they became the Bethlehemite Congregation, which went on to earn official papal approval after Pedro's death.

He is sometimes credited with originating the Christmas Eve posadas procession in which people representing Mary and Joseph seek a night's lodging from their neighbors. The custom soon spread to Mexico and other Central American countries.