The Masonic Lodge and The Knights are they linked?

Started by thegael, April 24, 2007, 03:50:14 PM

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After having a look on their web site I must say, and I know this is a generalisation, I would think the majority of members are tw@ts.
"If you want to box, say you want to box and we'll box"


Doogie Browser

Quote from: SidelineKick on April 29, 2009, 10:27:43 AM
After having a look on their web site I must say, and I know this is a generalisation, I would think the majority of members are tw@ts.
Exactly what I thought, pompous arseholes at a guess.

Lar Naparka

Quote from: SidelineKick on April 29, 2009, 10:27:43 AM
After having a look on their web site I must say, and I know this is a generalisation, I would think the majority of members are tw@ts.
Am I missing something here?
In what way is this club liked to the Masons? [I presume that the Knights are not involved.]
Nil Carborundum Illegitemi


Quote from: Roger on April 29, 2009, 10:21:33 AM

It's non-Political and non-religious. 

Did they lose their vote on the Ulster Unionist Council then? That's a shame  :-\


Quote from: Donagh on April 29, 2009, 11:54:44 AM
Quote from: Roger on April 29, 2009, 10:21:33 AM

It's non-Political and non-religious. 

Did they lose their vote on the Ulster Unionist Council then? That's a shame  :-\
I'm not sure they have a vote within the UUP as it's not party linked and doesn't have any Political basis as far as I know.  I know a couple of members and they wouldn't be UUP voters.

Gaoth Dobhair Abu

Quote from: Roger on April 29, 2009, 04:20:16 PM
Quote from: Donagh on April 29, 2009, 11:54:44 AM
Quote from: Roger on April 29, 2009, 10:21:33 AM

It's non-Political and non-religious. 

Did they lose their vote on the Ulster Unionist Council then? That's a shame  :-\
I'm not sure they have a vote within the UUP as it's not party linked and doesn't have any Political basis as far as I know.  I know a couple of members and they wouldn't be UUP voters.

DUP die hards by any chance?


Quote from: Gaoth Dobhair Abu on April 29, 2009, 04:22:35 PM
Quote from: Roger on April 29, 2009, 04:20:16 PM
Quote from: Donagh on April 29, 2009, 11:54:44 AM
Quote from: Roger on April 29, 2009, 10:21:33 AM

It's non-Political and non-religious. 

Did they lose their vote on the Ulster Unionist Council then? That's a shame  :-\
I'm not sure they have a vote within the UUP as it's not party linked and doesn't have any Political basis as far as I know.  I know a couple of members and they wouldn't be UUP voters.

DUP die hards by any chance?
Definitely not.

Main Street

I was sure this was going to be another feckin rugby thread.

Doogie Browser

I have pasted most of my previous post here now to allow the other thread to concentrate on the matter in hand, namely the naked sectarianism that exists amongst an elected Unionist representative.

Where did I ever say they were mutually dependent? Or are you not sure yourself toger?  master of spin but full of shite as usual.

Fudge the issue as long as you want, my apologies though the Freemasons are a great bunch of people WHO DO NOT THINK THE PUBLIC VIEW THEM AS SECTARIAN HOORS - the head of the masons in Ireland thinks it is their fault we all view them as sectarian but you may choose to argue otherwise though.

In other news, Willie McCrea wins an Ivor Novello award for his latest ditty 'The people of Antrim are lovely and really like fen..sorry catholics'

Doogie Browser

its not natural to be in groups like that.  Why people feel the need to be in such groups in this day and age is beyond me.

I am certain the Orange Order and or masons have strands or early connections with Knights also


Pasting from a different thread.......
Quote from: Doogie Browser on April 29, 2009, 01:04:36 PM
And like the kids at Tesco they have no choice but to accept this, people talk about groups like Freemasons, Knights etc as if they are little tea and sandwich groups yet these are exactly the kind of 'institutions' (apt) that perpetuate the hatred and sectarianism against all things Nationalist in the 6 counties still.  
What hatred and sectarianism have you seen from the Masons?

I don't know anything about the Knights or even who or what they are. I have asked the following question... what is your knowledge of them, and what sectarian hatred have you witnessed / observed? Is it spin and shite to ask?

Your comments about the Mason and the PR disaster is out of context.  He stated that Freemasory's perception is their own fault because they don't get their message across and ignorance allows others to form ignorant opinions based on presumption and speculation and a few made up bogey man stories.  Kind of what you seem to be doing.

Doogie Browser

You have again twisted what I have said and used if for your own agenda.

I have no time for any such group, Masons, Knights of any religious persuasion, OO etc.  if people feel the need to join a secret society IN MY OPINION they are sad people. 

Whether you like it or not the Masons are viewed as inherently sectarian in Ireland (a fact acknowledged by their leader FFS, twist it how you like but that is what he said) and overhwelmingly Unionist in their composition. Hence my paralells with that idiot watson.

if you know nothing about any strand of knights maybe do some research then as there is no point us discussing something you claim to know anything about (I am no expert either) but that is no surprise as we can hardly claim to be epxerts on groups that are essentially secretive in make up. What I do know is that there is a lot of bigoted idiotic people out there who detest all things Irish and are determined to trample over anything remotely Irish in make up and quick to argue against those who are Irish.  Kind of what you seem to be doing. 

Diet Coke

Ther are plenty of catholics who are masons including priests :o
Everybody knows there no sucha thing as Sanity Clause.


ta se mor