New Catholic Church/ DUP coalition! Is this they way forward?

Started by T Fearon, February 24, 2015, 05:46:06 PM

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Quote from: T Fearon on March 01, 2015, 06:34:34 PM
Homosexual or heterosexual couples sharing a bed are more than likely to have sex.In any event doesn't scripture condemn "men lying together?"

So no difficulty with lesbians then??


When I heard this song for some reason I thought of Tony:

Listen carefully to the lyrics.........
MWWSI 2017

T Fearon

Here's a story, a true one.Just to show how times have changed,when the free state was generally God fearing or least respectful of religion.Way back in the 80s a friend of mine and his fiancé attended the Late Late show and Gay Byrne had been informed of their engagement,and he called them out and congratulated them live on air. They were pleasantly surprised as they were unaware of this,some of their friends had informed the programme editors beforehand,unbeknown to the couple.

Anyway they returned to their B&B (In Bray) after the show to find their bags packed and to be informed by the Woman of the house that there would be no carry on like that in her residence.Do you know what they did? They laughed about it, and dined out on it for years (and probably still do).They didn't dream of taking a case for discrimination,running to the media etc, and I suppose deep down they respected they woman's views as well.


Quote from: T Fearon on March 01, 2015, 11:44:07 PM
Here's a story, a true one.Just to show how times have changed,when the free state was generally God fearing or least respectful of religion.Way back in the 80s a friend of mine and his fiancé attended the Late Late show and Gay Byrne had been informed of their engagement,and he called them out and congratulated them live on air. They were pleasantly surprised as they were unaware of this,some of their friends had informed the programme editors beforehand,unbeknown to the couple.

Anyway they returned to their B&B (In Bray) after the show to find their bags packed and to be informed by the Woman of the house that there would be no carry on like that in her residence.Do you know what they did? They laughed about it, and dined out on it for years (and probably still do).They didn't dream of taking a case for discrimination,running to the media etc, and I suppose deep down they respected they woman's views as well.

Good man, at least you understand you belong to another era like that B&B woman.
MWWSI 2017


Quote from: muppet on March 02, 2015, 12:03:31 AM
Quote from: T Fearon on March 01, 2015, 11:44:07 PM
Here's a story, a true one.Just to show how times have changed,when the free state was generally God fearing or least respectful of religion.Way back in the 80s a friend of mine and his fiancé attended the Late Late show and Gay Byrne had been informed of their engagement,and he called them out and congratulated them live on air. They were pleasantly surprised as they were unaware of this,some of their friends had informed the programme editors beforehand,unbeknown to the couple.

Anyway they returned to their B&B (In Bray) after the show to find their bags packed and to be informed by the Woman of the house that there would be no carry on like that in her residence.Do you know what they did? They laughed about it, and dined out on it for years (and probably still do).They didn't dream of taking a case for discrimination,running to the media etc, and I suppose deep down they respected they woman's views as well.

Good man, at least you understand you belong to another era like that B&B woman.


Ah, the oft-recycled "and they thought it was gas, being thrown out in the middle of the night, anyone who objects to that is obviously a bigot" story. If you were going to be in the Late Late audience on a Saturday/Friday night, why would you book a B&B in Bray? Simply unbelievable, in the sense of not being remotely credible.


Quote from: deiseach on March 02, 2015, 07:23:27 AM
Ah, the oft-recycled "and they thought it was gas, being thrown out in the middle of the night, anyone who objects to that is obviously a bigot" story. If you were going to be in the Late Late audience on a Saturday/Friday night, why would you book a B&B in Bray? Simply unbelievable, in the sense of not being remotely credible.

but it was his friend...


Quote from: imtommygunn on March 02, 2015, 07:57:10 AM
Quote from: deiseach on March 02, 2015, 07:23:27 AM
Ah, the oft-recycled "and they thought it was gas, being thrown out in the middle of the night, anyone who objects to that is obviously a bigot" story. If you were going to be in the Late Late audience on a Saturday/Friday night, why would you book a B&B in Bray? Simply unbelievable, in the sense of not being remotely credible.

but it was his friend...



Quote from: deiseach on March 02, 2015, 07:23:27 AM
Ah, the oft-recycled "and they thought it was gas, being thrown out in the middle of the night, anyone who objects to that is obviously a bigot" story. If you were going to be in the Late Late audience on a Saturday/Friday night, why would you book a B&B in Bray? Simply unbelievable, in the sense of not being remotely credible.

You should have left it at that

T Fearon

Totally true story.And what was wrong and immoral then is still wrong and immoral now.


Dear guest,

Tony's Catholic B&B won't give a room to combinations of two men or two women. Just in case like, we wouldn't want to be party to any sin. The B&B won't give a room to a man & a women who aren't married. Wedding certs will be required as proof, just on case like. No rooms for more than 2 people, obviously, as the temptation would be too great no matter what the gender combination. Single people, who promise not to pleasure themselves, are permitted. However there will be no TV, in case anything stimulating like Glenroe repeats is on, and wifi is not provided in the bedrooms. Just in case like. Anyone caught in possession of condom is out straight away, as that is a sin. Magazines showing too much flesh are banned (all of them) and newspapers will be permitted only after they have been read and all content approved by the proprietor. Checking all newspapers (and entering all competitions) can take some time so check in will be at or after 1801. i.e. Strictly after the Angelus. Checkout will be at 0630, so everyone can go to 0700 mass and there will be no no breakfast as everyone will obviously be fasting.

Others not welcome include anyone who has been on the Late Late Show (except Daniel O'Donnell), anyone who thinks Father Ted is funny, Protestants, lapsed Catholics, a lá carte Catholics and people from Tyrone and Down. Also women who have not been 'churched' will not be accommodated nor indeed anyone who even mentions a type of meat on a Friday. And definitely no children.

Enjoy your stay and,

Please come again.
MWWSI 2017

T Fearon

Why are you so exercised about people who simply want to live by their beliefs?


Quote from: T Fearon on March 02, 2015, 06:44:43 PM
Totally true story.And what, in my view,was wrong and immoral then, in my view, is still wrong and immoral now.

Fixed that for you.


Quote from: T Fearon on March 02, 2015, 07:29:28 PM
Why are you so exercised about people who simply want to live by their beliefs?

But you don't simply want to live by your beliefs.

You want to impose them on others.
MWWSI 2017

T Fearon

I don't,I don't want to compromise my views to accommodate those of others when it directly affects me,that's all