Football Drills - where can i get the best coachin drills?

Started by PlayWithTheWind, April 18, 2007, 12:10:54 AM

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looking drills for both attacking and defending! would appreciate any info
Its not over til the fat lady sings!

new devil


PWTW - there's a few places around the net with drills listed. Its down to the coach and the instance to pick the best scheduled set for their team as you know. Try

and google probably offers quite a few more  :)

Captain Scarlet

if you got onto the games development officer in Ulster council they would send out DVDs.

i know leinter made a new 1 there very recently with orourke heffo val andrews and a few more.

it was a practical thing for coaches with the drills explained and demonstrated by lads. the team used was the KE U15s if that is the age you were after.

either way leinster council in portlaoise mite sort ya.

go direct anyway
them mysterons are always killing me but im grand after a few days.sickenin aul dose all the same.

Mickeys beard

In certain wildwoods of tyrone, we try to emulate the great feats of Cuchulainn as he practised on one occasion prior to shaking the dung out of the unfortunate Larene.
This would involve the apple feat, the javelin and rope, the body feat, the feat of Cat and the heroic Salmon leap (mulligan), the pole throw, the leap over a poisoned stroke, the noble chariot fighters crouch, the spurt of speed (gormley), the breath feat, the snapping mouth(mcmenamin), the hero's scream(McConnell), and then some.

nb.  " Cuchulain sprang at him and took his weapons away roughly.  He grasped him in his two hands and ground and rattled him until the dung was forced out of him............Everafterwards, as long as he lived,  larene couldn't empty his bowels properly."
Boil the Drawers!


To be honest, you could do no better than the above methods. Added to that list is the bog-knicker shunt, a form of haka that involves moving at a player with considerable speed, then forcing the unfortunate to the ground in a spear tackle movement, boring his head into the soil until his waist is submerged. Best tried in winter as the hard ground can make it rather laborious to execute.

I might have to repost The Trickster's tricks.
I wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.

Billys Boots

QuoteI might have to repost The Trickster's tricks.

Oh go on then Shane, the board badly needs a laugh.
My hands are stained with thistle milk ...


Its not over til the fat lady sings!


Trick No. 1

Originally Posted by The Trickster on May 11, 1998 at 14:07:03:

If you are playing fullback and your team is winning by two points with 2 minutes left - a high ball comes in round the square, up and field it, then turn and bury it in the back of your own net. Then quickly retrieve the ball and run out to the 21 yard line shouting 'come on to fück boys, come on' - then instead of kicking it out the field turn and tap it back over the bar and put your hands on your hips in disgust as if
to say 'jaysus christ what the hell is going on!'
I wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.


Originally Posted by The Trickster on May 11, 1998 at 17:00:51:


This can be a tough one to pull off but if you fail on the first attempt try it again, remember never give up.

Put a bag of crisps down the front of your togs before the game. Run around the whole match scratching your nuts know yourself if it tis a girl thing you have there in a womens match. Never smile.

Even if you score a great goal. Tog in after the game quick as you can and take off in your car like fück back to the house, where you can burst your hole laughing for anything up to an hour...if you get away with the trick!! If you live too far from your house, stop in a pub on the way home perhaps and cooly slip into the jacks for the good crack.

This trick should not be tried by minor footballers or under.
I wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.


Trick No. 3

Originally Posted by The Trickster on May 12, 1998 at 09:48:20:

This trick would only be effective around May or Early june and is only of use to backs.

Shake hands with your opponent at the start of the game like theres nothin' going on like. Then just calmly ask him, without looking at him, 'what did you think about who won the Eurovision?'. In little more than a whisper in fact. Even if he answers, pretend you dont hear. Then every couple of minutes ask him the same question again but with a little more vigour, or a little more threatening as it were, everytime. Then at the beginning of the second half when your going back to your position, sprint like a bastard towards him grab him by the jersey and say ' I fücking asked you what did you think of who won the Eurovision?'.

Your man will be well psyched out at this stage but you are liable to get a booking. Dont panic, if so, tell the ref your name is either Shay Healy or Johnny Logan. Girls should note that Linda Martin would be a better option. This trick can be quiet successful if one is willing to persevere and detach themselves from their own opinion of 'who won the Eurovision'.
I wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.


Trick No. 4

Originally Posted by The Trickster on May 12, 1998 at

Statistically speaking, not many people will be able to pull this one off. Stay alert though, you ll never know when the chance will arrive. Anyway this is it. If there is some guy on the team you detest and you are certain that you are a better player than he, then on the day of an important match show up and 5 minutes before the game say out loud in the dressing room 'oh jaysus....shït shït shït, well damn it to hell anyway'. When your teammates inquire into your problem be fustering around in your bag and say 'I cant believe I forgot me fecking boots'. Then the manager will ask your man to give you his and the bastard wont be able to play - he'll be bloody dropped!! Bonus points are scored if its a wet day and give him back the boots after the game covered in shïte. For girls prehaps a similar plot could be made to unfold with a reinforced bras scenario.

NB: You should only try this if the two of ye are the only ones with the same size boots (or boobs) or else you could get some other unfortunate bastard dropped.
I wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.


Trick No. 5

Originally Posted by The Trickster on May 13, 1998 at

Is only for players with no other tricks up their sleeves. It is a trick of last resort but bare it in mind at any rate. Ideally it should only be utilised by a player from a coastal/marine surrounding. Right, if you find yourself sent off for any reason, maybe for even carrying trick No. 3 too far and on your way off the pitch and up the sideline you get abuse from a spectator, you know the type, the mother holding the young bucks hand and an anorak on her and her wagging her finger at you shouting 'your some example to young fellas how to should be ashamed of yourself'. Well at this point launch yourself into a full blown karate kick out over the fence and meet her with the boot full bore into the guts. This is bound to stir up some media attention but when asked about the incident just start going on about seagulls and fishermen other things one would associate with coastal life. Keep shrugging your shoulders innocently. If you get a life ban you can always bring out memoirs entitled 'Don't fence me in', 'Over the top', or 'I fücked up my hamstring o'er a 4ft fence'. The last would probably serve best for a country and western song.
I wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.


Trick No. 6

Originally Posted by The Trickster on May 13, 1998 at

This trick is not really a GAA trick but can be carried out by GAA members usually in late summer.

Its a good trick to relieve tension the day before a big game too. If your sneaking out the door at around 9:30pm some evening the mother is likely to let a roar at you - 'where do you think your going at this hour'. Cooly respond - 'ah I m just heading down for a couple of pints with the lads and we're going for a curry after'.

When you get out the door take a quick look back to be sure the mothers not watching then dart around the corner and off back the field like feck picking mushrooms. After about 20 minutes start kicking mushrooms through gaps in the ditch, between two lumps of cowshïte, over cattles heads....or whereever, commentating as you go along pretending you're in the all Ireland, like this - 'Mikey Sheehy, going through...YES!' say if kick the mushroom and break it off the dogs head. The crack is good for about an hour but then gets tiring more than anything else.

Calmly slip back into the house and start going on to your mother about the grand evening, you know, nice and handy.

NB: It might be advisable to bring a couple of tins of beer with you and drink them on the way home so there will be a smell off your breath when you get back to convince the mother of your story.
I wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.


Trick No. 7

Originally Posted by The Trickster on May 14, 1998 at

This trick is for players who tend to get the label of being yellow or soft by their managers or the supporters.

The trick is two dimensional depending on whether the day is hot or cold and wet. Supposing its a great day, sun out and all. The team is picked and ye're heading out the dressing room door on to the pitch, well make sure everyone is out the door and then just go ' oh hold on a second I must get me gloves'.

This kinda makes it a double trick cause you dont really need gloves on a hot day.

Anyway slip back into to the dressingroom and......Turn on all the taps, every last one of them and off out to play the game. When the game is on then you ll feel like a much harder bastard.

Every now and again allow yourself a wry smile thinking of all the good water pissing down the sink, and the day thats in it. Youll be thinking to yourself 'now who's fecking yella'. Be sure to get in first after the game to turn them off.

Even if its a cold wet day the trick can be done by turning on all the showers so there is no hot water for any of the boys when they come in - be sure to cover yourself on this occasion by saying something like 'don't tell me no one put a frigging pound in the metre'.

Ps: If you pull this one off the next time you could pull it one step further and...... leave the stoppers in the sink holes!!!!!
I wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.