Down Club Hurling & Football

Started by Lecale2, November 10, 2006, 12:06:55 AM

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  Isn't big Magic playing for Loughinisland aswell?  He certainly isn't playing for Kilclief.  The Blues transfer record was well discussed on the old board, they have no shame whatsoever.

  If there has been a row in the camp at Ardglass Magee may well be looking to play for the RGU but I can't see it happening.

  As for McKenna, there is plenty I could say but I won't in case it sends our Saul poster into cardiac arrest (again)!

  Premier Reserve football starts this Sunday, I see there are Betsy Gray fixtures aswell.  Great to see the fixtures men taking dual clubs into account again.

off the laces

McKenna is and probably always has been up his own A##e, he has a disruptive attitude that does no one any good. Although that said when he does have his head out he can be a very good player if given the space,he certainly does not like the ruff stuff especially the tactics Kilclief use Eg in your face, i recall him getting sent off by m curran in kilclief as he was being marked tight so he spat the dummy out, and as a result nearly got saul relegated that year. So No1 remember to remind your team mates this little fact.
As for the saul poster going ballistic what did mckenna do for saul last year when they needed him i do not think he will care.
I also hear another saul player is looking a transfer to DPK P Holland any truth?
Keeps 'er' straight

Blue Island

 -- Are Loughinisland taking the piss?  How do they continue to get away with this.  I remember someone on the old board was able to name the number of 'acquisitions' they have had over the years.  This really is not on.--

In reference to the list of 'acquisitions' on the old board it was put up by downfanatic and was complete nonsense. As I recall he listed around 30 players over thirty years. To give you and indication of how wrong (biased) the list was, Mark Brennan was named on the list as one of our 'acquisitions', even though he has played for us from under 12, was our club chairman for four years and his father played for Loughinisland before him. I would take issue with the vast majority on the list for many reasons. Downfanatic appears to have placed anyone who has played for Loughinisland in the past 30 years and who has not lived in the parish on this list and disregarded any other factor. Many listed come from a long family tradition of association with the club.

So before everyone jumps on the bandwagon at least get the facts right first. I am not blinded by my own association with the club and can concede there have been some contentious transfers in the last 30 years, but these numbers are not great and would compare with most clubs playing in division one/two.

Loughinisland does not scout for players. Some of this number, if not the majority, have approached Loughinisland and asked to play. Are we to tell them to bugger off. Would Teconnaught tell Dan Gordan we don't want ye if he came knocking on their door?

With regards, Magic Johnston, if he is playing for Loughinisland this year its news to me. As far as I am aware he has not trained with any football team. 


Dan Gordan has joined Teconnaught? Fair play to him. It's not often a senior county player drops down a Division never mind 2!

Fíor Gael

How far behind the top three teams in the country is this current down squad and is there any light at the end of the tunnel? So many players have not progressed, in fact they seem to have gone backwards and the loss of possibly our best young talent to aussie rules makes for another disappointing summer. Is there any fight in this bunch of players are will they celebrate championship embarassment by getting full drunk and walking round the canal court thinking they are super stars. As a squad the appaer to have no leadre, a mcgeeney type character who can drive them on, inspire them, mould and shape them into winners as opposed to posing wannabes.

Mourne Rover

FG there is little point in comparing Down to the top three in the country, as, based on championship results over recent years, we would barely be in the top 20. We have to start from where we are and try and put together a squad which is capable of putting a bit of pride and self-belief back into the county. We don't have anyone in the mould of Kieran McGeeney at this stage, but we have some decent young players who may improve with inter-county experience. Where they go after matches is of very little interest to me. My only concern is that they put maximum effort into training, prepare properly before games and give us complete commitment on the day. The signs are reasonable so far under Ross and DJ, but it will be a long road.

Dubh driocht

Fior Gael- truly you are the gael .We know you.I think we have leaders in Liam Doyle or James Colgan -both know what it takes to captain AI winning teams and both are potential CHBs- the perfect position for a Captain.BTW who is our captain?I've been to most games this season and still don't know


I've heard Doyle could be a long term injury prospect.  I've heard he played while injured in the play offs last year against Annaclone and made a mess of his ankle.  Hopefully this isn't the case. 
Disclaimer: I am responsible for MY comments only.  I don't own this site.

Brick Tamlin

Doyle is due a trip across the water to see about getting his ankle operated on, Walsh is due back probably for the next national league match from what i hear, Dee Rafferty is supposedly flyin in training and should be back pretty soon too, Ambrose should make the championship but i wouldnt be rushing him back, reconstructive surgery especially to the knee can be tricky business. also have it on good authority that Molloy wont be figuring this year.

Brick Tamlin

maybe im wrong and if i am i hold my hands up but only time will tell


i had my reservations but now i am convinced ross is a disaster!

playing the old card -  it is a long term plan.

long term plan- just to keep the job .

long term plan rubbish team building same basis of a team during por reign - this attitude filters down through to players- it is a joke who is he trying to fool.

absolute disaster but sure it is a long term plan .

fact 0 league wins.

fact championship outlook - bleak but sure it is only our first year rubbish.

don't be taken in

full back

I hear they are still boozing gael :o


Brick Tamlin


Your post doesn't make pleasant reading 5times but at least its realistic.  Its taken me a long time to come to accept that Down really aren't in the top 15 counties.  We probably are just inside the top 20.  Any word of Martin Clarke coming home for hols in the summer or anthing. Him and Benny on the same team would do real damage.  One can only dream...
Disclaimer: I am responsible for MY comments only.  I don't own this site.