Down Club Hurling & Football

Started by Lecale2, November 10, 2006, 12:06:55 AM

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Brick Tamlin

if thats true then its his 2nd cruciate tear inside 24 months i think.
can sympathise with him


That's shit bad luck, feel sorry for the lad. I see another Charlie Pat situation developing here unfortunately.
Don't Panic


What  other ground have we nominated for our league games ? Burren ?


letter out today states that pairc esler will be opening in june. letter from club down so i reckon it has to the real deal.

acc to the letter, all going acc to plan and will def be opening in june to a "much different marshes stadium"


Can anybody post a photo of the work in progress at the Marshes? I hope they're sorting the pitch out as well as the stand.


drove past it the other day on the omeath road you can see the pitch is all dug up so take it they are doing it too

Colonel Cool

Terrible news for young McCartan. Very unlucky to have two such injuries so quickly.
I'm not Homer Simpson. That ship has sailed. I'm "Colonel Cool"!

Cloc Mor

The reason the pitch is dug up is because they intend 'rolling out' ready grown grass and not growing from a sod with grass seed.  If Down get over Cavan they have Monaghan at home and it is supposed to be ready for this?


amallon , Is there anything doing the rounds regarding Brendan Grant ? I cant believe he can be dropped off the panel .


I've heard he was dropped for not putting in enough effort which if you know Brendan is very hard to believe.  I think its only a matter of time before they want him back.  Were Paudie Matthews or Paul Shields among the subs on Sunday?  I've heard they and someone from the Kingdom quit the panel in the run up to the Kildare game. 
Disclaimer: I am responsible for MY comments only.  I don't own this site.


Congratulations to Bredagh who won the East Down club of the year award last Friday night. Even if they hadn't won Div 4 of the football league, JFC, Div 3 Ulster SHL and various under age hurling & Ladies football competitions they would have deserved the title for the work they put in at underage level across all codes.
Down Championships Prediction League Winner 2009

Brick Tamlin

Shields has walked and id not be a bit surprised if Matthews has followed, who is the kingdom lad that has left, couldnt really be anyone other than Brendan Mc Veigh but sure thats old news. Id near bet my house that Brendan Grant will not be asked back onto the panel unless there is drastic change of heart. Im sure there wioll be a few more casualties not before long  -  Brendan Loughran was due to start on sunday in place of Danny Hughes but injured his ankle badly in training last week and looks to be out now for a few months.


Why would you be so sure that he will not be asked back , surely the panel should be open ended and if he is doing the business he has to be asked back . Himself and Cole where are best defenders last year, if Ross wants to look at other lads fair enough but to be gone off the panel altogeather is a bit strange (IMO).

Brick Tamlin

there has been many a player that has been doin the business for his club in/out every season and on great form and has never been asked or approached for the county. I just dont think that Ross/DJ will turn on their decision, just my opinion. The way i see it is that its a massive decision to drop him  and one that could ultimately come back to bite them in the arse but no one team or management should revolve around any one player no matter who they are and sometimes the strangest decisions turn out to be the better ones or most beneficial to the team. And before ye get on my back about Grant i personally think he would be an asset to the squad but hey i aint the manager.

Also I dunno where you got the idea that Grant & Cole were the best defenders we had last year. IMO Scullion is as a reliable defender as we have had this last 12 months. Cole maybe had a good enough season but cant agree with Grant havin a decent season last year.


Look no-one's getting on anyone's back  just asking questions and putting accross opinions ( for what they are worth ) , You rate Skullion and I think he works hard myself  but I know a rake of people who wouldn't have him about the place . I actually thought Cole was our best defender last year and that Grant did nothing to merit getting dropped from the panel . That's why I asked amallon was there anything more to it .