Down Club Hurling & Football

Started by Lecale2, November 10, 2006, 12:06:55 AM

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GAA Madness

Quote from: PTC on October 01, 2023, 09:52:18 PM
Quote from: GAA Madness on October 01, 2023, 09:34:25 PM
Quote from: PTC on October 01, 2023, 09:29:21 PM
Quote from: GAA Madness on October 01, 2023, 09:26:02 PM
Quote from: PTC on October 01, 2023, 09:04:36 PMGreat performance from Kilcoo tonight, showed a lot of maturity not getting involved with the cowards from clonduff. If they had of shown a bit of fight at the start of the game they might of got a bit closer to Kilcoo. That will finish Darren now, a great servant for club and county but far to heavy now he can hardly move, they should play play eamon brown further out the field next year he looked like a big teapot standing in full forward one hand on his hip and the other pointing where he wants the ball. Number 15 is gutless

Clearly a kilcoo fan here who can't admit their own wrong doings, looking forward to reading the report for Brannigans red card over turn, I'm sure it will happen
Did I say something that wasn't the truth??

Kilcoo never got involved, how did the row start remind me?
Who went to Kilcoo dugout to start a melee? Like I said before it's that time of the year let's all bash Kilcoo! Clonduff forever the bridesmaids

Clonduff no doubt the bridesmaids but if you cannot admit that Nialls striking action caused the whole thing, you need to watch that game again, he has a bit of sense and the game ends a damp squib with a free that may have and may not have ended with a clonduff score, no reds and the only chat out of the game is how poor it was


The row started because darren o Hagan reacted to a clumsy high tackle from n brannigan. It wasnt that bad a tackle and the reaction from darren was way over the top which lead to the mellee. Clonduff knew at this point they were stuffed and resorted to cheap shots. Kilcoo did well to keep their heads...

GAA Madness

Quote from: downtothecore on October 01, 2023, 09:56:12 PMThe row started because darren o Hagan reacted to a clumsy high tackle from n brannigan. It wasnt that bad a tackle and the reaction from darren was way over the top which lead to the mellee. Clonduff knew at this point they were stuffed and resorted to cheap shots. Kilcoo did well to keep their heads...

Agree with most of this but that was not a tackle, it was a punch to the eye


Quote from: downtothecore on October 01, 2023, 09:56:12 PMThe row started because darren o Hagan reacted to a clumsy high tackle from n brannigan. It wasnt that bad a tackle and the reaction from darren was way over the top which lead to the mellee. Clonduff knew at this point they were stuffed and resorted to cheap shots. Kilcoo did well to keep their heads...

There was nothing clumsy about it, silly act when the match was won but in fairness to ref dealt out the red cards as required.


A silly incident at the end but it's the only thing worth talking about as the game was pathetic. I expected more from young Brown up front in terms of scoring but he failed to deliver - again. An early flourish and late flourish saw Kilcoo into another final. 12 finals in a row - like them or despise them - that's some going...


Bit harsh to deny Kilcoo's dominance of the game JB. I thought they came out with real intent, played fairly good football, use of kick pass to their full forward line which hasn't been seen much in SFC.
I just don't understand how it ended, there was no needle the whole way through, not even bad challenge.

GAA Madness

Quote from: terrifictommy on October 02, 2023, 09:22:56 AMBit harsh to deny Kilcoo's dominance of the game JB. I thought they came out with real intent, played fairly good football, use of kick pass to their full forward line which hasn't been seen much in SFC.
I just don't understand how it ended, there was no needle the whole way through, not even bad challenge.

I think you are right, there was no needle in game at all, maybe a reason Clonduff were soo toothless. Makes Brannigans tackle seem even more senseless but the Clonduff reaction was the same that most losing teams have, un needed but pure and utter frustration which boiled hot and heavy


Few things to say about this game want to first start off by stating that I would attend many a club championship games through tyrone derry Armagh and yourselves in down last night. I decided to miss good games in tyrone as I thought this game would be a classic. I suppose I got to see the row (which was an utter disgrace and really has a negative affect on our games especially in the north).  Cush tactics tonight were bizarre at stages but clonduff just don't have the players. Have a few Anthony Joshuas and furys though.

Im not sure whether it is that kilcoo are just way too good or the rest of the teams are so bad?? From the games in tyrone and Armagh that I have watched this year I think kilcoo would have much tougher games in them championships as well in derry. This ultimately has an affect on your county teams. Down used to produce top top forwards that were from different clubs throughout the county? Where has that gone. Gaels go to watch the top forwards. In down yous just don't seem to have that. People pay money into watch the cananavsn, mccurys etc in tyrone, mcguigans in derry, o neills, turbitts and campbells in Armagh. Down just don't have that and it makes for sucha poor watch and ultimately is the reasoning why your county team aren't progressing. Kilcoo don't get tested due to this main reasoning.

Lets hope burren have a few forwards worth talking about


Bought both games yesterday because I couldn't get to our game against Liatroim and I thought Clonduff would give Kilcoo a game last night. I had to miss the last 5 minutes so missed all the nonsense at the time. Thought Kilcoo completely dominated the game, hard to know if Clonduff got it completely wrong or Kilcoo are just much better. Watched the end back, there was obviously a bit of winding up going on and Niall Branagan's tackle was stupid on his part but it looks like Clonduff completely over reacted, frustration can do that.

Thought Annaclone put it up to Liatroim but going down to 14 men killed any chance they had. Liatroim probably the better side though. Should be a tight enough final, Rostrevor under pressure not to lose 2 finals in a row.

GAA Madness

Quote from: mugsy03 on October 02, 2023, 11:41:45 AMFew things to say about this game want to first start off by stating that I would attend many a club championship games through tyrone derry Armagh and yourselves in down last night. I decided to miss good games in tyrone as I thought this game would be a classic. I suppose I got to see the row (which was an utter disgrace and really has a negative affect on our games especially in the north).  Cush tactics tonight were bizarre at stages but clonduff just don't have the players. Have a few Anthony Joshuas and furys though.

Im not sure whether it is that kilcoo are just way too good or the rest of the teams are so bad?? From the games in tyrone and Armagh that I have watched this year I think kilcoo would have much tougher games in them championships as well in derry. This ultimately has an affect on your county teams. Down used to produce top top forwards that were from different clubs throughout the county? Where has that gone. Gaels go to watch the top forwards. In down yous just don't seem to have that. People pay money into watch the cananavsn, mccurys etc in tyrone, mcguigans in derry, o neills, turbitts and campbells in Armagh. Down just don't have that and it makes for sucha poor watch and ultimately is the reasoning why your county team aren't progressing. Kilcoo don't get tested due to this main reasoning.

Lets hope burren have a few forwards worth talking about

I've watched alot of down football, i think there are plenty of good forwards but the puke football tactics nowadays leave every forward with several lines of numbers in front of them, so have to beat that for winning the ball, then beat most of them again to get a score. Scores in big games with both teams playing well come from an odd off the shoulder run and snap shot, or frees, not too often it's a 1v1 and see what your made off. Eamon Brown, Jerome, Shealon, Andrew Gilmore, Pat Havern, Beatty, Barry ohagan, Cory Quinn, and plenty others are lethal forwards but tactics are getting worse, players scared to make mistake, so don't shoot

Truth hurts

These clashes on the sidelines will stop if there are dugouts on the opposite side of Pairc Esler. A stray punch can kill .


Quote from: Truth hurts on October 02, 2023, 03:30:06 PMThese clashes on the sidelines will stop if there are dugouts on the opposite side of Pairc Esler. A stray punch can kill .
I know this is wishful thinking and very unlikely to ever happen but anyone sent off for a strike should be sent on an information session about one punch killing. Might deter it in the future or it might not.

quit yo jibbajabba

I've heard worse shouts than that Nanderson tbh


It's a measure that should be considered but there needs to be further measures taken. There just seems to be a brawl every week in the gaa. Someone is going to be badly injured and even worse fatally injured at this rate. The video evidence helps and these guys that decide to through punches need a lot more that just a 1 game ban.


It's strange that players behave like this during football matches when I'd imagine most of them wouldn't be out throwing punches away from the pitch. There seems to be some sort of belief that fighting on a football pitch isn't the same as fighting outside a bar or anywhere else. The old "what happens on the pitch stays on the pitch" attitude maybe. But most players now are far stronger and heavier than ever, and a punch could do serious damage. Young kids seeing that could well be put off playing football too. It's pathetic.

Nanderson, not a bad shout about the information session. It's a start.