Down Club Hurling & Football

Started by Lecale2, November 10, 2006, 12:06:55 AM

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Warrenpoint beat Annaclone by 9 or 10 points.


Down ACFL Division 3

Ardglass 1-08  Dundrum 1-13


Its tight at the bottom of div 2 lads.....anyone know what the story is with the final relegation play off positions? After tonight Darragh Cross and the Point are on 18 points, Banbridge 17, Shamrocks 16 (with a possible 2 points to be awarded or a game in hand). If the Shamrocks get another 2 points then the three teams are on 18, is there a play off between these teams to stay out of the play offs (1 place remaining) or does it go to score difference?


Bredagh 12 Tullylish 7
St Pauls wo Teconnaught df.

relegation playoff Mitchells, St Pauls & Bright (if they beat Glenn tonight?)
Don't Panic


ACFL Division 3 Table

                   Played     Points
Tullylish           22            34             Playoffs
Saul                22            31             Playoffs
Dundrum         22            31             Playoffs
Bredagh          22            29             Playoffs
Bosco              22            26
Teconnaught    22           22
Ardglass           21            21
Glenn              22            20
Drumgath         21           19       
Mitchels           22            11         Playoffs
St Pauls           22            10         Playoffs
Bright              22             8          Relegated

Outstanding Fixture: Ardglass v Drumgath


Glenn wo Bright df.

How many teams didnt show tonight.

DF i am assured that relegation from Div three is bottom three playoff. As Bright haven't got 30% they're gone so it's a straight playoff between St Pauls and Mitchells.
Don't Panic


Ballyholland 3-06 Carryduff 0-3
Downpatrick 5-16 Glasdrumman 1-5
Darragh Cross 1-7 Shamrocks 1-4
Warrenpoint beat Annaclone by 9
Saval beat Clann na Banna


Down GAA Results

O'Neills International Sportswear League

Div One

Longstone 1-10 Kilcoo 0-8

Loughinisland 0-8 Bryansford 0-8

Liatroim 1-10 Longstone 1-4

Clonduff 0-10 Burren 2-7

Mayobridge 0-12 Atticall 0-6

An Riocht 1-9 Castlewellan 0-11

Kilcoo 1-10 Rostrevor 1-11

Div Two

Downpatrick 5-17 Glasdrumman 1-5

Saval 1-13 Clann Na Banna 3-6

Warrenpoint 2-15 Annaclone 0-12

Kilclief 0-9 Ballymartin 2-15

Carryduff 0-3 Ballyholland 2-15

Darragh Cross 1-7 Shamrocks 1-4

Div Three

Mitchels 0-6 Bredagh 0-15

Teconnaught D/F St. Pauls W/O

Bredagh 0-12 Tullylish 0-7

Mitchels 0-8 Bosco 2-12

Glenn W/O Bright D/F

Ardglass 1-8 Dundrum 1-13

Saul 2-14 Drumgath 1-8


Some crazy stuff going on in Division II tonight. It really did come down to the wire.

Annaclone look to have somehow kicked themselves out of a top four spot. Saval finish top, Ballyholland 2nd. Ballymartin have also qualifed for the top four. Downpatrick need a win at home to Carryduff to seal their place, and as they have already outscored Ballymartin, would take 3rd spot in the process.  Carryduff are already relegated, so it should be a formality for the Hoops

At the bottom, Carryduff are gone. The playoffs will consist of Glassdrumman, Clann na Banna and one of either Warrenpoint or Shamrocks, most likely the Point. Bann were nine points ahead at one stage against Saval and if they had even managed a draw, would have been able to put their feet up for the winter. Warrenpoint pulled off a tremendous coup over the 'Clone, but it's looking like too little too late for the Blues. Darragh Cross are ahead of them on scoring and therefore safe. Seamrogai are a point behind them, but a victory at home to Carryduff in their final game will make them safe.

It's kind of a shame for Annaclone and Warrenpoint that they have to pin their hopes on a beaten docket after all the racing is complete. But such is the nature of league football.

Regarding or own game with Carryduff tonight, the yellows really put it up to us during the first half, and we were only a point up at the interval. If they hadn't have lost 3 key players during that half through injury (all innocuous, I'll add) they might have given us a scare. But we worked our bollocks off in the second half and then really put the foot down in the final quarter.


by division 3 results glenn are now ahead of drumgath and if drumgath dont beat ardglass in their remaining fixture then they will be in the bottom 4, what a diffeence a year makes. mitchels and whoever joins them must be pretty pissed of with tecconaught, and i would imagine st pauls are delighted. Wobbler are you sure that comes down to score difference, was talking to a lad from darragh who seems to think score difference doesn't matter and they are in fact in a play off to decide who goes into the play offs

Cloc Mor

Score difference definately being used to determine who is in (or out) of playoffs at all levels.


Interesting set of results from Friday night .. immediate thoughts:

  • in Div 3, is Teconnaught not fielding to be treated the same as not showing mid-season, considering their non-action resulted in Mitchels and possibly Drumgath (what a season they've had) (2 or 3 team playoff) in the relegation mixup?
  • Bright not travelling to Glenn - soccer season started up again? Probably don't deserve any higher than Div 4 until they get a committed group coming through - some underage sides have shown well over the years so maybe some hope, although they still need to get through the difficult years and stick at it
  • Carryduff straight down from Div 2- its been coming all year, they're destined to be a yo-yo team for a few years yet I feel and the possibility of the city local derbies next year (Bredagh may go up past them of course) will give them something else to steel themselves for

Predictions now for the 2nd and 3rd divisions where I might retain a closer interest:
- Ballyholland to outperform the rest in the Div 2 promotion stakes and claim their place as champions in the top league
- Saval to overcome a disappointing championship reverse to go up with them (B'martin and RGU distracted by championship successes)
- Glassdrumman to fall short in the survival stakes from Div 2 and join Carryduff in the drop
- Div 3 - Tullylish to achieve Div 2 status after being pushed all the way by Dundrum and Saul. In that East Down showdown I think Paul McComiskey's desire to play at the higher level will push his teammates over the win line just ahead of a playoff hardened Saul outfit (altho it'll be close). Bredagh, after a great year will have to rebuild for a real go in their 2nd season in Div 3 next year and they will go up in 2008.
- at the other end of the table, St Pauls haven't enough in them to grab their 2nd chance of survival and Mitchels (and Drumgath) will have too much firepower

Interestingly (possibly), I've done a bit of stat gathering on the Div 3 promotion sides in the head to head matches they've played this  year (the other playoffs are not final as yet anyway) - we all know that form to date means nothing in the playoffs (as my predictions highlight anyway) but all the same. ....



leagues providing exciting fare for all divisions it seems.....

div2....what the hell happened annaclone? after pasting ballyholland at home a few weeks back they seemed to go into free fall. On that night there was no way you could tell me they wouldnt make the play offs....all not well internally??

hard to believe that wpoint should be anywhere near bottom4 but if they get over this nightmare season their young lads will come on no end for a tough year in div2. it would have been very funny to see the shamrocks battle it out in div2 relegation playoffs, but again they have too much about them to be there again next year. once they sort off field out, they have too much ability.

feel sorry for banbridge. first game of league harps whopped them and i thought they were the worst team i had ever seen in div2 but credit to them, they battled all year and it sounds like a disastrous bottle inthe last league game means dreaded play offs.

Brick Tamlin

it makes the whole thing that bit more exciting in division two to see a few so called bigger or better teams sweating it out on other results.

a few results or things that grabbed my attention 

Banbridge woe story continues into the winter, it just seems that they are destined to hit the drop im afraid, their season has been full of hard luck stories and close calls but i have a feeling they will be going down after this latest disappointment - werent they coasting against saval at one stage and still lost by the slimmest of margins - close but no cigar im afraid.

Downpatrick seem to be showing some sort of form goin into the business end of the season and are in fine fettle for both championship & league - wonder what odds for a double from the hoops-although im no fan of theirs.

Ballyholland have quietly gone about their business most of the season, no-one is talkin about them and they are again in the playoffs where they will have to make up for last years dissapointment, they are as always a dangerous prospect and even moreso in my eyes because of their quiet ascension to the top 4.

Annaclone - deary me, jekyl & hyde anyone?. going by reports they are in pretty fast freefall and Murray can don nothin to stop it. After a strong start to the season they somehow capitulate when it really matters. Out-played, out-gunned, out-fought on friday last does not sound like the Annaclone that has a greatly talented panel that was being touted for promotion. Dissapointing finish to their season.

Shamrocks - a poor poor season for the newry men, what can one say that hasnt been said before.
they should stay out of bottom 4 playoffs with a win in the outstanding fixture which will preserve their Div 2 status, but if they had been relegated from div1 to 3 inside a year then that would have been disasterous for them and gaa in newry in general. a very lucky escape this season.

behind the wire

has anyone heard an exact date for the start of the play offs?

would anyone on here support a motion stating that all playoffs should be started as soon as leagus are over, so long as all teams involved are out of c'ship? i would definitely be in favour of it, not too keen on the aul winter football myself!
He who laughs last thinks the slowest