The Official 2016 US Presidential election thread

Started by Eamonnca1, July 10, 2014, 05:07:57 AM

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Quote from: screenexile on February 02, 2016, 09:50:53 AM
Phew!!! Does this mean that the Trump nightmare is effectively over??

Funny I watched the Daily show last night and a reporter was being interviewed and said that a lot of people at Trumps rally are the same people showing up over and over again so there is a chance the support he looks to have may not realistically be there.

Cruz is a complete asshole I can't see him winning over the nation when nobody in his own party will vote for him. Choosing between him and Trump really is a choice of dying by poison or serious illness!

On the Democrat side it looks like things are hotting up between Bernie and Hilary. I think it's great that there will be a proper Primary between two worthy candidates!

Two worthy candidates my hole, there is not a decent candidate running ffs.

Clinton a worthy candidate indeed, a bitch that hung four people out to dry and got them killed, the same woman who attacked the skanks that her hubbie was humpin, and also the woman who leaked the very top information wise to the world, a worthy candidate, take a tablet son.

Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.


Sanders is good. Old style Jewish cared about people.


Quote from: stew on February 02, 2016, 03:05:04 PM
a bitch that hung four people out to dry and got them killed,
Quote from: stew on February 02, 2016, 03:05:04 PM
the woman who leaked the very top information wise to the world
More Bullshit


Very presumptuous to think Cruz winning an uber religious state he pumped a ton of money and manpower into compared to Trump means Trump is done. If Trump had won it was the end for Cruz, as it stands all he's done is avoid a killing blow.


Quote from: Syferus on February 02, 2016, 04:26:14 PM
Very presumptuous to think Cruz winning an uber religious state he pumped a ton of money and manpower into compared to Trump means Trump is done. If Trump had won it was the end for Cruz, as it stands all he's done is avoid a killing blow.

Trumps campaign needs the momentum to keep up though. If a wheel starts coming loose somewhere, everyone won't be long in jumping off the bandwagon.´

Quote from: stew on February 02, 2016, 03:05:04 PM
Quote from: screenexile on February 02, 2016, 09:50:53 AM
Phew!!! Does this mean that the Trump nightmare is effectively over??

Funny I watched the Daily show last night and a reporter was being interviewed and said that a lot of people at Trumps rally are the same people showing up over and over again so there is a chance the support he looks to have may not realistically be there.

Cruz is a complete asshole I can't see him winning over the nation when nobody in his own party will vote for him. Choosing between him and Trump really is a choice of dying by poison or serious illness!

On the Democrat side it looks like things are hotting up between Bernie and Hilary. I think it's great that there will be a proper Primary between two worthy candidates!

Two worthy candidates my hole, there is not a decent candidate running ffs.

Clinton a worthy candidate indeed, a bitch that hung four people out to dry and got them killed, the same woman who attacked the skanks that her hubbie was humpin, and also the woman who leaked the very top information wise to the world, a worthy candidate, take a tablet son.

Great to see you're still a champion of women.


Quote from: Syferus on February 02, 2016, 04:26:14 PM
Very presumptuous to think Cruz winning an uber religious state he pumped a ton of money and manpower into compared to Trump means Trump is done. If Trump had won it was the end for Cruz, as it stands all he's done is avoid a killing blow.

Good way of looking at Trump's prospects here:

QuoteTrump leads in New Hampshire, the moderate state. He leads in South Carolina, the establishment state. He leads in Nevada, the libertarian state. His margins in those places are not narrow. Cruz engineered an impressive victory in Iowa because he had a knack for its evangelical voter base. But can he also arrange wins in other states with different complexions requiring different strategies, all while The Donald looms overhead? Cruz's Iowa efforts were exhaustive. One imagines him waking up tomorrow and thinking, "Now I have to do that again?"


Is Trump fundraising or is he doing this all on his own dime?


Believe he's doing it on his own, gallsman.

Since Trump has wrapped himself in the mantle of invincibility, of being a 'winner', it'll be interesting to see if many in New Hampshire now jump ship.  He has charisma, but as the field narrows, it's hard for me to see him extending beyond the around 30% of the Republican horde that he seems to command.  Charisma is one thing, but a well-oiled electoral machine is another.  Cruz should continue to do well in the evangelical South, but I expect Rubio to make his mark in South Carolina.

And with Rubio emerging as the darling of the establishment, almost beating Trump in Iowa, expect him to make a significant charge, armed with the gazillions of dollars that will inevitably flow to him.



Quote from: Syferus on February 02, 2016, 04:26:14 PM
Very presumptuous to think Cruz winning an uber religious state he pumped a ton of money and manpower into compared to Trump means Trump is done. If Trump had won it was the end for Cruz, as it stands all he's done is avoid a killing blow.

History would suggest you are correct. Cruz did fantastically well in mobilizing white evangelical Iowans, but Rick f**king Santorum did likewise (Huckabee too).

However, schadenfreude is a powerful thing when it comes to an unprincipled braggart like Trump. NH will tell the tale. If he slows Cruz' and Rubio's momentum there, he should get back on track. However, Rubio's move may end up in the rest of the vote consolidating around him as others fall away.


Quote from: stew on February 02, 2016, 03:03:12 PM
Quote from: Eamonnca1 on January 29, 2016, 11:39:57 PM
Did Stew just say something?

As always, nothing of value. Or substance. Or the truth.

Sweeping statement from the resident  uppity kn**ker.

Was it something I said?

give her dixie

next stop, September 10, for number 4......


Quote from: give her dixie on February 10, 2016, 02:51:59 AM
Well done Bernie.......

I think Hillary is toast......I read (unverified) that the content of her Goldman speeches will be the nail in the coffin.  Im looking forward to the Trump Sanders debates.....Donald will rip him to shreds


Quote from: whitey on February 10, 2016, 03:29:58 AM
Quote from: give her dixie on February 10, 2016, 02:51:59 AM
Well done Bernie.......

I think Hillary is toast......I read (unverified) that the content of her Goldman speeches will be the nail in the coffin.  Im looking forward to the Trump Sanders debates.....Donald will rip him to shreds

Really? By calling him stupid and poor and ugly? What happens on the national stage when Trump is asked to actually define and articulate a point of policy?


Quote from: gallsman on February 02, 2016, 05:13:41 PM
Is Trump fundraising or is he doing this all on his own dime?

Dear God man, do yourself a favour and leave this thread, if you do not know the answer to that basic question you have no business commenting on this thread. Clinton did hang four Americans out to dry, she refused to give them the security they needed despite asking for more security hundreds of times, she also had her staff take the headers of of emails before sending them out at her behest, not bullshit, fact.
Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.