The Official 2016 US Presidential election thread

Started by Eamonnca1, July 10, 2014, 05:07:57 AM

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Quote from: omagh_gael on January 28, 2016, 10:09:25 AM
Any thoughts on the Trump = Clinton double agent theory? It appears to have some merit although Trump's Muslims out rhetoric would seem to be too far fetched if he truely was a puppet.

No, Trump is an egomaniac who would NEVER be anyone's puppet. On the other hand, he hardly seems like a true believer. Instead, he (correctly) saw his best chance of progress in pushing the buttons of the Republican base, whether or not he personally believes in or cares about half the shit he says.


Quote from: omagh_gael on January 28, 2016, 10:09:25 AM
Any thoughts on the Trump = Clinton double agent theory? It appears to have some merit although Trump's Muslims out rhetoric would seem to be too far fetched if he truely was a puppet.

I'm sticking with that theory. Trump's work is done. He's baited the conservative idiots into a bidding war to see who can appeal to the lowest information, least informed, most bigoted, Stew-like voter. He has turned the GOP primaries into one big circus that no swing voter in their right mind is going to take seriously. Now at the eleventh hour, with actual voting imminent, he's pulling out of the debates and leaving the way clear for that wing nut Cruz to show himself up for the fascist antichrist he is.

Barring a late Sanders surge in S Carolina, it's game, set and match to Hillary.


Quote from: stew on January 27, 2016, 05:37:07 PM
The righ hates Clinton and will vote for anyone other than that piece of shit, the lefties will do the same to whatever republican gets through, this is the weakest pool running for the highest office I have ever seen.
Core GOP and Dem are 40% each
The winner has to get the don't knows Last time that was women and Latinos

Trump is not going to get the female vote


Quote from: seafoid on January 28, 2016, 10:59:37 PM
Quote from: stew on January 27, 2016, 05:37:07 PM
The righ hates Clinton and will vote for anyone other than that piece of shit, the lefties will do the same to whatever republican gets through, this is the weakest pool running for the highest office I have ever seen.
Core GOP and Dem are 40% each
The winner has to get the don't knows Last time that was women and Latinos

Trump is not going to get the female vote

He's not doing himself any favours with Latinos either with his Mexican rapists and "big beautiful wall" at the border, paid for by Mexicans, rhetoric.


Quote from: seafoid on January 28, 2016, 10:59:37 PM
Trump is not going to get the female vote

Well if he can pull a looker like the current missus Trump how can you be so sure about his appeal to women?
Every second of the day there's a Democrat telling a lie


Quote from: foxcommander on January 29, 2016, 01:21:28 AM
Quote from: seafoid on January 28, 2016, 10:59:37 PM
Trump is not going to get the female vote

Well if he can pull a looker like the current missus Trump how can you be so sure about his appeal to women?

The average female voter is going to be seduced by the lifestyle his billions can give her?


Sanders and Clinton neck-and-neck in Iowa.

Sanders pulling well ahead in New Hampshire.

Sanders still way behind Clinton in South Carolina but steadily closing the gap. Clinton seems to have lost nearly half the gains she made in SC when Biden pulled out.

Clinton's machine looks a bit rattled. The Washington Post and Think Progress are upping the anti-Bernie ante. Today the WaPo posted a story trying to argue that it doesn't really matter if a candidate (like Clinton) is untrustworthy and Think Progress has taken to misrepresenting Bernie's statements. In fact the WaPo has been getting more and more desperate and clutching at anti-Bernie straws of late.

If Sanders pulls off wins in IA and NH then I wonder if that'll catch the attention of the voters in SC and cause them to listen a bit more to what Bernie has to say. Jesus boy this could be interesting.



Quote from: Eamonnca1 on January 29, 2016, 04:35:02 AM
Sanders and Clinton neck-and-neck in Iowa.

Sanders pulling well ahead in New Hampshire.

Sanders still way behind Clinton in South Carolina but steadily closing the gap. Clinton seems to have lost nearly half the gains she made in SC when Biden pulled out.

Clinton's machine looks a bit rattled. The Washington Post and Think Progress are upping the anti-Bernie ante. Today the WaPo posted a story trying to argue that it doesn't really matter if a candidate (like Clinton) is untrustworthy and Think Progress has taken to misrepresenting Bernie's statements. In fact the WaPo has been getting more and more desperate and clutching at anti-Bernie straws of late.

If Sanders pulls off wins in IA and NH then I wonder if that'll catch the attention of the voters in SC and cause them to listen a bit more to what Bernie has to say. Jesus boy this could be interesting.

Washington Post hit job on Bernie.....great ammunition for the Republicans if he wins the nomination


Quote from: whitey on January 29, 2016, 10:18:23 PM
Quote from: Eamonnca1 on January 29, 2016, 04:35:02 AM
Sanders and Clinton neck-and-neck in Iowa.

Sanders pulling well ahead in New Hampshire.

Sanders still way behind Clinton in South Carolina but steadily closing the gap. Clinton seems to have lost nearly half the gains she made in SC when Biden pulled out.

Clinton's machine looks a bit rattled. The Washington Post and Think Progress are upping the anti-Bernie ante. Today the WaPo posted a story trying to argue that it doesn't really matter if a candidate (like Clinton) is untrustworthy and Think Progress has taken to misrepresenting Bernie's statements. In fact the WaPo has been getting more and more desperate and clutching at anti-Bernie straws of late.

If Sanders pulls off wins in IA and NH then I wonder if that'll catch the attention of the voters in SC and cause them to listen a bit more to what Bernie has to say. Jesus boy this could be interesting.

Washington Post hit job on Bernie.....great ammunition for the Republicans if he wins the nomination
It is not a very good hit job

"The existence of large banks and lax campaign finance laws explains why working Americans are not thriving, he says, and why the progressive agenda has not advanced. Here is a reality check: Wall Street has already undergone a round of reform, significantly reducing the risks big banks pose to the financial system. The evolution and structure of the world economy, not mere corporate deck-stacking, explained many of the big economic challenges the country still faces. And even with radical campaign finance reform, many Americans and their representatives would still oppose the Sanders agenda."

Americans are not getting pay rises

"He admits that he would have to raise taxes on the middle class in order to pay for his universal, Medicare-for-all health-care plan, and he promises massive savings on health-care costs that would translate into generous benefits for ordinary people, putting them well ahead, on net. But he does not adequately explain where those massive savings would come from. "

US healthcare spending is 20% of GDP vs 13% in Europe
Massive price gouging

"his advisers claimed that more government spending "will result in higher growth, which will improve our fiscal situation." This resembles Republican arguments that tax cuts will juice the economy and pay for themselves — and is equally fanciful. "

Pay rises will generate growth

It was very like a Stephen Collins article


Maybe you have a different definition of a hit job to me, but for a left wing publication to say things like they have is almost as mind numbing as Megyn Kelly inviting Michael Moore on her show to attack Trump

" But Mr. Sanders is not a brave truth-teller. He is a politician selling his own brand of fiction to a slice of the country that eagerly wants to buy"

"When reality is ideologically or politically inconvenient, he and his campaign talk around it. Mr. Sanders's success so far does not show that the country is ready for a political revolution. It merely proves that many progressives like being told everything they want to hear."


Quote from: Eamonnca1 on January 28, 2016, 10:41:42 PM
Quote from: omagh_gael on January 28, 2016, 10:09:25 AM
Any thoughts on the Trump = Clinton double agent theory? It appears to have some merit although Trump's Muslims out rhetoric would seem to be too far fetched if he truely was a puppet.

I'm sticking with that theory. Trump's work is done. He's baited the conservative idiots into a bidding war to see who can appeal to the lowest information, least informed, most bigoted, Stew-like voter. He has turned the GOP primaries into one big circus that no swing voter in their right mind is going to take seriously. Now at the eleventh hour, with actual voting imminent, he's pulling out of the debates and leaving the way clear for that wing nut Cruz to show himself up for the fascist antichrist he is.

Barring a late Sanders surge in S Carolina, it's game, set and match to Hillary.

Listen you tube, I am no bigot nor would I vote for that bastard, I know more than you will ever know about American politics you ignoramus.

Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.


Bernie sanders has no chance of ever being potus anyone who thinks different Wise up


Quote from: stew on January 29, 2016, 11:00:50 PM
Quote from: Eamonnca1 on January 28, 2016, 10:41:42 PM
Quote from: omagh_gael on January 28, 2016, 10:09:25 AM
Any thoughts on the Trump = Clinton double agent theory? It appears to have some merit although Trump's Muslims out rhetoric would seem to be too far fetched if he truely was a puppet.

I'm sticking with that theory. Trump's work is done. He's baited the conservative idiots into a bidding war to see who can appeal to the lowest information, least informed, most bigoted, Stew-like voter. He has turned the GOP primaries into one big circus that no swing voter in their right mind is going to take seriously. Now at the eleventh hour, with actual voting imminent, he's pulling out of the debates and leaving the way clear for that wing nut Cruz to show himself up for the fascist antichrist he is.

Barring a late Sanders surge in S Carolina, it's game, set and match to Hillary.

Listen you tube, I am no bigot nor would I vote for that b**tard, I know more than you will ever know about American politics you ignoramus.
Oh dear..... What a nasty little maneen.
Davy's given us a dream to cling to
We're going to bring home the SAM
