R2 Qualifier Tyrone v Armagh

Started by ONeill, June 28, 2014, 07:22:56 PM

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Zip Code

Quote from: Dont Matter on July 16, 2014, 08:53:42 AM
Ah angel McKeever, it wouldn't be the first time he threw a cowardly dig when the other player wasn't looking. When he's face to face with them he either runs away or starts crying to big papa about getting racially abused.

And you would day that to his face, the bitterness from Tyrone here is amazing, for a team to have had so much success to have such resentment and hatred for their better neighbours this year is laughable, as I said before get over it ffs.  You should take solace that you are the 4th or 5th best team in Ulster this year.

Zip Code

Quote from: ONeill on July 15, 2014, 11:55:47 AM
To give McKeever credit he went out to rattle Tyrone from the start. At the toss-up he refused to look at Sean and wouldn't shake hands. Sean just put his thumb up.

Then he ran towards the handbagging, zoned in on Sean, cracked him on the head with his elbow and then refused to let go of his throat.

When O'Neill was causing bother at the start of the second, he went over to him and gave him a minute of the verbals.

He then had a wee dig at Conor Gormley. So there's our three stalwarts and Ciaran made sure they knew he was there.

He set the tone for the way Armagh were to win the game and executed it perfectly. He won, despite the black card.

I thought for a second you were describing Ryan McMenamin who you constantly lorded for his Judas performances over the years.  Your double standards are kat O'Neill thank f**k you don't teach any of my children.


Quote from: haveaharp on July 16, 2014, 08:39:52 AM
I dont think anyone would condone McKeevers actions and its not something anyone wants to see on the pitch. He shouldnt have done what he did, but i dont think its as bad as you are making out. Lets face it, if someone wants to Judas someone with the elbow from behind that person is unlikely to be getting up for 5 mins.

Finally ONE Armagh fan shows some sign of admitting it was bad. That's what I was looking for. Most/ALL off the rest of yis are a disgrace and it says a lot about Armagh people's mindset.
If you read my posts over the years I have often said a team needs players like McKeever, Francie, Gormley and Ricey but when they step over the line which they all did several times then they should be punished and as a fan you should be man enough to admit it. I always have often to the annoyance of my fellow Tyrone fans and mates.

Finally, as Orangeman said I think with Mickey Harte and other's lack of media exposure Tyrone don't have anyone speaking up for themselves any more. Of course it's all too easy for others to say yis have a chip on your shoulder but for those more balanced in their opinions there definitely seems to be one rule for some counties and a different rule for others.

Dublin are looked upon now as the new darlings of GAA and Brolly (who obviously gets paid a good bit for his time on RTE) seems to have sing Dublin's praises big time. He preached from the pulpit about cynicism and how it is killing our games yet Dublin had two incidents of biting (that we know of) which were totally swept under the carpet as a poster alluded to a few months ago.

So yes we are saddened here in Tyrone that we have slipped even further down the ranks and our great manager looks to be on his last legs and other counties are delighted and in tears when they beat us but all this doesn't mean that when someone does something untoward then we should just passively sit back and say nothing. At least I'm not like that anyway.

I do wish Armagh well v Roscommon but if you play as badly as you did against us and hit that many wides I think ye will struggle. I supported yis when I came back from Australia in 2002 and got told where to go when some lads in a pub found out I was from Tyrone. I have also met loads of decent Armagh fans like I did last Sunday.

My main issue here is with RTE and the CCCC and how they go about their job. Now I am happy to park this now and move on but I do not regret in the slightest highlighting what was a disgraceful and cowardly act and I wish more of ye would admit that like Haveaharp had the balls to do. He might not have actually hit Sean with his elbow but it was still a RED card offence in most people's eyes.


I can't believe this McKeever incident has drawn so much debate...yes he gave Sean a slap on the mug with his forearm but I'm sure Sean received a lot worse that that over the years, Ciaran will do what it takes to win and that's prob why he's captain. Was it cowardly? I don't think so!!! He would have done it to any one if he thought it was going to intimate them into their we testicles shrinking back up into their scrotum.

I played against Ciaran and have seen him do similar things to some of my club mates and watched as they shit themselves and went into their shell...job done. Every team has a guy like this in their ranks and Tyrone had/have C Gormley who would do the same and try to intimate their men. I think what's eating the Tyrone men more than anything was the gutless/spineless performance they put in and they're clutching at straws here with McKeever.
I can swim a little but i can't fly an inch


Quote from: orangeman on July 16, 2014, 09:12:47 AM
I imagine that Fuzzman is coming from the position in which Tyrone found themselves this time last year when at half time in the Monaghan Tyrone quarter final, the CCCCCC suspended Penrose and Gornley for Dessie Mone hitting himself a slap in the mouth.
Fuzzman I would imagine is just trying to say that Tyrone were and are singled out for treatment by teams and by CCCC and RTE / Brolly are happy to highlight any Tyrone indiscretions but conveniently ignore Sunday's incident and pass it off as a bit of handbags even though FUzznan has shown that MC KEever's contribution was slightly more than that.

Would that be your thinking Fuzz ! Apologies if I have taken you up wrong.

What? Are you for real? Tyrone singled out fro treatment by other teams? Absolute nonsense, they are no more singled out than any other side so to think otherwise is just silly but for an Armagh man to justify a Tyrone mans logic for trying to hang McKeever is worse. Also I never once heard Brolly comment on the incident as I think he is off on holidays so that argument doesn't stack up either.

Zip Code

Fuzzman are you embarrassing yourself, it's hilarious your moral indignation, keep it lit kid, you and O'Neill should get a campaign going.


Quote from: illdecide on July 16, 2014, 09:52:56 AM
I can't believe this McKeever incident has drawn so much debate...yes he gave Sean a slap on the mug with his forearm but I'm sure Sean received a lot worse that that over the years, Ciaran will do what it takes to win and that's prob why he's captain. Was it cowardly? I don't think so!!! He would have done it to any one if he thought it was going to intimate them into their we testicles shrinking back up into their scrotum.

I played against Ciaran and have seen him do similar things to some of my club mates and watched as they shit themselves and went into their shell...job done. Every team has a guy like this in their ranks and Tyrone had/have C Gormley who would do the same and try to intimate their men. I think what's eating the Tyrone men more than anything was the gutless/spineless performance they put in and they're clutching at straws here with McKeever.

Just give us a rematch sure.
I wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.


Quote from: yellowcard on July 16, 2014, 09:54:44 AM
Quote from: orangeman on July 16, 2014, 09:12:47 AM
I imagine that Fuzzman is coming from the position in which Tyrone found themselves this time last year when at half time in the Monaghan Tyrone quarter final, the CCCCCC suspended Penrose and Gornley for Dessie Mone hitting himself a slap in the mouth.
Fuzzman I would imagine is just trying to say that Tyrone were and are singled out for treatment by teams and by CCCC and RTE / Brolly are happy to highlight any Tyrone indiscretions but conveniently ignore Sunday's incident and pass it off as a bit of handbags even though FUzznan has shown that MC KEever's contribution was slightly more than that.

Would that be your thinking Fuzz ! Apologies if I have taken you up wrong.

What? Are you for real? Tyrone singled out fro treatment by other teams? Absolute nonsense, they are no more singled out than any other side so to think otherwise is just silly but for an Armagh man to justify a Tyrone mans logic for trying to hang McKeever is worse. Also I never once heard Brolly comment on the incident as I think he is off on holidays so that argument doesn't stack up either.
I don't want Mc Keever hung. He got away with it. No issue there. And most people ( if not all ) would want Mc Keever playing for them. Mc Keever will do whatever he needs to in order to win. Tyrone would love to have him on their team in the same way that most would have loved Mc Menamin on their team. If Tyrone are to be serious competitors again, they're going to have to find a few Mc Keever like defenders.


Dessie Mone is fairly indiscrimate too - he doesn't single out Tyrone...


Quote from: ONeill on July 16, 2014, 09:58:23 AM
Quote from: illdecide on July 16, 2014, 09:52:56 AM
I can't believe this McKeever incident has drawn so much debate...yes he gave Sean a slap on the mug with his forearm but I'm sure Sean received a lot worse that that over the years, Ciaran will do what it takes to win and that's prob why he's captain. Was it cowardly? I don't think so!!! He would have done it to any one if he thought it was going to intimate them into their we testicles shrinking back up into their scrotum.

I played against Ciaran and have seen him do similar things to some of my club mates and watched as they shit themselves and went into their shell...job done. Every team has a guy like this in their ranks and Tyrone had/have C Gormley who would do the same and try to intimate their men. I think what's eating the Tyrone men more than anything was the gutless/spineless performance they put in and they're clutching at straws here with McKeever.

Just give us a rematch sure.

Not a bother


QuoteJust give us a rematch sure.

Do yous want a rematch on the ladies game also, even less men among them.
If at first you don't succeed, then goto Plan B


Quote from: armaghniac on July 16, 2014, 11:15:17 AM
QuoteJust give us a rematch sure.

Do yous want a rematch on the ladies game also, even less men among them.

Throw in the u21 hurlers too,  maybe we could run that game off again?


Yea but how many times have yiz won The Voice.
I wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.


Zipcode I just had a look at your last 20 posts as you seem to be VERY annoyed by this whole topic and I wondered did you once say anything rational about the incident.

Most of your posts seem to be one liners with lots of smilies and you seem to use quite a lot of bad language so I presume you're not that most articulate lad on the board but that's OK, neither am I.

I think it says a lot about you (and others) that not once have you commented on the incident that I have highlighted on its own merits but instead talk about everything else. I have often said Ricey was a disgrace to the Tyrone jersey and we should never have appealed his disgraceful knee into McEntee. I can't see you coming on saying anything like this. You and many like you.

So if you take a look in the mirror maybe you should be embarrassed that you come on a discussion board, mouth off like a teenager and not make one worth while argument to defend your player.

At least HaveaHarp said he can't condone it. You don't even admit that it was a bad "tackle".
I am happy to leave it at that as I can see I will never get most of yis stubborn Orangmen to admit any wrong-doing

I've discussed it with lads here at my work in Dublin and they can't believe he has got away with it. One Cork lad said if that was Gormley doing that to say Bernard Brogan there would be total uproar on RTE and newstalk and all the papers. His words not mine

J OGorman

Quote from: illdecide on July 16, 2014, 09:52:56 AM
I can't believe this McKeever incident has drawn so much debate...yes he gave Sean a slap on the mug with his forearm but I'm sure Sean received a lot worse that that over the years, Ciaran will do what it takes to win and that's prob why he's captain. Was it cowardly? I don't think so!!! He would have done it to any one if he thought it was going to intimate them into their we testicles shrinking back up into their scrotum.

I played against Ciaran and have seen him do similar things to some of my club mates and watched as they shit themselves and went into their shell...job done. Every team has a guy like this in their ranks and Tyrone had/have C Gormley who would do the same and try to intimate their men. I think what's eating the Tyrone men more than anything was the gutless/spineless performance they put in and they're clutching at straws here with McKeever.

Tyrone, once the purveyors of the sly hit, now on the receiving end. But, the bit in bold, absolutely it was a cowardly hit, blindsiding a man ffs. The ultimate cowardly act on a football field. Only a couple of years ago James Kielt had his jaw broken from a box on the jaw from behind (didnt see it coming, unable to defend himself)....nasty carryon