ukraine regime change

Started by lawnseed, February 23, 2014, 12:15:00 PM

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A case of 'Do as I say, not as I do'.



Realistically, how does anyone see this unfolding?

Quote from: southdown on March 04, 2014, 02:37:39 PM
Realistically, how does anyone see this unfolding?

Some sanctions which don't go far enough. New elections in Ukraine, permanent Russian occupation of east Ukraine and Crimea. Fascists take over on local level in west, Orthodox theocrats in the east. China emboldened regarding Taiwan and islands disputed by China, Japan (and the Philippines). US, France, UK, Turkey to take their revenge by airstrikes in Syria. US to arm Baltic nations and Poland.

Turkey might be sold some submarine and naval assets to secure the Bosphorus.
Time to take a more chill-pill approach to life.

give her dixie

Tymoshenko and Ukraine's new prime minister to visit Ireland this weekend

UKRAINE'S YULIA TYMOSHENKO is among the visitors who will speak at a European elections event in Ireland this weekend.

It was confirmed today that the opposition leader will join her country's newly-elected prime minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk and opposition figure Vitali Klitschko at the European People's Party conference in the capital.

Approximately 2,000 participants from 39 countries will take part in the Dublin congress, which takes place on Thursday and Friday of this week, 6-7 March at the Convention Centre on Dublin's Spencer Dock.

At the event, which is hosted by EPP member party Fine Gael, the EPP is due to elect its candidate for President of the European Commission.

Speculation began last November that Taoiseach Enda Kenny was "being seriously talked about" for the job.

The role has been held by Jose Manuel Barroso since 2004 and will become vacant this June.
The event will be hosted by the Taoiseach and by EPP President Joseph Daul and the EPP electoral programme is due to be discussed at the congress.

Speakers at the event will include Fine Gael TD Charlie Flanagan (Ireland), Jose Manuel Barroso (President of the European Commission), Angela Merkel (German Chancellor), and Herman Van Rompuy (President of the European Council).
next stop, September 10, for number 4......

give her dixie

Today in Washington, Obama was hosting the war lord from Tel Aviv and talked about Russia breaking international law. Now those 2 men know a lot about international law, and nothing about humanity, or respecting it for that matter. Just to show Obama how good his free bombs and planes are, Israel attacked Gaza killing 2 young men, and injuring 2 children.
next stop, September 10, for number 4......


Quote from: on March 04, 2014, 03:00:59 PM
Quote from: southdown on March 04, 2014, 02:37:39 PM
Realistically, how does anyone see this unfolding?

Some sanctions which don't go far enough. New elections in Ukraine, permanent Russian occupation of east Ukraine and Crimea. Fascists take over on local level in west, Orthodox theocrats in the east. China emboldened regarding Taiwan and islands disputed by China, Japan (and the Philippines). US, France, UK, Turkey to take their revenge by airstrikes in Syria. US to arm Baltic nations and Poland.

Turkey might be sold some submarine and naval assets to secure the Bosphorus.
and what about your Tatar mates fuk your troop carrier I got a harse outside
A coward dies a thousand deaths a soldier only dies once


Sorry to say this but the Ukraine is fucked.....u may ask how do I know street cars have not been allowed to map......oooohhhhh


Julia Tymoshenko, Viktor Yushchenko & Viktor Yanukovych.

The continuing mess in Ukraine is mainly down to the political mis-adventures of the above three clowns.

The west and its media blames Yanukovych exclusively. It was his dire economic performance as President, coupled with disputed election results, that led to the Orange Revolution in 2004. That led to the other two, including darling of the west - the fragrant Julia, gaining power. Julia was, and still is, seen as leaning more towards the west and away from 'the Soviet cloud'.

One year after the Orange Revolution, Yushencko sacked Julia as Prime Minister. By 2010 the turbulent leadership of Tymoshenko & Yushchenko parties left the Ukrainian economy in such a bad state that Ukraine actually re-elected Yanukovych, in elections even the west admitted were legitimate.

Even worse for Julia, her former ally Yushencko actually testified against her, as Yunukovych's regime jailed Julia for corruption. The charges? Signing an anti-economic deal with a '(Soviet cloud) Russian gas company. This would be like Peter Robinson signing a deal with TG4.

Even ignoring the complicated history and the vested interests of our news sources, the antics of the above 3 would sicken anyone. A good start would be to remove them all, but that doesn't seem to be the way things work in the Ukraine.
MWWSI 2017


Yeah she wasnt much of a leader. But she has nice hair. Arlene foster might suit hair like that..?
A coward dies a thousand deaths a soldier only dies once


As usual the "West"(US/GB/Israel + EU) have decided who are the goodies and baddies and were about to repeat their fcukups in Syria/Libya etc.
Putin meanwhile decided it was time to put a stop to Western influence coming too close and also decided it was time to take Crimea back to Mother Russia. Kruschev "gave" Crimea to Ukraine in 1954 or thereabouts. It didn't matter then as it was only for administrative handiness as none of the so called Republics were independent.
I expect the outcome to be Crimea becoming part of Russia and some kind of Federal State in Ukraine getting aid from the EU and Russia.
Davy's given us a dream to cling to
We're going to bring home the SAM


Quote from: Rossfan on March 05, 2014, 10:42:57 AM
As usual the "West"(US/GB/Israel + EU) have decided who are the goodies and baddies and were about to repeat their fcukups in Syria/Libya etc.
Putin meanwhile decided it was time to put a stop to Western influence coming too close and also decided it was time to take Crimea back to Mother Russia. Kruschev "gave" Crimea to Ukraine in 1954 or thereabouts. It didn't matter then as it was only for administrative handiness as none of the so called Republics were independent.
I expect the outcome to be Crimea becoming part of Russia and some kind of Federal State in Ukraine getting aid from the EU and Russia.
You forgot mayo's tatars..tut tut
A coward dies a thousand deaths a soldier only dies once

Quote from: lawnseed on March 04, 2014, 09:46:17 PM
Quote from: on March 04, 2014, 03:00:59 PM
Quote from: southdown on March 04, 2014, 02:37:39 PM
Realistically, how does anyone see this unfolding?

Some sanctions which don't go far enough. New elections in Ukraine, permanent Russian occupation of east Ukraine and Crimea. Fascists take over on local level in west, Orthodox theocrats in the east. China emboldened regarding Taiwan and islands disputed by China, Japan (and the Philippines). US, France, UK, Turkey to take their revenge by airstrikes in Syria. US to arm Baltic nations and Poland.

Turkey might be sold some submarine and naval assets to secure the Bosphorus.
and what about your Tatar mates fuk your troop carrier I got a harse outside

Your contempt for the native people of Crimea is disgusting. By the way you are wrong saying they were exiled because they were "Hitlers friends". 20,000 Tatars fought for the Soviets, 6,000 against. Huge numbers were deported as far back as 1919, also the Russians have had plans to expel these people for centuries who ancestry in the region predates the birth of Rome, it was only the Soviets who had the bare ass nerve to manufacture false pretexts even the Tsars were too embarrased to pull.
Time to take a more chill-pill approach to life.

give her dixie

Kiev snipers hired by Maidan leaders - leaked EU's Ashton phone tape

The snipers who shot at protesters and police in Kiev were allegedly hired by Maidan leaders, according to a leaked phone conversation between the EU foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton and Estonian foreign affairs minister, which has emerged online.

UPDATE: Estonian Foreign Ministry confirms authenticity of leaked call

"There is now stronger and stronger understanding that behind the snipers, it was not Yanukovich, but it was somebody from the new coalition," Urmas Paet said during the conversation.

"I think we do want to investigate. I mean, I didn't pick that up, that's interesting. Gosh," Ashton answered.

The call took place after Estonia's Foreign Minister Urmas Paet visited Kiev on February 25, following the peak of clashes between the pro-EU protesters and security forces in the Ukrainian capital.

Paet also recalled his conversation with a doctor who treated those shot by snipers in Kiev. She said that both protesters and police were shot at by the same people.

"And second, what was quite disturbing, this same Olga [Bogomolets] told as well that all the evidence shows that the people who were killed by snipers from both sides, among policemen and then people from the streets, that they were the same snipers killing people from both sides," the Estonian FM stressed.

Ashton reacted to the information by saying: "Well, yeah...that's, that's terrible."

"So that she then also showed me some photos she said that as a medical doctor she can say that it is the same handwriting, the same type of bullets, and it's really disturbing that now the new coalition, that they don't want to investigate what exactly happened," Paet said.

Olga Bogomolets was the main doctor for the Maidan mobile clinic when protests turned violent in Kiev. She treated the gravely injured and helped organized their transportation to neighboring countries, who had expressed a willingness to treat those with severe wounds. From the outset, Olga blamed the injuries and deaths on snipers. She turned down the position of Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine for Humanitarian Affairs offered by the coup-appointed regime.

The Estonian FM has described the whole sniper issue as "disturbing" and added, "it already discredits from the very beginning" the new Ukrainian power.

His overall impressions of what he saw during his one-day trip to Kiev are "sad," Paet said during the conversation.

He stressed that the Ukrainian people don't trust the Maidan leaders, with all the opposition politicians slated to join the new government "having dirty past."

The file was reportedly uploaded to the web by officers of Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) loyal to ousted President Viktor Yanukovich who hacked Paet's and Ashton's phones.

94 people were killed and another 900 injured during the standoff between police and protesters at Maidan Saquare in Kiev last month.
next stop, September 10, for number 4......


Quote from: give her dixie on March 05, 2014, 08:48:32 PM
Kiev snipers hired by Maidan leaders - leaked EU's Ashton phone tape

The snipers who shot at protesters and police in Kiev were allegedly hired by Maidan leaders, according to a leaked phone conversation between the EU foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton and Estonian foreign affairs minister, which has emerged online.

UPDATE: Estonian Foreign Ministry confirms authenticity of leaked call

"There is now stronger and stronger understanding that behind the snipers, it was not Yanukovich, but it was somebody from the new coalition," Urmas Paet said during the conversation.

"I think we do want to investigate. I mean, I didn't pick that up, that's interesting. Gosh," Ashton answered.

The call took place after Estonia's Foreign Minister Urmas Paet visited Kiev on February 25, following the peak of clashes between the pro-EU protesters and security forces in the Ukrainian capital.

Paet also recalled his conversation with a doctor who treated those shot by snipers in Kiev. She said that both protesters and police were shot at by the same people.

"And second, what was quite disturbing, this same Olga [Bogomolets] told as well that all the evidence shows that the people who were killed by snipers from both sides, among policemen and then people from the streets, that they were the same snipers killing people from both sides," the Estonian FM stressed.

Ashton reacted to the information by saying: "Well, yeah...that's, that's terrible."

"So that she then also showed me some photos she said that as a medical doctor she can say that it is the same handwriting, the same type of bullets, and it's really disturbing that now the new coalition, that they don't want to investigate what exactly happened," Paet said.

Olga Bogomolets was the main doctor for the Maidan mobile clinic when protests turned violent in Kiev. She treated the gravely injured and helped organized their transportation to neighboring countries, who had expressed a willingness to treat those with severe wounds. From the outset, Olga blamed the injuries and deaths on snipers. She turned down the position of Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine for Humanitarian Affairs offered by the coup-appointed regime.

The Estonian FM has described the whole sniper issue as "disturbing" and added, "it already discredits from the very beginning" the new Ukrainian power.

His overall impressions of what he saw during his one-day trip to Kiev are "sad," Paet said during the conversation.

He stressed that the Ukrainian people don't trust the Maidan leaders, with all the opposition politicians slated to join the new government "having dirty past."

The file was reportedly uploaded to the web by officers of Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) loyal to ousted President Viktor Yanukovich who hacked Paet's and Ashton's phones.

94 people were killed and another 900 injured during the standoff between police and protesters at Maidan Saquare in Kiev last month.
were any of them hit by bows and arrows?
A coward dies a thousand deaths a soldier only dies once