So that woman who went missing in Ibiza

Started by Gabriel_Hurl, August 11, 2013, 01:32:46 AM

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The girl has done the crime and the time and you feel she is now classic tabloid fodder.

She will have advisers and publicists who will "have her best interests at heart" .  There will be a well worn path of book deals , chat shows , exes kiss and tells , big brother etc .

I hope I am wrong but this may not end well . A reflection of the fcuked up celebrity culture we live in .


Did either of these dimwits ever watch "Locked up Abroad"?

Should be mandatory viewing for all 18 year olds!!!!!


Look the girl made a mistake... I think an apology to victims of drugs should have been dragged out of her but whoever was doing the puff piece for RTE didn't seem too interested in that.

In my opinion she's paid her dues for what she did and if there is money to be made on the back of it fair play to her because she'll find it difficult otherwise to get a job with her profile and criminal record. It's not her fault Ireland is a community country and everyone is interested in her story. Should she have turned down the RTE interview?

Let her at it the more nosey people are the more chance she'll have to make a few bob and who are we to begrudge her?!


Quote from: screenexile on April 04, 2016, 02:06:09 PM
Look the girl made a mistake... I think an apology to victims of drugs should have been dragged out of her but whoever was doing the puff piece for RTE didn't seem too interested in that.

In my opinion she's paid her dues for what she did and if there is money to be made on the back of it fair play to her because she'll find it difficult otherwise to get a job with her profile and criminal record. It's not her fault Ireland is a community country and everyone is interested in her story. Should she have turned down the RTE interview?

Let her at it the more nosey people are the more chance she'll have to make a few bob and who are we to begrudge her?!

This I disagree with. If she becomes some sort of celebrity, and makes a pile of money on the back of it, that is *not* a good thing in my view.

She's going to have a hard time now, of course she is, but she's going to have to sort it out, depend on her family and friends, and get her life back. Selling lurid exclusives to tabloids or magazines, or some sort of poxy book deal, would not be good to see as far as I'm concerned.

No wides

Agree with AZ she is a criminal and shouldn't be plastered all over TV etc. selling her story and making a mint of the back of these criminal activities send out the wrong message to others!


Quote from: screenexile on April 04, 2016, 02:06:09 PM
Look the girl made a mistake... I think an apology to victims of drugs should have been dragged out of her but whoever was doing the puff piece for RTE didn't seem too interested in that.

In my opinion she's paid her dues for what she did and if there is money to be made on the back of it fair play to her because she'll find it difficult otherwise to get a job with her profile and criminal record. It's not her fault Ireland is a community country and everyone is interested in her story. Should she have turned down the RTE interview?

Let her at it the more nosey people are the more chance she'll have to make a few bob and who are we to begrudge her?!

f**k that coimpletely.


Quote from: gallsman on April 04, 2016, 02:21:38 PM
Quote from: screenexile on April 04, 2016, 02:06:09 PM
Look the girl made a mistake... I think an apology to victims of drugs should have been dragged out of her but whoever was doing the puff piece for RTE didn't seem too interested in that.

In my opinion she's paid her dues for what she did and if there is money to be made on the back of it fair play to her because she'll find it difficult otherwise to get a job with her profile and criminal record. It's not her fault Ireland is a community country and everyone is interested in her story. Should she have turned down the RTE interview?

Let her at it the more nosey people are the more chance she'll have to make a few bob and who are we to begrudge her?!

f**k that coimpletely.

If dickheads want to pay her money for her story why shouldn't she take it?? What other option has she got to make money?

No wides

She could sell drugs, oh she tried that.  She could maybe get a f**king job.


Quote from: No wides on April 04, 2016, 02:20:32 PM
Agree with AZ she is a criminal and shouldn't be plastered all over TV etc. selling her story and making a mint of the back of these criminal activities send out the wrong message to others!

She was party to the selling of drugs which ruins thousands of peoples lives and funds paramilitaries. But it is the media who will pay her for interviews. Blame the media.

Having said that, a lot of people are interested in her story and watched the programme last night. Personally I would like to hear more about life inside a Peruvian female prison, without the mule getting rich from it.
Cover me in chocolate and feed me to the lesbians


Quote from: Orior on April 04, 2016, 02:49:36 PM
Quote from: No wides on April 04, 2016, 02:20:32 PM
Agree with AZ she is a criminal and shouldn't be plastered all over TV etc. selling her story and making a mint of the back of these criminal activities send out the wrong message to others!

She was party to the selling of drugs which ruins thousands of peoples lives and funds paramilitaries. But it is the media who will pay her for interviews. Blame the media.

Having said that, a lot of people are interested in her story and watched the programme last night. Personally I would like to hear more about life inside a Peruvian female prison, without the mule getting rich from it.

She was caught and served time in prison for her crime... she's free now so can do what she likes so what's the problem?


In America, for example, there are laws known as Son of Sam laws that prevent criminals from profiting from the publicity connected to their crimes.

I'm not sure what the legal framework is in the UK but I'd be surprised if there wasn't something similar.

Forget about what's enshrined in law - do you not find it morally repugnant that someone (righfully) convicted of a crime can/could rake it in from something like selling their story?!

Milltown Row2

celeb big brother on the cards.. having done the Jungle version she'd be grand at living in close quarters with other druggies or ex druggies on CBB
None of us are getting out of here alive, so please stop treating yourself like an after thought. Ea


Whether naive or otherwise at 20 she would have known the risks involved with what she was doing, she would have been aware of the devastating effects drugs have on lives and families and in my view serving two years is light even if she was young. It is quite clear that for a while now there has been an effort to spin this crime. How sorry she is will become apparent as the story unfolds. if she sells the story and donates the cash to drug rehabilitation I would say well done. If she sells it and pockets the cash well thats a different story. Bottom line though is that drugs are a scourge in society and anyone seeking to profit from them is not an innocent abroad.


Yet the two most lethal ones are legal...

The girl was/still is a bit stupid in my view, she hasn't gone about this the right way. She should have shunned the opportunity for an interview and waited a while to get back on her feet and then spoke to the press.

As for the pontificating about how drugs ruin lives; this rings true but it also doesn't hide the fact that there are thousands of recreational drug users here in Ireland. In fact go into any nightclub in Belfast or Dublin on any given weekend and you'll prob bump into a few coke users. There's a clear demand in western societies for drugs and the sooner governments give up their losing battle the better.

Champion The Wonder Horse

Quote from: Orior on April 04, 2016, 02:49:36 PM
Quote from: No wides on April 04, 2016, 02:20:32 PM
Agree with AZ she is a criminal and shouldn't be plastered all over TV etc. selling her story and making a mint of the back of these criminal activities send out the wrong message to others!

She was party to the selling of drugs which ruins thousands of peoples lives and funds paramilitaries. But it is the media who will pay her for interviews. Blame the media.

Having said that, a lot of people are interested in her story and watched the programme last night. Personally I would like to hear more about life inside a Peruvian female prison, without the mule getting rich from it.
