So that woman who went missing in Ibiza

Started by Gabriel_Hurl, August 11, 2013, 01:32:46 AM

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Milltown Row2

Quote from: thebigfella on August 15, 2013, 09:58:11 AM
Quote from: Cold tea on August 15, 2013, 09:18:31 AM
Quote from: Gold on August 15, 2013, 09:11:28 AM
Girls were forced and as BC1 said, a set-up most likely to let the small amount be caught. Drug-lords have to lose some to get more through, part of the game.

Touts here, tell cops things to keep themselves not banged up. When cops need to then make further arrests they go back to the tout to get more info on something else, otherwise the tout gets pinched for whatever it is he did to get himself into said situation. Happens all over on different levels.

There is NO WAY these girls willingly went into this for the sake of making, lets say 10k (although it would never be as much as that). There is no way they could be so naive to think they would not be caught and gamble the chance of making 10k versus 10-15 years of their lives in jail.

Cant believe the hatred and loathing of these girls on here by people who know next to nothing about drugs, the justice system and such cases. People loath them because they are young, attractive and in the party scene and yes, most likely recreational drug-users.

We cant know for certain the facts and whether or not there was duress
. It will be up to a Jury to decide whether or not their stories are true.

In my view there is no way they did this willingly.

And others have views, by the way what do you have to know about drugs aside from the fact they ruin lives and kill?

Christ would you ever listen to yourself.

As said already, they had plenty of time to get attention to police, one girl even mentioned partying in Palma, and this was after them being "kidnapped" it doesn't add up, the parents are, as some have said, living through hell.

I know a lad very well who went to Majorca to meet friends already there, he went to the bar near the hotel and they weren't there, he some how got into a fight with a lad that was there, the fight resulted in the fella being hospitalized and badly hurt, this guy was a local off duty cop!! The lad from Belfast was arrested and charged and spent a couple of years in prison. The young fella had not set out to have a fight but was simply just off the plane and headed to the bar to meet up with friends!!

Some stories about the gaol and how his parents were phoned every week by the prison guards looking money or their son would be hurt or put in isolation. Obviously the parents needed to remortgaged their house to generate money and when he managed to get parole he "escaped" over the border, everything was fine though and I don't think he'll be back in Spain
None of us are getting out of here alive, so please stop treating yourself like an after thought. Ea


I wish the high horse brigade would get over themselves.  Nobody 'hates' these girls, we just don't feel particularly sorry for them.  In the first bit of footage that was released, the girls were asked if they knew they had drugs in their luggage.  They anwered no.  Now, if you were being 'forced' to take drugs through an airport and were caught, would your immediate reaction not be to spill all asap instead of denying knowledge of the whole thing.  I know I'd be doing my level best to alert every security member I could see to what was going on.  It's this more than anything which rubbished their 'under duress' bluff.

Bud Wiser

" Laois ? You can't drink pints of Guinness and talk sh*te in a pub, and play football the next day"

T Fearon

Can we expect a statement soon from some organisation in Tyrone detailing statistically how Tyrone is way below other counties in terms of drug users and usage, and detection rates, and how they've been saying the law is an ass etc?


And while some are skeptical about the individuals, everyone feels for the family who have a lot of worry and expense for something they wouldn't do themselves.
If at first you don't succeed, then goto Plan B


Did the court case go ahead yesterday ?  Last i had heard, they were waiting to appear ?


I see her Solicitor from Belfast made a statement, yet in reality in Peru she cant access an English speaking Solicitor.  Unless he has a Peruvian Certificate to practice I can't see what he has done.  But his name is in a lot of newspapers now.


Quote from: southdown on August 15, 2013, 11:29:37 AM
I see her Solicitor from Belfast made a statement, yet in reality in Peru she cant access an English speaking Solicitor.  Unless he has a Peruvian Certificate to practice I can't see what he has done.  But his name is in a lot of newspapers now.

What I read was that Madden was going to organise legal representation for her. Nothing out of the ordinary.

Quote from: Bensars on August 15, 2013, 11:07:31 AM
Did the court case go ahead yesterday ?  Last i had heard, they were waiting to appear ?

Court appearance, not court case. If it goes to trial, that will be a long way off.


From what I have read no representation has been arranged.  They got a Peruvian Solicitor who just by chance came across the pair in prison.

From the Bible that is the mirror!


Quote from: southdown on August 15, 2013, 11:40:43 AM
From what I have read no representation has been arranged.  They got a Peruvian Solicitor who just by chance came across the pair in prison.

Quote from: gallsman on August 15, 2013, 11:34:55 AM
What I read was that Madden was going to organise legal representation for her. Nothing out of the ordinary.

Not going to happen overnight. Prominent as Peter Madden is, I don't imagine he has the number of too many Peruvian lawyers on speed dial.

All of a Sludden

Quote from: give her dixie on August 15, 2013, 09:48:42 AM
I spent a month in Peru a few years back, and going by what I was told by hostel and hotel owners,
every level of police and customs are corrupt. The advice they give out to travellers is to carry a seperate amount
of cash in order to bribe a policeman if caught doing something petty. I heard plenty of stories of people
who were able to bribe cops with anything from 10 to 100 dollars.

Needless to say, a hundred dollars wouldn't have helped these girls, but hey, it wouldn't surprise me if they
were set up to get caught in order to allow a bigger shipment to go through. After all, the stash they had would only
be worth a few thousand to the local suppliers, and well worth the sacrifice.

Alcohol and tobacco kill way more people than illegal drugs do, yet they are legal and people caught smuggling
either never seem to spend any time in prison or have a social stigma attached to them. The sooner certain drugs
are legalized the better.

This case will run for a while and hopefully the truth will come out, and until then, we have no idea what happened.
Both sets of families are going through hell right now, and I for one can only feel for them.

As bad as the case is, they didn't kill anyone, and they were not carrying bombs or guns.

Girl from Dungannon gets caught with a large amount of cocaine, a highly addictive, illegal drug. Man from Dungannon has a list of excuses as long as your arm and tries to compare cocaine to alcohol and tobacco.

I think we are seeing a pattern here.

I'm gonna show you as gently as I can how much you don't know.


Getting through that airport would have been against all odds


The story has its Genesis in London, where they will be going loco.
MWWSI 2017